Kiweewa of Buganda

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Ssekabaka Mutebi Nnyonyintono Kiweewa
Kabaka of Buganda
Kabaka Kiweewa Royal tombs
Reign2 August 1888 - 21 October 1888
Predecessor Mwanga II of Buganda
Successor Kalema of Buganda
BornPrior to 1856
Masanafu, Kyaddondo
Spouse1. Lady Bukirwa Nassaza
2. Lady Butema
3. Lady Kajja
4. Lady Lozaliya
5. Lady Luleba, Omusenero
6. Lady Namubiru
7. Lady Balirwa
8. Lady Namuli, Omufumbiro
9. Naabakyaala Namusoke, Kaddulubaale
10. Lady Nambajjwe
11. Lady Nambi I
12. Lady Nambi II
13. Lady Nambi III
14. Lady Tebalyayeebwa, Omulindamazzi
15. Lady Teyansigira
16. Lady Lwandeeta
17. Naabakyaala Zandaba, the Namasole, previously the Kaddulubaale
18. Naabakyaala Mbagumidde, the Kabejja
19. Lady Bwangu
20. Lady Sabaddu
Father Muteesa I of Buganda
MotherNamasole Kiribakka

Mutebi Nnyonyintono Kiweewa was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda from 2 August 1888 until 21 October 1888. He was the 32nd Kabaka of Buganda.


Claim to the throne

Kiweewa himself was a tall, thin man with a very dark skin which was heavily poxed. He was fairly advanced in age, completely devoid of political ambition and without any quality of leadership. The only good thing about him was that he was kind-hearted but conservative.

-MSM Kiwanuka. [1]

He was born at Nakatema prior to 1856, the eldest son of Kabaka Mukaabya Walugembe Mutesa I Kayiira, Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned between 1856 and 1884. His mother was Kiribakka of the Mamba clan. He ascended to the throne following the defeat of his younger brother, Kabaka Mwanga II by the combined Christian, Muslim and rebel Baganda forces. The defeat of Mwanga II occurred on 2 August 1888. Kiweewa was crowned on 11 September 1888. He maintained his capital at Mengo Hill.[ citation needed ]

Married life

He is recorded to have married twenty (20) wives:[ citation needed ]

  1. Lady Bukirwa Nassaza
  2. Lady Butema
  3. Lady Kajja
  4. Lady Lozaliya
  5. Lady Luleba, Omusenero
  6. Lady Namubiru
  7. Lady Balirwa
  8. Lady Namuli, Omufumbiro
  9. Naabakyaala Namusoke, Kaddulubaale
  10. Lady Nambajjwe
  11. Lady Nambi I
  12. Lady Nambi II
  13. Lady Nambi III
  14. Lady Tebalyayeebwa, Omulindamazzi
  15. Lady Teyansigira
  16. Lady Lwandeeta
  17. Naabakyaala Zandaba, the Namasole, previously the Kaddulubaale
  18. Naabakyaala Mbagumidde, the Kabejja
  19. Lady Bwangu
  20. Lady Sabaddu


He fathered 23 children, 21 sons and two daughters:

  1. Prince Kiweewa Ssimbwa, whose mother was Lady Butema
  2. Prince (Omulangira) Walulyo I, whose mother was Lady Butema
  3. Prince (Omulangira) Kibuuka, whose mother was Lady Kajja
  4. Prince (Omulangira) Nabadda, whose mother was Lady Lozaliya
  5. Prince (Omulangira) Muyinda, whose mother was Lady Luleba, Omusenero
  6. Prince (Omulangira) Agustin [Gusito] Tebandeke, whose mother was Lady Namubiru. He was educated at Namilyango College.
  7. Prince (Omulangira) Lulaba, whose mother was Lady Namuli
  8. Prince (Omulangira) Kagunya, whose mother was Lady Namuli
  9. Prince (Omulangira) Lukongwa, the Ssaabalangira (Chief Prince), whose mother was Lady Namusoke
  10. Prince (Omulangira) Kiwanuka, whose mother was Lady Namusoke
  11. Prince (Omulangira) Walulyo II, whose mother was Lady Namusoke
  12. Prince (Omulangira) Kalubagwiire, whose mother was Lady Nambajjwe
  13. Prince (Omulangira) Sekamaanya, whose mother was Lady Nambi I
  14. Prince (Omulangira) Namulinzi I, whose mother was Lady Nambi II
  15. Prince (Omulangira) Mwanga, whose mother was Lady Nambi III
  16. Prince (Omulangira) Chwa, whose mother was Tebalyayeebwa
  17. Prince (Omulangira) Ngenza, whose mother was Tebalyayeebwa
  18. Prince (Omulangira) Namulinzi II, whose mother was Teyansigira
  19. Prince (Omulangira) Namika, whose mother was Lady Lwandeeta
  20. Prince (Omulangira) Musisi, whose mother was Lwandeeta
  21. Prince (Omulangira) Nasuswa, whose mother was Lady Zandaba
  22. Princess (Omumbejja) Hana Mazzi, whose mother was Balirwa
  23. Princess (Omumbejja) Agaati Kagere, whose mother Tebalyayeebwa

