John C. Goodman

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John C. Goodman
John C. Goodman.jpg
Goodman in 2015
Born (1946-05-22) 22 May 1946 (age 77)
Nationality American
Academic career
Institution Goodman Institute
Field Economics
Alma mater University of Texas Columbia University
Influences Milton Friedman, Robert Mundell
AwardsDuncan Black Prize

John C. Goodman (born 22 May 1946) is president and CEO of the Goodman institute for Public Policy Research, a think tank focused on public policy issues. He was the founding chief executive of the National Center for Policy Analysis, which operated from 1982 to 2017. [1] He is a senior fellow at the Independent Institute. [2] The Wall Street Journal and The National Journal have called Goodman the "father of Health Savings Accounts." [3] [4]


Goodman received a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University in 1977 and has taught and done research at Columbia, Stanford, Dartmouth, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Dallas.

In 1983, he founded the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), a think tank that was the source of such policy ideas as Health Savings Accounts, Roth IRAs, automatic employer enrollment in 401(k) plans and allowing seniors to continue working without penalty after they begin receiving Social Security benefits.

In his 2012 book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis, Goodman asserts that empowering both patients and caregivers to control healthcare decisions produces greater patient satisfaction at substantially lower costs. The book emphasizes the importance that patients, payers, and providers each operate according to economic incentives that encourage them consider both the costs and benefits of care, innovate to improve outcomes and lower costs, and provide subsidies that do not arbitrarily benefit one group (like workers at companies that provide insurance) at the expense of other groups (like workers at companies that do not). [5]

He regularly briefs members of Congress on economic policy and testifies before congressional committees.[ citation needed ] He is author and co-author of 15 books and more than 50 published studies on such topics as health policy, tax reform and school choice. He has addressed more than 100 different organizations on public policy issues.

He writes a column for Forbes [6] and an occasional weekend column for Townhall. [7] He has appeared 23 times on C-Span. [8]

Early history

Born on May 22, 1946, Goodman grew up in Waco, Texas. In high school, he won several statewide tournaments. This experience served him later in life when he became a TV debating partner of conservative polemicist William F. Buckley. [9]

He attended college at the University of Texas in Austin, where he became involved in campus politics and was elected vice president of the student body. The following year he lost the race for president to Lloyd Doggett, who later served as a senior Democratic member of the House of Representatives. University of Texas student politics was a training ground for such politicians as Texas governors Allan Shivers and John Connally.

After college, Goodman enrolled in the graduate economics program at Columbia University, where he earned a PhD. He credits his experience with campus politics as vital to shaping his Columbia University dissertation—which used tools of economics to explain political outcomes. Among the faculty who gave him guidance were three Nobel Prize winners – Robert Mundell, Edmund Phelps and William Vickrey.

Goodman's impossibility theorem

Goodman's dissertation was entitled The Market for Coercion: A Neoclassical Theory of the State. [10] It was in the field of public choice, which merges economics and political science. As the term "neoclassical" suggests, the dissertation used marginal analysis—which was a radical departure from the voting models favored by public choice theorists James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock and their followers, on the one hand, and University of Chicago economist George Stigler's "regulatory capture" theory, on the other.

With his colleague Phil Porter, Goodman published three articles extending the theory to the fields of regulation, [11] the production of public goods, [12] and welfare economics. [13] Their article on regulation won the prestigious Duncan Black Prize awarded by the Public Choice Society in 1989.

An important issue in public choice economics is whether a stable equilibrium exists. In traditional voting models it typically does not. [14] Yet Goodman showed that in a neoclassical model the conditions for stable equilibrium are easy to satisfy. [15]

Three other departures from previous thinking were also important.

Groups, not individuals, as the unit of account

Every law and every regulation tends to have winners and losers. Both groups have a self-interest in either supporting or opposing the change. However, the passage of a law is a "public good" for those who support it and a "public bad" for those who oppose it. In either case, individuals benefit from their group's success, whether or not they contribute to the effort.

