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Logo of KIBLA Logo kibla multimedijski centar.gif
Logo of KIBLA

KIBLA, or Kibla, is a multimedia and multidisciplinary art production facility in Slovenia that organizes a year-round cultural program. It is a member of the Slavic Culture Forum and is involved in showcasing, distributing, and promoting the activities of 16 multimedia centers across Slovenia.




Special programs

International cooperation

Kibla is working on the EC-Culture 2000 (txOom, TransArtDislocated, Soziale Geraeusche, and Virtual Centre Media Net), FP5-IST (EMMA – European Multimedia Accelerator) and FP6-IST (PATENT – Partnership for Telecommunication New Technologies) funded programmes and projects. The corporation is also a part of the EUREKA multimedia umbrella and finished Leonardo da Vinci-supported project NAME multimedia [4] - the Multimedia Tasks & Skills Database covering and evaluating 26 different jobs and 96 operational multimedia tasks. NAME is presented in 9 languages, with a database of more than 650 companies from 11 countries.

In 2005, KIBLA partnered with EU-Culture 2000 and finished 2 new projects: e-Agora, [5] which developed a virtual multimedia platform; and TRG – Transient reality generators, that focuses on mixed reality and examines a synaesthetic MR experience design.

See also


  1. 1 2 "Kibla", Wikipedia, 2022-04-30, retrieved 2022-04-30
  2. Eduardo Kac: Telepresence, Biotelematics, Transgenic Art, edited by Aleksandra Kostič and Peter Tomaž Dobrila (Zbirka Tox, 2000) ISBN   961-6304-02-X.
  3. EU art project txoom
  4. European art project Name Multimedia
  5. "European art project e-Agora". Archived from the original on 2008-03-30. Retrieved 2020-02-17.