His reign

Kabaka Kiweewa Nnyonyintono's rein is the shortest in the recorded history of Buganda. He was the Kabaka-in-waiting for around six weeks; after he was crowned, he lasted a mere forty days on the throne. His reign was characterized by conflict and rebellion among the members of the royal court and intrigue and plotting among the Arabic Muslim and European Christian forces that supported the warring factions.

Some of the great officers of state during his reign included; [2]

Honorat NyonyintonoKatikiroChief Minister
Ali BukuluKimbugweSecond Minister
Honorat NyonyintonoSekiboboGovernor of Kyaggwe
Apollo Kaggwa MukwendaGovernor of Singo
MugulumaPokinoGovernor of Buddu
KapalagaKaggoGovernor of Kyadondo
Gaburieli KintuKangaoGovernor of Bulemezi
LugangaOmujasiHead of Ekitongole Ekijasi
Samuel MukasaOmuwanikaHead of Ekitongole Ggwanika

Kiweewa's reforms included lifting the ban on Arab trade with Bunyoro, as well as reducing the payment his predecessors had imposed on export and import of merchandise. he undertook to repay the ivory debt Mwanga owed the Arab traders. [3] In a meeting he held with the European missionaries and the Muslims, Kiweewa promised to build a mosque for the Muslims. However, his announcement that none of his subjects should be interfered with on the grounds of his religion was not heeded, and the Muslim party upon gaining power pressed for his circumcision and conversion to their faith.

The final days

He was deposed by the Muslim forces of his brother Kabaka Kalema, who reigned from 21 October 1888 until 5 October 1889. He was captured and thrown in jail. He was killed in prison by his Muslim captors in July 1889. He was buried at Masanafu, Kyaddondo. [4]


"Like Vitellius, eight hundred years before, he had never wished to rule, and like Vitellius also, when he saw that they were resolved to kill him, he appealled in vain to his slayers not to put to death the man once they had made a ruler over them."

"Kiweewa himself was a tall, thin man with a very dark skin which was heavily poxed. He was fairly advanced in age, completely devoid of political ambition and without any quality of leadership. The only good thing about him was that he was kind-hearted but conservative."

"When he ascended the throne Kiweewa was of the view that he would be the supreme authority in the land of just as his predecessors had been. But soon Kiweewa discovered that he was no more than a puppet in the hands of his officers and ministers."

Succession table

Preceded by King of Buganda
Succeeded by

See also

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  1. Kiwanuka, MSM, Kabaka Mwanga and his Political Parties, Uganda Journal, 33, 1 (1969).
  2. R.P. Ashe, Two Kings of Uganda, 1890, pp. 262
  3. Sir John M. Gray, "The Year of the Three Kings of Buganda,: The Uganda Journal, Vol.14, No.1, 1950, pp.15-53
  4. "Kabaka Kiweewa Is buried At Masanafu, Kyaddondo". Archived from the original on 15 June 2013. Retrieved 5 October 2014.
  5. Gray, J. M. (1950). The Year of the Three Kings of Buganda. Uganda Journal, 14, 15-52.
  6. Kiwanuka, MSM, Kabaka Mwanga and his Political Parties, Uganda Journal, 33, 1 (1969).
  7. Mutyaba, A., The Muslim Factor in Uganda, 1840-1900, page 41.