A well-known proposition in public finance holds that if all behavior is voluntary, public goods will tend to be underproduced. In politics, this means that the effort groups make to secure political goals will always understate the true value they place on achieving those goals. The reason is that each individual has an incentive to be a free rider, contributing little or no effort while hoping that others will contribute a lot.

The groups that are most successful in overcoming the free rider problems and securing more effort from their members are the groups that are the most successful in the political system.

Note: an individual may be member of several different groups, including groups that oppose each other. For example, an auto worker might pay dues to a union that supports higher tariffs on car imports. But as a buyer of cars, he may pay dues to an auto club that opposes them. In his role as a producer he is a member of a pro-tariff group. In his role as a consumer, he is a member of an anti-tariff group. What matters most is the behavior of groups as groups, not the behavior of individual members. [16]

Political equilibrium

Imagine a political system in which the laws change every week. One week we might have a tariff on auto imports; the next week it's gone; the week after that it's back again. That would describe a system with no political equilibrium. By contrast, equilibrium exists if the tariff tends to stay the same from week to week until there is a fundamental change in one of the parameters of the system.

Goodman not only showed that the neoclassical approach realistically models stable political systems, he also identified what an equilibrium must look like. Continuing with the tariff example, the marginal effort the proponents are willing to make to secure a small increase in the tariff must equal the marginal effort the opponents are willing to make to oppose it. These efforts could be in the form of votes, campaign contributions, etc., and the kind of effort that is possible will differ from system to system. Any deviation from this condition means that the decision maker risks being replaced by a rival, who can gain an advantage by supporting the set of equilibrium policies over the deviation. [16]

Political prices

The third innovation was to decompose the equilibrium condition. The marginal effort that producers are willing to make to secure a slightly higher tariff is the marginal economic benefit they expect multiplied times the effort they are willing to make per dollar of benefit. On the other side, the marginal effort consumers are willing to make to oppose the change is the marginal economic cost they expect to avoid multiplied times their effort per dollar of benefit. These effort-benefit ratios are the "political prices" proponents and opponents of the change are willing to "pay."

Social welfare economics teaches that public policies are optimal when marginal social benefit equals marginal social cost. But that can only happen if the political prices are the same on either side of every political issue. Ordinarily we would expect people to spend a dollar to get a dollar. But for reasons given above, people will understate the value they place on policy changes and in the general case they will understate it a lot.

Because of differences in organization costs, information costs, and many other factors, we would never expect the effort-benefit ratios of two opposing groups to be the same. Furthermore, Goodman and Porter discovered that small differences in political prices lead to large welfare losses for society as a whole—much larger, for example, than what we would ordinarily expect to find in the private sector. [11] That leads to:

Goodman's Theorem: Since the conditions for optimality will almost never hold in any political system, optimal government is in principle impossible. [13]

If the political price milk producers are willing to pay is greater than the political price offered by the consumers of milk, we will get milk price supports. If the price sugar growers are willing to pay is higher than the one offered by sugar consumers, we will get sugar quotas. We get bad government, or "government failure," not because of bad leaders. We get bad government because of inequality in the political prices opposing groups are willing to pay to obtain benefits and avoid costs in the political system. [17]

Health economics

Goodman's interest in health economics began with his study of the British National Health Service. [18] It was the first time anyone had used public choice theory to explain all the major features of British medicine. He followed with a study of the 150-year history of the suppression of markets in health care at the urging of the American Medical Association. [19] Regulation of who could practice medicine, regulation of medical schools, regulation of hospitals and regulation of health insurance all followed the AMA agenda, according to the study. In 1992, Goodman wrote Patient Power with Gerald Musgrave. [20] The book shaped right-of-center thinking on health policy—from Newt Gingrich to Paul Ryan—for many years. Its thesis: patients should be empowered in the medical marketplace the way consumers are empowered in other markets. This ran counter to the thinking in virtually all health policy circles, however. The dominant view at the time was adherence to managed care, under which decisions are made by experts, typically following formal practice guidelines.

