The Oregon State University Radiation Center (OSURC) is a research facility that houses a nuclear reactor, Gammacell 200 irradiator, several radiation laboratories, and multiple high-bay thermal hydraulics laboratories at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis, Oregon, United States.
The Oregon State TRIGA Reactor (OSTR), the Advanced Thermal Hydraulics Research Laboratory (ATHRL), and the Advanced Nuclear Systems Engineering Laboratory (ANSEL) serve the research needs of the OSU nuclear engineering, health physics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, materials science, chemistry, and physics departments along with intermittent work with other departments across the university and third parties from across the world.
The OSURC is located on the west side of the OSU campus, across the street from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices and about half a mile from Reser Stadium. [1]
About 70% of the research projects at the OSU Radiation Center use the reactor.
The Oregon State TRIGA Reactor (OSTR) is a TRIGA Mk. II research reactor, developed by General Atomics, with a maximum licensed thermal output of 1.1 MW, and it can be pulsed up to a power of 3000 MW for a very short time. [2]
The fuel is high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) in the form of uranium zirconium hydride (UZrH) with an erbium burnable poison. [3] Operation began in 1967. [1] [2]
The reactor supported 96 academic courses in 1999. These courses were in chemistry, civil engineering, chemical engineering, geosciences, oceanography and atmospheric sciences, bioresource engineering, honors college and naval engineering disciplines. [2]
The OSU Radiation center supported 126 projects in 2000 with 69% directly involving use of the OSTR. [2] Contracts supporting these projects in 2000 totaled $3 million. [2]
The mission statement of the center is
To serve as the campus wide teaching, research, and service facility for programs involving the use of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials. [4]
The OSTR has six in-core irradiation facilities.
The Central Thimble is a water-filled tube extending down into the central position of the core. Its purpose is to provide the highest flux possible; however, it is currently not in use at OSTR due to numerous practical and experimental constraints.
The Cadmium-Lined In-Core Irradiation Tube (or CLICIT) is an air-filled aluminum tube occupying a fuel slot in the central area of the core. Cadmium is a thermal neutron absorber, allowing only epithermal neutrons and fast neutrons to enter. The primary purpose of this facility is Ar-Ar dating, K-Ar dating, and neutron activation analysis via neutron bombardment.
The In-Core Irradiation Tube (or ICIT) is located in occupying a fuel slot in one of the outer rings of the core, and is the highest neutron flux facility currently in use at OSTR. It is identical to the CLICIT but lacks cadmium lining, resulting in unfiltered neutron irradiation.
The Cadmium-Lined Outer-Core Irradiation Tube (or CLOCIT) is a air-filled aluminum tube in the same ring as the ICIT. Its purpose is similar to the CLICIT, however due to its location and the neutron flux profile in the core, equivalent irradiations take 1.8 times longer.
The Pneumatic Transfer System, colloquially known as the Rabbit, is an irradiation facility that is pneumatically operated to rapidly insert and remove samples from the outermost ring of the core during operation. The primary purpose of this facility is to perform neutron activation analysis on isotopes with short half-lives.
The Rotating Rack, colloquially known as the Lazy Susan, is a ring surrounding the core between the core and the graphite neutron reflector. It rotates around the core about once a minute, providing an even flux to the samples inside. This facility has 40 nitrogen-filled slots for samples to be irradiated in.
The thermal column is a large graphite slab that pierces the concrete bioshield of the reactor and makes contact with the graphite neutron reflector surrounding the core. The purpose of the thermal column is to create an irradiation facility that filters out high energy neutrons to create a high thermal neutron flux. The thermal column is primarily used for fission tracking of certain minerals that contain fissile material.
The OSTR has four neutron beam ports that penetrate the reactor tank and allow intense neutron and gamma radiation to exit the concrete bioshield for various research and commercial purposes.
Of the four beam ports at OSTR, there are two radial beam ports, one tangential beam port, and one radial piercing beam port. All three radial beam ports are aligned with the axial midplane of the reactor core, and point directly at the center of the core.
The two, standard radial beam ports (beam ports #1 and #2) terminate at the outer radius of the graphite neutron reflector, but are aligned with air-filled cans within the reflector to limit neutron scattering and absorption in the beam lines.
The radial piercing beam port (beam port #4) terminates at the inner radius of the graphite neutron reflector annulus, and is connected to the reflector via a bellows to accommodate thermal expansion differences between the reactor tank and reactor core assembly.
