Jan te Nijenhuis

Last updated
Jan te Nijenhuis
Education Groningen University, Free University of Amsterdam
Scientific career
Fields Psychology
Institutions University of Amsterdam
Thesis Comparability of test scores for immigrants and majority group members in the Netherlands  (1997)

Jan te Nijenhuis is a Dutch psychologist. He is a lecturer of psychology at the University of Amsterdam, known for his research on human intelligence. [1] [2] He studied at Groningen University and the Free University of Amsterdam.

His publications on the intelligence of immigrants have provoked a lot of criticism in Netherlands. [3]

He has controversially published several papers in the Mankind Quarterly which is widely regarded as a racist pseudoscience journal and has attended the London Conference on Intelligence. [4] [5]

In June 2019, Jan te Nijenhuis spoke at a meeting of the JFVD, the youth association of the far-right FvD party. [6]

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  1. Amsterdam, Universiteit van. "dr. J. (Jan) te Nijenhuis". www.uva.nl. Archived from the original on 2018-03-08. Retrieved 2018-01-14.
  2. "Humans getting dumber over the years?". Digital Journal. 2013-06-18. Retrieved 2018-01-14.
  3. Jeroen Trommelen. Hoogleraar Drenth heeft kritiek op conclusies collega-onderzoeker over intelligentie allochtonen 'Geen enkele test is vrij van culturele invloeden'. De Volkskrant . January 2, 1998.
  4. Psycholoog trekt opnieuw nazi-wetenschap uit de kast. BNNVARA. 03-04-2019.
    In addition to the usual professional publications, the psychologist also publishes in controversial publications such as Mankind Quarterly – described by the American human rights organization Southern Poverty Law Center as 'the racist pseudo-scholarly Mankind Quarterly' – in which a comeback of eugenics is openly advocated. His papers have titles such as: “Why Do Northeast Asians Win So Few Nobel Prizes?”, “Does cultural background influence the intellectual performance of children from immigrant groups?”, “Group differences in mean intelligence for Dutch and third world immigrants”, “Spearman's hypothesis tested on European Jews vs non-Jewish Whites and vs Oriental Jews: Two meta-analyses”, “Solving the puzzle of why Finns have the highest IQ, but one of the lowest number of Nobel prizes in Europe”, “Spearman's hypothesis tested on Black adults: A meta-analysis”, “Spearman's hypothesis not supported? Three meta-analyses of Black and White prisoners, Northeast Asians, and Arabs and Jews”.
  5. Van Der Merwe, Ben. "It might be a pseudo science, but students take the threat of eugenics seriously" . Retrieved 7 December 2018.
  6. https://hardhoofd.com/weerwoord-geobsedeerde-te-nijenhuis-weet-niet-wat-iq-is/