K-groups of a field

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In mathematics, especially in algebraic K-theory, the algebraic K-group of a field is important to compute. For a finite field, the complete calculation was given by Daniel Quillen.


Low degrees

The map sending a finite-dimensional F-vector space to its dimension induces an isomorphism

for any field F. Next,

the multiplicative group of F. [1] The second K-group of a field is described in terms of generators and relations by Matsumoto's theorem.

Finite fields

The K-groups of finite fields are one of the few cases where the K-theory is known completely: [2] for ,

For n=2, this can be seen from Matsumoto's theorem, in higher degrees it was computed by Quillen in conjunction with his work on the Adams conjecture. A different proof was given by Jardine (1993).

Local and global fields

Weibel (2005) surveys the computations of K-theory of global fields (such as number fields and function fields), as well as local fields (such as p-adic numbers).

Algebraically closed fields

Suslin (1983) showed that the torsion in K-theory is insensitive to extensions of algebraically closed fields. This statement is known as Suslin rigidity.

See also

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In mathematics, K-theory is, roughly speaking, the study of a ring generated by vector bundles over a topological space or scheme. In algebraic topology, it is a cohomology theory known as topological K-theory. In algebra and algebraic geometry, it is referred to as algebraic K-theory. It is also a fundamental tool in the field of operator algebras. It can be seen as the study of certain kinds of invariants of large matrices.

In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the class of projective modules enlarges the class of free modules over a ring, by keeping some of the main properties of free modules. Various equivalent characterizations of these modules appear below.

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Algebraic K-theory is a subject area in mathematics with connections to geometry, topology, ring theory, and number theory. Geometric, algebraic, and arithmetic objects are assigned objects called K-groups. These are groups in the sense of abstract algebra. They contain detailed information about the original object but are notoriously difficult to compute; for example, an important outstanding problem is to compute the K-groups of the integers.

Motivic cohomology is an invariant of algebraic varieties and of more general schemes. It is a type of cohomology related to motives and includes the Chow ring of algebraic cycles as a special case. Some of the deepest problems in algebraic geometry and number theory are attempts to understand motivic cohomology.

In mathematics, the Tor functors are the derived functors of the tensor product of modules over a ring. Along with the Ext functor, Tor is one of the central concepts of homological algebra, in which ideas from algebraic topology are used to construct invariants of algebraic structures. The homology of groups, Lie algebras, and associative algebras can all be defined in terms of Tor. The name comes from a relation between the first Tor group Tor1 and the torsion subgroup of an abelian group.

In noncommutative geometry and related branches of mathematics, cyclic homology and cyclic cohomology are certain (co)homology theories for associative algebras which generalize the de Rham (co)homology of manifolds. These notions were independently introduced by Boris Tsygan (homology) and Alain Connes (cohomology) in the 1980s. These invariants have many interesting relationships with several older branches of mathematics, including de Rham theory, Hochschild (co)homology, group cohomology, and the K-theory. Contributors to the development of the theory include Max Karoubi, Yuri L. Daletskii, Boris Feigin, Jean-Luc Brylinski, Mariusz Wodzicki, Jean-Louis Loday, Victor Nistor, Daniel Quillen, Joachim Cuntz, Ryszard Nest, Ralf Meyer, and Michael Puschnigg.

In mathematics, topological K-theory is a branch of algebraic topology. It was founded to study vector bundles on topological spaces, by means of ideas now recognised as (general) K-theory that were introduced by Alexander Grothendieck. The early work on topological K-theory is due to Michael Atiyah and Friedrich Hirzebruch.

In mathematics, the Milnor conjecture was a proposal by John Milnor (1970) of a description of the Milnor K-theory (mod 2) of a general field F with characteristic different from 2, by means of the Galois cohomology of F with coefficients in Z/2Z. It was proved by Vladimir Voevodsky.

In mathematics, Milnor K-theory is an algebraic invariant defined by John Milnor (1970) as an attempt to study higher algebraic K-theory in the special case of fields. It was hoped this would help illuminate the structure for algebraic K-theory and give some insight about its relationships with other parts of mathematics, such as Galois cohomology and the Grothendieck–Witt ring of quadratic forms. Before Milnor K-theory was defined, there existed ad-hoc definitions for and . Fortunately, it can be shown Milnor K-theory is a part of algebraic K-theory, which in general is the easiest part to compute.

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In mathematics and specifically in topology, rational homotopy theory is a simplified version of homotopy theory for topological spaces, in which all torsion in the homotopy groups is ignored. It was founded by Dennis Sullivan (1977) and Daniel Quillen (1969). This simplification of homotopy theory makes certain calculations much easier.

In mathematics, the equivariant algebraic K-theory is an algebraic K-theory associated to the category of equivariant coherent sheaves on an algebraic scheme X with action of a linear algebraic group G, via Quillen's Q-construction; thus, by definition,

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In mathematics, the Quillen–Lichtenbaum conjecture is a conjecture relating étale cohomology to algebraic K-theory introduced by Quillen, who was inspired by earlier conjectures of Lichtenbaum (1973). Kahn (1997) and Rognes & Weibel (2000) proved the Quillen–Lichtenbaum conjecture at the prime 2 for some number fields. Voevodsky, using some important results of Markus Rost, has proved the Bloch–Kato conjecture, which implies the Quillen–Lichtenbaum conjecture for all primes.

In mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, the Bass conjecture says that certain algebraic K-groups are supposed to be finitely generated. The conjecture was proposed by Hyman Bass.

In geometric topology, a field within mathematics, the obstruction to a finitely dominated space X being homotopy-equivalent to a finite CW-complex is its Wall finiteness obstructionw(X) which is an element in the reduced zeroth algebraic K-theory of the integral group ring . It is named after the mathematician C. T. C. Wall.

In mathematics, the Bass–Quillen conjecture relates vector bundles over a regular Noetherian ring A and over the polynomial ring . The conjecture is named for Hyman Bass and Daniel Quillen, who formulated the conjecture.

In mathematics, rigidity of K-theory encompasses results relating algebraic K-theory of different rings.


  1. Weibel 2013 , Ch. III, Example 1.1.2.
  2. Weibel 2013 , Ch. IV, Corollary 1.13.