In Priceless (2013), Goodman's approach to health economics was even more radical. [21] He portrayed the health care system as a complex system that cannot be understood with conventional economic tools such as supply and demand curves. In doing so, he rejected the approach of every major health economics textbook on the market. [22] Even so, the book won praise from people in and out of government and across the political spectrum—including Peter Orszag, who was chief economist for President Barack Obama at the time. [23]

Health Savings Accounts

Goodman's most important policy success has been the adoption of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). [24] They allow people to manage some of their own health care dollars in tax-free accounts. The idea was first introduced to the public policy community in Patient Power, but HSAs were initially opposed by every major health and business lobby. For that reason, they did not become available to most Americans until 12 years later—in 2004. As of 2016, 40 million American families had HSAs. [25] A majority of large employers now offer high-deductible health plans, with savings accounts attached, to their employees and these types of plans are the fastest growing product in the health insurance marketplace. [25]

The RAND Corporation says HSA plans can cut the cost of health insurance by up to 30%, with no adverse health effects—even for the most vulnerable populations. [26] More than half of all private health plans in South Africa are Medical Savings Account plans. [27] Singapore has an extensive system of "medisave" accounts. [28] There are also health savings accounts in China. [29]

Under current tax law, employer deposits to HSAs are treated the same as employer payment of health insurance premiums—they are excluded from the employee's taxable income. However, under Obamacare people receive fixed-sum tax credits to buy their insurance and most Republican Obamacare replacement plans also use tax credits. In an article in Health Affairs, Goodman and Wharton health economist Mark Pauly argued that the right way to subsidize health insurance for everyone is with a tax credit. Further, they showed that a Roth HSA, with after-tax deposits and tax free withdraws, is the right account to combine with the credit. [30]

Today's tax law places rigid restrictions on how HSAs can be used. For example, there must be an across-the-board deductible, covering all medical expenses. However, Goodman now argues that accounts should have no deductibles or copayments. For example, employees could be given an account from which to manage all primary care. Diabetics and patients with other chronic conditions could manage their own budgets along with incentives to manage their own care. [31]

Repealing one law, blocking another

In 1989, a series of NCPA studies of taxes on the elderly led to the repeal of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, an attempt to extend drug coverage to Medicare beneficiaries. This was the first repeal of a major federal welfare program in more than 100 years. Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, the editors of TheWall Street Journal and many others credited Goodman and his coauthors with the change, citing NCPA studies and its communications efforts as the primary reasons for the policy reversal. [32]

In 1994, Hillary Clinton failed in a major effort to reform the health care system. In his book Whitewash:What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, Brent Bozell says that Goodman was one of three people who were most responsible for the defeat of Hillary Care. (The other two were Sen. Phil Gramm and commentator Bill Kristol.)

Reforming the health care system

Health reform has been an enduring interest for Goodman. In Characteristics of an Ideal Health Care System, he identified ten ways in which government policies were creating the very problems many reformers want to solve. In Designing Ideal Health Insurance, he showed how public policies were preventing the insurance market from meeting people's needs. In the Journal of Legal Medicine, he argued for a do-no-harm approach—under which government policies that are causing problems would be repealed and replaced before any other reforms are considered. [33]

One of Goodman's reform ideas is to replace all the ways government currently subsidizes health insurance through tax and spending programs with a universal, refundable tax credit—essentially giving every citizen a fixed number of dollars for health insurance. That idea was elaborated with Mark Pauly in Health Affairs [30] and it became the core health insurance plan endorsed by John McCain in his presidential run against Barack Obama in 2008. [34] The legislative version of the McCain approach was introduced by Tom Coburn and Richard Burr in the Senate and Paul Ryan and Devon Nunes in the House of Representatives.

