Jacobus Wilhelmus ("J.W.") Sauer (1850 – 24 July 1913), was a prominent liberal politician of the Cape Colony. He served as Minister in multiple Cape governments, and was influential in several unsuccessful attempts to enshrine equal political rights for black South Africans in the constitution of the Union of South Africa. He was also a strong early supporter of women's rights and suffrage.
Little is known about Jacobus Sauer's early life. He was the son of a landdrost in the Orange Free State, and attended South African College School before practicing as an attorney for several years in Cape Town.
He was first elected to the Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope under the Molteno Ministry in 1875 to represent the constituency of Aliwal North, and served continuously until 1904. He was then re-elected to serve from 1908 until his death. In total, he sat in the Cape Parliament for over twenty years. At the beginning of his career, he was greatly influenced by the pragmatic and racially inclusive policies of early Cape parliamentarians such as Saul Solomon, and he adhered to the principles of this "Cape Liberal Tradition" for the remainder of his life.
The Cape Colony had recently acquired a sizable Xhosa population in its expanding frontiers. Initially, due to their inaccessibility in the remote frontier mountains, most rural Xhosa people of the Cape failed to register as voters. In the 1880s, Sauer engaged himself in an intense campaign to mobilise and register the Xhosa voters, who light-heartedly dubbed him with the nickname of "Government Sauer". In 1883, he invited the Xhosa politician and journalist John Tengo Jabavu to stand for Parliament in Cape Town, but Jabavu declined.
Sauer was also a strong supporter of women's suffrage and the local Cape Women's Enfranchisement League. On 4 July 1907, together with fellow MPs Dr Antonie Viljoen and James Molteno, he supported the Cape's first parliamentary attempt to give women of all races the vote. [1] [2]
As a politician he was described as "solid, cautious and well-balanced", and although English was not his mother-tongue, he was described as a strong and forceful orator. His lifelong political alliance with John X. Merriman led to them being dubbed as "political Siamese twins", with Sauer's down-to-earth practicality complementing Merriman's erratic excitability. [3]
Sauer was a minister in the governments of the Prime Ministers Thomas Scanlen (1881–84), Cecil Rhodes (1890–93), W P Schreiner, (1898-1900), J X Merriman (1908-1910), and in the national government after union.
In 1876, early on in his political career, he broke with Prime Minister Gordon Sprigg after taking issue with Sprigg's discriminatory "native policy". However he returned to government in 1881 as "Secretary for Native Affairs" in the cabinet of Prime Minister Thomas Scanlen.
He was invited to form a government after Sprigg's second Ministry collapsed in 1890, but declined.
Sauer was appointed to serve as Colonial Secretary in Cecil Rhodes's Ministry, but after the "Logan Scandal" in 1893 revealed the degree of corruption in Rhodes's business dealings, he left Rhodes's cabinet and, with help from several powerful political allies, brought down Rhodes's government. Though Rhodes succeeded in reforming his government, Sauer consolidated the liberal opposition to Rhodes as the new "South African Party", which among other things stood for free trade, multiracial government, compulsory education and an excise. Sauer was elected as the party's first leader.
He opposed Rhodes for the rest of his career, with the powerful support of John X. Merriman and John Tengo Jabavu, and made no secret of his opposition to the "Imperial interest" in the Cape Colony. Together with Merriman and future parliamentary speaker James Molteno, he even attempted to abolish the rights of Rhodes's Chartered Company. He famously attacked Rhodes in 1894 for Rhodes's statement that the Xhosa were to be treated as "poor children", unfit for franchise. [4] [5]
At the time of the Second Boer War, Sauer was accused of fermenting pro-Boer sentiment among the Cape Dutch, though in fact he repeatedly tried to persuade his constituents to abstain from the ongoing struggle against British rule. His brother however, was convicted of being a rebel for the Boer cause and imprisoned. [6]
In early 1901, Sauer travelled to London with fellow Cape politician John X. Merriman to persuade the British government not to make war on the South African Republic (Transvaal) and Orange Free State. As Afrikaners themselves, they were nevertheless dismissed as being natural supporters of the Boer Republics. The House of Commons refused them a hearing, and the public meetings that they held were disrupted by increasingly large numbers of imperial demonstrators. Their gathering for peace in June 1901 at Queen's Hall was attacked by a particularly violent crowd of protesters, and the campaign was a failure. [7]
Having lost his parliamentary seat in 1904, he regained it when Merriman became Prime Minister of the Cape in 1908, and he was invited to join Merriman's government. [8]
Sauer served as a delegate for the Cape Colony at the National Convention for the proposed Union of South Africa in 1908. Here he joined Merriman, and his old friend the powerful politician and businessman Percy Molteno, in advocating a non-racial franchise in the constitution. The concept was bitterly opposed by the representatives of the other South African colonies and their exclusively white electorate; Sauer later proposed the extension of the qualified Cape franchise to the rest of the Union. When this was also rejected, he successfully fought for the retention of this system in the Cape only. While some of his allies thought this compromise "pathetic", Sauer believed it was the only way to retain a semblance of political voice for nonwhites, without scuppering the entire Union. Sauer was also under the mistaken belief that the existing franchise could later be extended and expanded after union had been secured. He nonetheless viewed the results of the Union Convention as a great disappointment. [9] He later declined the offer of a knighthood for his services to the Cape Colony.