The tangential beam port (beam port #3) runs tangent to the reactor core and terminates at the outer radius of the graphite neutron reflector. Like the standard radial ports, an air-filled can is within the reflector and aligned with the beam port, adjacent to beam port #4, the piercing beam port. As of now, there are only two beam ports in use at OSTR: beam port #1 and beam port #3.
Beam port #3, the tangential beam port, is the most used beam port at the OSTR. The facility attached is used for neutron radiography and, as such, is called the Neutron Radiography Facility or NRF. The NRF houses an pneumatically-controlled, counter-balanced beam shutter made of boral (a boron-aluminum composite material) and lead, that allows the operator to control the facility from outside the facility. The facility features numerous safety mechanisms to ensure the access doors and shutter are never open in conjunction, including an automatic reactor scram system if the shutter and doors are open together.
Beam port #1, one of the standard, radial ports, is used for many research purposes. The facility attached currently is called the Beam Port #1 Facility (BP1F), and is a repurposed version of the Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) facility that was once installed on Beam Port #4, before it was decommissioned due to a small reactor tank leak. The BP1F can perform prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, as well as low-magnitude neutron flux irradiations.
Oregon Department of Energy has coordinated the HAZMAT Radiological Training Courses at the center for HAZMAT response teams throughout the state of Oregon for the last 15 years. [2] Additionally, federal guidelines require a rapid, armed response to incidents that may occur at the Radiation Center, which is provided by the on-campus Public Safety force since 2021. Prior to this, OSU contracted with Oregon State Police since 1989 for this role. [5]
The reactor has also used Neutron activation analysis to help with the forensic analysis in a high-profile serial killer case (the I-5 Bandit) and several other cases. [6]
The following are some ongoing projects in conjunction with the reactor:
Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a nuclear process used for determining the concentrations of elements in many materials. NAA allows discrete sampling of elements as it disregards the chemical form of a sample, and focuses solely on atomic nuclei. The method is based on neutron activation and thus requires a neutron source. The sample is bombarded with neutrons, causing its constituent elements to form radioactive isotopes. The radioactive emissions and radioactive decay paths for each element have long been studied and determined. Using this information, it is possible to study spectra of the emissions of the radioactive sample, and determine the concentrations of the various elements within it. A particular advantage of this technique is that it does not destroy the sample, and thus has been used for the analysis of works of art and historical artifacts. NAA can also be used to determine the activity of a radioactive sample.
A neutron reflector is any material that reflects neutrons. This refers to elastic scattering rather than to a specular reflection. The material may be graphite, beryllium, steel, tungsten carbide, gold, or other materials. A neutron reflector can make an otherwise subcritical mass of fissile material critical, or increase the amount of nuclear fission that a critical or supercritical mass will undergo. Such an effect was exhibited twice in accidents involving the Demon Core, a subcritical plutonium pit that went critical in two separate fatal incidents when the pit's surface was momentarily surrounded by too much neutron reflective material.
PLUTO was a materials testing nuclear reactor housed at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, a former Royal Air Force airfield at Harwell, Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom.
The Open-pool Australian lightwater reactor (OPAL) is a 20 megawatt (MW) swimming pool nuclear research reactor. Officially opened in April 2007, it replaced the High Flux Australian Reactor as Australia's only nuclear reactor, and is located at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Research Establishment in Lucas Heights, New South Wales, a suburb of Sydney. Both OPAL and its predecessor have been known simply as the Lucas Heights reactor.
A swimming pool reactor, also called an open pool reactor, is a type of nuclear reactor that has a core immersed in an open pool usually of water.
The Reed Research Reactor (RRR) is a research nuclear reactor located on-campus at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. It is a pool-type TRIGA Mark I reactor, built by General Atomics in 1968 and operated since then under licence from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The maximum thermal output is 250 kW. The reactor has over 1,000 visitors each year and serves the Reed College departments of Physics and Chemistry, as well as other departments.
The High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) is a nuclear research reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States. Operating at 85 MW, HFIR is one of the highest flux reactor-based sources of neutrons for condensed matter physics research in the United States, and it has one of the highest steady-state neutron fluxes of any research reactor in the world. The thermal and cold neutrons produced by HFIR are used to study physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, and biology. The intense neutron flux, constant power density, and constant-length fuel cycles are used by more than 500 researchers each year for neutron scattering research into the fundamental properties of condensed matter. HFIR has about 600 users each year for both scattering and in-core research.