Reforming Obamacare

In an article at the Health Affairs Blog, Goodman argued that there were six major problems in the Affordable Care Act that will not go away without major reform. [35] For example, the first problem is that people are being required to buy a health plan whose cost is expected to grow at twice the rate of growth of their income. These ideas were expanded into A Better Choice, a monograph published by the Independent Institute. [36]

Beginning in 2015, Goodman helped House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) develop a replacement plan for Obamacare. The plan calls for a universal tax credit for health insurance, personal and portable health insurance for employees and a flexible Roth HSA. In a post at the Health Affairs Blog, Sessions, Cassidy and Goodman argue that their plan is not only better than Obamacare, it would create universal coverage. [37]

Other public policy achievements

With the help of Madsen Pirie and Eamonn Butler at the Adam Smith Institute in London, Goodman introduced Margaret Thatcher's 22 techniques of privatization into the United States, leading to increases in privatization at the state and local level. [9] The effort was helped by the publication of two NCPA books: Madsen Pirie's Dismantling the State: The Theory And Practice of Privatization and John Goodman's Privatization.

He organized the first report card on public schools in the United States—ranking them based on the performance of students on standardized tests. In response, NCPA board member Pat Rooney started the first private voucher program, leading to many similar efforts across the country. [9]

With Richard Rahn, chief economist for the US Chamber of Commerce, Goodman produced five pro-growth tax ideas that became the tax policy core of the 1994 Contract with America. These ideas included the Roth IRA and allowing seniors to keep working beyond the retirement age without losing their Social Security benefits—ideas that later became law. [9]

With Peter Orszag (then at the Brookings Institution), Goodman helped reform the 401(k) law so that employers can now automatically enroll their employees in plans with diversified portfolios. [38]

Other public policy ideas

Goodman's other contributions to public policy include:

Television debates

Goodman appeared about two dozen times as a guest on William F. Buckley's PBS Firing Line program in the 1990s. About a half dozen of these were two-hour debates that pitted Goodman, Buckley and two colleagues against four opponents. They covered such topics as the flat tax, school vouchers, Social Security privatization, Health Savings Accounts and privatizing the welfare state. This was the first time these ideas had ever been aired on national television. [42]

Buckley and Goodman were joined by such debating partners as former Delaware Governor Pete du Pont, former Treasury Secretary Pete Peterson, Senator Phil Gramm, economist Thomas Sowell and California Governor Jerry Brown (arguing for the flat tax). The opposing sides included former presidential candidate George McGovern, Senator Jay Rockefeller, MIT economist Lester Thurow, Nobel Laurate Kenneth Arrow and TV commentator Susan Estrich.[ citation needed ]

Firing Line's producer, Warren Steibel, later produced another TV program called Debates/Debates. Goodman served as team captain on many of those programs. [9]


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A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). The funds contributed to an account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. Unlike a flexible spending account (FSA), HSA funds roll over and accumulate year to year if they are not spent. HSAs are owned by the individual, which differentiates them from company-owned Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) that are an alternate tax-deductible source of funds paired with either high-deductible health plans or standard health plans.

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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to finance:

Consumer-driven healthcare (CDHC), or consumer-driven health plans (CDHP) refers to a type of health insurance plan that allows employers and/or employees to utilize pretax money to help pay for medical expenses not covered by their health plan. These plans are linked to health savings accounts (HSAs), health reimbursement accounts (HRAs), or similar medical payment accounts. Users keep any unused balance or "rollover" at the end of the year to increase future balances or to invest for future expenses. They are a high-deductible health plan which has cheaper premiums but higher out of pocket expenses, and as such are seen as a cost effective means for companies to provide health care for their employees.

