JAUS Tool Set

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The JAUS Tool Set (JTS) is a software engineering tool for the design of software services used in a distributed computing environment. JTS provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and supporting tools for the rapid design, documentation, and implementation of service interfaces that adhere to the Society of Automotive Engineers' standard AS5684A, the JAUS Service Interface Design Language (JSIDL). [1] JTS is designed to support the modeling, analysis, implementation, and testing of the protocol for an entire distributed system.



The JAUS Tool Set (JTS) is a set of open source software specification and development tools accompanied by an open source software framework to develop Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) designs and compliant interface implementations for simulations and control of robotic components per SAE-AS4 standards. JTS consists of the components:

The JAUS Tool Set can be downloaded from www.jaustoolset.org User documentation and community forum are also available at the site.

Release history

Following a successful Beta test, Version 1.0 of the JAUS Tool Set was released in July 2010. The initial offering focused on core areas of User Interface, HTML document generation, C++ code generation, and the software framework. The Version 1.1 update was released in October 2010. In addition to bug fixes and UI improvements, this version offered several important upgrades including enhancement to the Validator, Wireshark plug-in, and generated code.

The JTS 2.0 release is scheduled for the second quarter of 2011 and further refines the Tool Set functionality:

In addition, the development team has several additional goals that are not-yet-scheduled for a particular release window:

Domains and application

The JAUS Tool Set is based on the JAUS Service Interface Definition Language (JSIDL), which was originally developed for application within the unmanned systems, or robotics, communities. As such, JTS has quickly gained acceptance as a tool for generation of services and interfaces compliant with the SAE AS-4 "JAUS" publications. Although usage statistics are not available, the Tool Set has been downloaded by representatives of US Army, Navy, Marines, and numerous defense contractors. It was also used in a commercial product called the JAUS Expansion Module sold by DeVivo AST, Inc.

Since the JSIDL schema is independent of the data being exchanged, however, the Tool Set can be used for the design and implementation of a Service Oriented Architecture for any distributed systems environment that uses binary encoded message exchange. JSIDL is built on a two-layered architecture that separates the application layer and the transport layer, effectively decoupling the data being exchanges from the details of how that data moves from component to component.


Furthermore, since the schema itself is widely generic, it's possible to define messages for any number of domains including but not limited to industrial control systems, remote monitoring and diagnostics, and web-based applications.


JTS is released under the open source BSD license. The JSIDL Standard is available from the SAE. The Jr Middleware on which the Software Framework (Transport Layer) is based is open source under LGPL. Other packages distributed with JTS may have different licenses.


Development of the JAUS Tool Set was sponsored by several United States Department of Defense organizations:

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  1. SAE AS5684A, “JAUS Service Interface Definition Language”, AS-4C Information Modeling and Definition Committee, July 2010
  2. SAE AS 5669A, “JAUS/SDP Transport Specification”, AS-4B Network Environmental Committee, February 2009
  3. SAE AS5710, “JAUS Core Service Set”, AS-4C Information Modeling and Definition Committee, August 2010