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC) houses the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor (BNR). This reactor is the oldest operating in the nation and has undergone numerous power upgrades, renovations, and other changes. The reactor serves the research purposes of the Penn State Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering as well as researchers from industry and other universities. Its total licensed thermal output is 1.1 MW, however the reactor is procedurally limited to 1.0 MW (for 100% operation).
The University of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR), commissioned in 1959, is a 100 kW modified Argonaut-type reactor at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. It is a light water and graphite moderated, graphite reflected, light water cooled reactor designed and used primarily for training and nuclear research related activities. The reactor is licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is the only research reactor in Florida.
The Radiation Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Lowell serves the Department of Applied Physics among others. The laboratory contains the University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR), a 1 MW pool-type research reactor that has been operating since 1974, along with a 300 kCi Co-60 gamma ray source and a 5.5 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator.
The Ford Nuclear Reactor was a facility at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor dedicated to investigating the peaceful uses of nuclear power. It was part of the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, a functional memorial created to honor the 585 lives lost from the university during the war. The reactor operated from September 1957 until July 3, 2003. During its operation, the FNR was used to study medicine, cellular biology, chemistry, physics, mineralogy, archeology, anthropology, and nuclear science.
The MIT Nuclear Research Reactor (MITR) serves the research purposes of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a tank-type 6 megawatt reactor that is moderated and cooled by light water and uses heavy water as a reflector. It is the second largest university-based research reactor in the U.S. and has been in operation since 1958. It is the fourth-oldest operating reactor in the country.
Universities Research Reactor, also known as Universities' Research Reactor or University Research Reactor, was a small Argonaut class nuclear research reactor in Risley, Warrington, England that went critical on 7 July 1964. It was jointly owned and operated by Manchester and Liverpool universities and used for performing neutron activation work and training reactor operators.
The Missouri University of Science and Technology Nuclear Reactor is a swimming pool type nuclear reactor operated by the Missouri University of Science and Technology. It first achieved criticality in 1961, making it the first operational nuclear reactor in the state of Missouri. Missouri S&T operates this reactor for training, education, and research purposes.
The Washington State University Reactor (WSUR) is housed in the Dodgen Research Facility, and was completed in 1961. The (then) Washington State College Reactor was the brainchild of Harold W. Dodgen, a former researcher on the Manhattan Project where he earned his PhD from 1943 to 1946. He secured funding for the ambitious 'Reactor Project' from the National Science Foundation, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the College administration totaling $479,000. Dodgen's basis for constructing a reactor was that the College was primely located as a training facility for the Hanford site, as well as Idaho National Laboratory because there was no other research reactor in the West at that time. After completing the extensive application and design process with the help of contractors from General Electric they broke ground in August 1957 and the first criticality was achieved on March 7, 1961 at a power level of 1W. They gradually increased power over the next year to achieve their maximum licensed operating power of 100 kW.
The Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) was an early nuclear reactor specifically designed to facilitate the conception and the design of future reactors. It produced much of the foundational irradiation data that underlies the nuclear power industry. It operated in Idaho at the National Reactor Testing Station from 1952 to 1970 and was fully decommissioned in 2011.
ETRR-2 or ET-RR-2, or is the second nuclear reactor in Egypt supplied by the Argentine company Investigacion Aplicada (INVAP) in 1992. The reactor is owned and operated by Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA) at the Nuclear Research Center in Inshas, 60 kilometres (37 mi) northeast of Cairo.
FiR 1 was Finland's first nuclear reactor. It was a research reactor that was located in the Otaniemi campus area in the city of Espoo. The TRIGA Mark II reactor had a thermal power of 250 kilowatts. It started operation in 1962, and it was permanently shut down in 2015. At first, the reactor was operated by Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), and since 1971 by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
The High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR) was a research reactor located at Brookhaven National Laboratory, a United States Department of Energy national laboratory located in Upton, New York, on Long Island, approximately 60 miles east of New York City. A successor to the Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor, the HFBR operated from 1965 until 1996 and has been partially decommissioned.
Medical Research Reactor (MRR) was a research reactor which was located at Brookhaven National Laboratory, a United States Department of Energy national laboratory located in Upton, New York, on Long Island, approximately 60 miles east of New York City. The second of three reactors constructed at BNL, the MRR operated from 1959 until 2000 and has been partially decommissioned.