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In the United States, a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) is a health insurance plan with lower premiums and higher deductibles than a traditional health plan. It is intended to incentivize consumer-driven healthcare. Being covered by an HDHP is also a requirement for having a health savings account. Some HDHP plans also offer additional "wellness" benefits, provided before a deductible is paid. High-deductible health plans are a form of catastrophic coverage, intended to cover for catastrophic illnesses. Adoption rates of HDHPs have been growing since their inception in 2004, not only with increasing employer options, but also increasing government options. As of 2016, HDHPs represented 29% of the total covered workers in the United States; however, the impact of such benefit design is not widely understood.

The Healthy Americans Act(HAA), also known as the Wyden-Bennett Act, is a Senate bill that had proposed to improve health care in the United States, with changes that included the establishment of universal health care. It would transition away from employer-provided health insurance, to employer-subsidized insurance, having instead individuals choose their health care plan from state-approved private insurers. It sought to make the cost of health insurance more transparent to consumers, with the expectation being that this would increase market pressures to drive health insurance costs down. The proposal created a system that would be paid for by both public and private contributions. It would establish Healthy Americans Private Insurance Plans (HAPIs) and require those who do not already have health insurance coverage, and who do not oppose health insurance on religious grounds, to enroll themselves and their children in a HAPI. According to its sponsors, it would guarantee universal, affordable, comprehensive, portable, high-quality, private health coverage that is as good or better than Members of Congress have today; A 2008 preliminary analysis by the Congressional Budget Office concluded it would be "essentially" self-financing in the first year that it was fully implemented.

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In the United States, health insurance helps pay for medical expenses through privately purchased insurance, social insurance, or a social welfare program funded by the government. Synonyms for this usage include "health coverage", "health care coverage", and "health benefits". In a more technical sense, the term "health insurance" is used to describe any form of insurance providing protection against the costs of medical services. This usage includes both private insurance programs and social insurance programs such as Medicare, which pools resources and spreads the financial risk associated with major medical expenses across the entire population to protect everyone, as well as social welfare programs like Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, which both provide assistance to people who cannot afford health coverage.

Public economics(or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. Public economics builds on the theory of welfare economics and is ultimately used as a tool to improve social welfare. Welfare can be defined in terms of well-being, prosperity, and overall state of being.

In the United States, a medical savings account (MSA) refers to a medical savings account program, generally associated with self-employed individuals, in which tax-deferred deposits can be made for medical expenses. Withdrawals from the MSA are tax-free if used to pay for qualified medical expenses. The MSA must be coupled with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). Withdrawals from MSA go toward paying the deductible expenses in a given year. MSA account funds can cover expenses related to most forms of health care, disability, dental care, vision care, and long-term care, whether the expenses were billed through the qualifying insurance or otherwise.

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The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, includes a package of tax extenders, provisions affecting health savings accounts and other provisions in the United States.

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The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013 is a bill introduced to the 113th United States Congress.

This glossary of economics is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in economics, its sub-disciplines, and related fields.