After union he served as Minister of Railways and Harbors in the first South African national government, and as Minister of Justice for the remaining years of his life. He died in 1913, survived by his wife, Mary Sauer (née Cloete), and his three children. [10] His daughter Magdalena Sauer became the first woman qualified to practice as an architect in South Africa; his son Paul Sauer became a politician; the nationalist Sauer Commission was named for him. [11]
Sauer purchased the famous Kanonkop Wine Estate, which he left to his son Paul.
The Second Anglo-Boer War had no sooner commenced with the ultimatum of the Transvaal Republic on 9 October 1899, than Mr Schreiner found himself called upon to deal with the conduct of Cape rebels. The rebels joined the invading forces of President Steyn, whose false assurances Mr Schreiner had offered to an indignant House of Assembly only a few weeks before. The war on the part of the Republics was evidently not to be merely one of self-defence. It was one of aggression and aggrandisement. Mr Schreiner ultimately addressed, as prime minister, a sharp remonstrance to President Steyn for allowing his burghers to invade the colony. He also co-operated with Sir Alfred Milner, and used his influence to restrain the Bond.
The year 1870 in the history of the Cape Colony marks the dawn of a new era in South Africa, and it can be said that the development of modern South Africa began on that date. Despite political complications that arose from time to time, progress in Cape Colony continued at a steady pace until the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer Wars in 1899. The discovery of diamonds in the Orange River in 1867 was immediately followed by similar finds in the Vaal River. This led to the rapid occupation and development of huge tracts of the country, which had hitherto been sparsely inhabited. Dutoitspan and Bultfontein diamond mines were discovered in 1870, and in 1871 the even richer mines of Kimberley and De Beers were discovered. These four great deposits of mineral wealth were incredibly productive, and constituted the greatest industrial asset that the Colony possessed.
Sir Thomas UpingtonKCMG (1844–1898), born in Cork, Ireland, was an administrator and politician of the Cape Colony.
John Xavier Merriman was a South African politician who served as the eleventh Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1908 to 1910. He was the last prime minister of the Cape Colony before the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910.
William Philip Schreiner was a South African barrister and politician who served as the eighth Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1898 to 1900, during the Second Boer War.
Sir John Gordon Sprigg, was an English-born colonial administrator and politician who served as prime minister of the Cape Colony on four occasions.
Sir John Charles Molteno was a politician and businessman who served as the first Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1872 to 1878.
Sir Thomas Charles Scanlen was a politician and administrator of the Cape Colony.
Percy Alport Molteno was an Edinburgh-born South African lawyer, company director, politician and philanthropist who was a British Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) from 1906 to 1918.
Sir James Molteno, was an influential barrister and parliamentarian of South Africa.
The South African Party was a political party in Cape Colony.
John Charles Molteno Jr. M.L.A., was a South African exporter and Member of Parliament.
The Progressive Party of the Cape Colony was a political party in the Cape Parliament that was primarily composed of and supported by white immigrants to the Cape. It supported pro-imperialist policies, and was in power from 1900 until 1908.
The Cape Qualified Franchise was the system of non-racial franchise that was adhered to in the Cape Colony, and in the Cape Province in the early years of the Union of South Africa. Qualifications for the right to vote at parliamentary elections were applied equally to all men, regardless of race.
The Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope functioned as the legislature of the Cape Colony, from its founding in 1853, until the creation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, when it was dissolved and the Parliament of South Africa was established. It consisted of the House of Assembly and the legislative council.
Elections for the House of Assembly were held in Cape Colony in 1904. The election was a victory for the Progressives under Leander Starr Jameson, who had first achieved prominence for his role in the ill-fated Jameson Raid.
Sir James Rose Innes was the Chief Justice of South Africa from 1914 to 1927 and, in the view of many, its greatest ever judge. Before becoming a judge he was a member of the Cape Parliament, the Cape Colony's Attorney-General, and a prominent critic of Cecil John Rhodes. His grandson was Helmuth James Graf von Moltke, a prominent opponent of the Third Reich.
Sir James Sivewright K.C.M.G. was a businessman and politician of the Cape Colony. He was a strong political ally of Cecil Rhodes and, as his cabinet minister, was implicated in the "Logan" corruption scandal that led to the fall of the first Rhodes government.
Charles William Hutton MLC was a Member of the Cape Legislative Council and the country's Treasurer General during the Government of Prime Minister Thomas Scanlen.
The Eastern Province Separatist League was a loose political movement of the 19th century Cape Colony. It fought not for independence, but for a separate colony in the eastern half of the Cape Colony independent from the Cape government, with a more restrictive political system and an expansionist policy eastwards against the remaining independent Xhosa states. It was crushed in the 1870s, and many of its members later moved to the new pro-imperialist, Rhodesian “progressive party”.