John P. Barton

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John Penrose Barton (born 1934) is a British and American applied nuclear scientist who helped pioneer Neutron Radiography. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Neutron Radiography (aka Neutron Imaging) is a new way of seeing (imaging) things complementary to Radiography with X-Rays. Particularly notable applications are to Aviation safety such as inspection of jet engine turbine blades. [6] [7]


Barton chaired or co-chaired the first four World Conferences on Neutron Radiography held in San Diego, 1981; Paris, 1986; Osaka, 1989 and San Francisco, 1992. [8] [9] [10] [11]

Early years

Barton was born in London in 1934. He studied Applied Nuclear Physics under Philip Burton Moon and Rudolf Peierls at the University of Birmingham.

From 1957 he worked on the neutron physics of power reactor design at AERE Harwell, where John Cockcroft was head of laboratory. Barton worked at AEE Winfrith from 1959 to 1960. [12] [13]

Pioneering Neutron Radiography Internationally

From 1961 to 1965, while affiliated with the University of Birmingham, Barton's publications included a demonstration of Cold Neutron Radiography using a 5MW reactor at AWE Aldermaston. [5] From 1965, while affiliated with the CEA in Grenoble, Barton's publications included potentials of small source systems and a demonstration of Underwater NR using a Conical Collimator. [5] [14] [15]

From 1967, while affiliated with the Argonne National Laboratory, Barton's publications included demonstrations of isotopic source NR capabilities. [5]

From 1971 to 1978, while affiliated with the Oregon State University Radiation Center, publications included High Speed Motion Neutron Radiography [16] and Neutron Computed Tomography using the TREAT Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory. [17]

From 1979, based in San Diego, Barton's publications included in-house NR system designs and applications to aircraft safety, a precursor of the McClellan Radiation Center, Sacramento. [18] [19]

In 1989, Barton reported on the feasibility of Maneuverable Neutron Radiography System for inspection of intact aircraft at the Sacramento Air Logistics Center. [20] In 1996 at the Fifth World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Barton presented a review with references to over 50 of his publications, and a report on the Foundation of The International Society for Neutron Radiology. [21]

In 2010 Barton was appointed an honorary member of the International Society for Neutron Radiology. [12] [22]


  1. Berger H. ed. Neutron Radiography and Gaging. American Society for Testing and Materials STP (1976, pages 5-19) LCCN   75--13061
  2. Von Der Hardt, 1P; Rottger, H (1981). Neutron Radiography Handbook. D. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 1–2, 70–71. Refs 5, 13, 31, 47. ISBN   90-277-1378-2.
  3. Markgraf, J.F.W. (1987). Collimators for Thermal Neutron Radiography. Springer Media. pp. 6–7 and pp 94–98 Refs. 1, 7, 16, 44, 46, 75. ISBN   90-277-2568-3.
  4. Domanus, JC. Practical Neutron Radiography, (1992), pp 6-8 and pp 252-259 Refs. 2, 3, 19, 38, 51, 56, 133, 136. ISBN   0-7923-1860-9.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Brenizer, JS (2013). "A review of significant advances in neutron imaging from conception to the present". Physics Procedia. 43 (43): 10–20, Refs 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 27, 30, 31. Bibcode:2013PhPro..43...10B. doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2013.03.002 .
  6. Newacheck, RL. "Applications and Trends of Industrial Neutron Radiography", pages 77-84. First World Conference on Neutron Radiography, (1981), ISBN   90-277-1528-9.
  7. Tsukimura, RR. Et al. "Sensitivity of Core Detection in Turbine Blades", pages 329-338. Second World Conference on Neutron Radiography, (1986) ISBN   90-277-2495-4.
  8. Barton, JP. et al. eds. "First World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1981) ISBN   90-277-1528-9.
  9. Barton, JP. et al. eds. "Second World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1986) ISBN   90-277-2495-4.
  10. Fujine, S. et al. eds. "Third World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1989) ISBN   0-7923-0832-8.
  11. Barton, JP. ed. "Fourth World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1992) ISBN   2-88124-624-9.
  12. 1 2 De Beer, FC; Franklyn, CB (October 3–8, 2010). "Proceedings of the 9th World Conference". 651 (1).{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  13. Fischer, CO. et al. eds. "Fifth World Conference on Neutron Radiography". (1996) ISBN   3-931381-08-0 pages 17-24. Barton JP. International Neutron Radiography-Past and Future, pp 765-769 ISNR Foundation.
  14. Barton, JP. and Boutaine, JL. Initial development of Neutron Radiography in France. Isotopes and Radiation Tech. 5 (3): 214-219, 1967
  15. Barton JP, Perves JP (1966). "Underwater Neutron Radiography with Conical Collimator". British Journal of Non-destructive Testing. 8: 79–83.
  16. Bossi RH et al. High Frame-rate Neutron Radiography of Dynamic Events. pp 643-651. "First World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1981) ISBN   90-277-1528-9
  17. Rhodes EA et al Ex-Core Neutron Radiography of Large Fuel Bundles. pp 411- 418. "First World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1981) ISBN   90-277-1528-9
  18. Barton, JP. et al. eds. "First World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (1981) ISBN   90-277-1528-9.
  19. Schofield, P ed. The Neutron and its Applications, 50th Anniversary of Discovery the Neutron. Cambridge UK. 1982 ISBN   0-85498-155-1-1 pp 447-450
  20. Froom, DA., Barton, JP. Maneuverable N-Ray System Acceptance Tests. Proceedings Third World Conference on Neutron Radiography. Fujine S et al., Pages 741-748. (1989) ISBN   0-7923-0832-8.
  21. Barton JP, International Neutron Radiology. pp 17-24 refs 5-55. Fischer CO et al eds. Fifth World Conference on Neutron Radiography June 1996, Berlin, Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Zerstorungsfreie Profung Pub; 1997.
  22. "John Barton".

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