  1. Landers, Jim (2014-06-12). "John Goodman ousted as head of National Center for Policy Analysis". Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on 17 August 2014. Retrieved 3 September 2014.
  2. Young, Michael E. (April 11, 2004). "No easy label; Dr. John Goodman flinches at being called 'conservative' while his think tank pumps out plenty of info for Washington to chew on". The Dallas Morning News . p. 2E.
  3. "John C. Goodman, PhD". NCPA. Retrieved 2012-02-01.
  4. Serafin, Marilyn Werber (7 February 2004). "Health Care – Father of HSAs". National Journal.
  5. Goodman 2012.
  6. Goodman, John C. (October 12, 2021). "Why Americans Are Not Anxious to Get Back to Work". Forbes.
  7. "John C. Goodman Articles – Political Columnist & Commentator". Townhall. Retrieved 2018-01-04.
  8. "John C. Goodman". Retrieved 2018-01-04.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 "Our History | Goodman Institute for Public Policy Research". Retrieved 2018-01-04.
  10. John C. Goodman, The Market for Coercion: A Neoclassical Theory of the State. Columbia University Dissertation, New York. (1976).
  11. 1 2 John C. Goodman and Philip K. Porter, “A Theory of Competitive Regulatory Equilibrium,” Public Choice, Vol. 59, No. 1, October, 1988.
  12. John C. Goodman and Philip K. Porter, “Political Equilibrium and the Production of Public Goods,” Public Choice 120, 2004.
  13. 1 2 John C. Goodman and Philip K. Porter, “Majority Voting and Pareto Optimality,” Public Choice, Volume 26, Issue 2, January, 1985.
  14. See John C. Goodman, (book review) P.C. Ordershook and K.A. Shepsle (Eds.), Political Equilibrium. Public Choice 42, 1984.
  15. John C. Goodman, A Note on Equilibrium Points of N-Person Concave Games. Econometrica, Vol 48, No. 251, 1980.
  16. 1 2 hn C. Goodman, Public Choice , Goodman Institute web site.
  17. John C. Goodman, “Market Failure vs. Government Failure,” Goodman Institute Website.
  18. John C Goodman, National Health Care in Great Britain: Lessons for the USA, (Dallas: Fisher Institute, 1980).
  19. John C. Goodman, Regulation of Medical Care: Is the Price Too High? (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1980)
  20. John C. Goodman and Gerald L Musgrave, Patient Power: Solving America’s Health Care Crisis, (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1992).
  21. John C Goodman, Priceless: Curing America’s Healthcare Crisis (Oakland, Ca: Independent Institute, 2012).
  22. John C. Goodman, The Sorry State of Health Economics, March 12, 2014.
  23. .
  24. Devon Herrick, A Brief History of Health Savings Accounts, National Center for Policy Analysis, Brief Analysis 791, December 9, 2013
  25. 1 2 20 million have an HSA account. See 2016 Survey of Health Savings Account-High Deductible Health Plans. An equal number are estimated to have a similar account, called Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs).
  26. How Do Consumer-Directed Health Plans Affect Vulnerable Populations?” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January, 2011.
  27. Shaun Matisonn, Medical Savings Accounts in South Africa, National Center for Policy Analysis, Policy Report 234, June 1, 2000.
  28. John C. Goodman, Medisave Accounts in Singapore, September 5, 2013
  29. Winnie C. Yip and William C. Hsiao, Medical Savings Accounts: Lessons from China, Health Affairs, November/December, 1997.
  30. 1 2 Mark V. Pauly and John C. Goodman, Tax Credits for Health Insurance and Medical Savings Accounts, Health Affairs, Spring, 1995.
  31. Roth Health Savings Accounts, Goodman Institute, May 6, 2016.
  32. "History of the National Center for Policy Analysis".
  33. John C. Goodman, “Applying the ‘Do No Harm’ Principle to Health Policy,” Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol 28, No 1, Jan–Mar, 2007
  34. John C. Goodman, “McCain is the Real Radical on Health Reform,” Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2008.
  35. John C. Goodman, Six Problems with the ACA That Aren’t Going Away, Health Affairs Blog, June 25, 2015.
  36. John C. Goodman, A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America (Oakland, Ca: Independent Institute, 2015)
  37. Pete Session, Bill Cassidy and John Goodman, How We Can Repeal the ACA and Still Insure the Uninsured, Health Affairs Blog,  January 18, 2017.
  38. John C. Goodman and Peter R, Orszag, Retirement Savings Plans on Which the Left and the Right Can Agree, National Center for Policy Analysis Brief Analysis 495, December 1, 2004.
  39. National Conference of State Legislatures, Scholarship Tax Credits.
  40. Ilya Shapiro and David McDonald, In support of Occupational Licensing Reform and SB-247, Cato Institute, April 14, 2017.
  41. Morris Kleiner, Reforming Occupational Licensing Policies, Brookings Institution, March, 2015.
  42. Firing Line (TV series)
  43. "john c. goodman: Books". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-10-07.