Khawa Karpo-Tibet Culture Centre

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Khawa Karpo-Tibet Culture Centre
Type Non-profit

Khawa Karpo Tibet Culture Centre Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization that was founded on 16 April 2009. The organization is based in Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, India.


Mr. Serta Tsultrim who is the Executive Director of the organization is also the key founder of the group. He is also a member of Tibetan parliament in-exile.

The organization publishes books and weekly newsletter for Tibetan community in exile.

Goals and Activities

The organization works to protect human rights of fellow Tibetans inside Tibet and strengthen the democratic establishment of Central Tibetan Administration in-exile.

It tries to achieve these goals by publishing books and weekly newsletter on Tibetan language, culture, religion, human rights and democratic values. Besides that it also actively maintains a tri-lingual news website in Mandarin, Tibetan and English languages respectively.

Books published in chronological order

See also

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