Kalles Fraktaler

Last updated
Kalles Fraktaler
Original author(s) Karl Runmo
Stable release
Size 1.03 MiB
Available inEnglish
Type Fractal-generating software
Website www.chillheimer.de/kallesfraktaler/
Image generated using Kalles Fraktaler 2+ Kalles Fraktaler adventurous-forest 00024 1.17e222.jpg
Image generated using Kalles Fraktaler 2+

Kalles Fraktaler is a free Windows-based fractal zoom computer program used for zooming into fractals such as the Mandelbrot set and the Burning Ship fractal at very high speed, utilizing Perturbation and Series Approximation. [1]



Kalles Fraktaler focuses on zooming into fractals. This is possible in the included fractal formulas such like the Mandelbrot set, Burning ship or so called "TheRedshiftRider" fractals. Many tweaks can visualize phenomena better or solve glitches concerning the calculation issues. Other functions are color seeds, slopes for showing iteration depths or entering location parameters in the complex plane. The via zooming reached location can be saved as a KFR file. The rendered image can be saved or be a part of a zoom sequence, which can be later used for a fractal zoom video.


GUI of the fork. GUI Kalles Fraktaler2+.png
GUI of the fork.

The program got forked to Kalle's Fraktaler 2+ with additional functions. The newest release is from 2020/12/08 (December 12, 2020). The license is AGPLv3+. [2]

Tips and Tricks (fork)

Many features offered by the fork of Kalles Fraktaler can be confusing to use, or take hours to deduce their purpose. Below are a few helpful tips and tricks to maximize the quality of your images and videos.

Many in-depth tutorials exist on Youtube, which can be accessed by searching "Kalles Fraktaler tutorial

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  1. "Kalles Fraktaler 2". www.chillheimer.de.
  2. "Kalles Fraktaler 2 +". mathr.co.uk. 22 July 2021.