Lake Peace

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Lake Peace was a post ice-age glacial lake in what is now the Peace River basin in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta.

It formed approximately 14,000 BCE, [1] [2] after the Last Glacial Maximum, as the Laurentide Ice Sheet and Cordilleran Ice Sheet began to melt and retreat, and may have played an important role as an easily navigatable section of an inland human migration route [3] from Asia to the Americas.

It remains unclear [4] how long the lake lasted, or if it was drained in a glacial lake outburst flood, similar to the Missoula Floods that occurred on the southern [5] margins of these same ice sheets.

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  1. Hickin, Adrian S.; Lian, Olav B.; Levson, Victor M.; Cui, Yao (April 2015). "Pattern and chronology of glacial Lake Peace shorelines and implications for isostacy and ice‐sheet configuration in northeastern British Columbia, Canada". Boreas . 44 (2): 288–304. doi:10.1111/bor.12110. S2CID   140672342.
  2. Hidy, Alan J.; Gosse, John C.; Froese, Duane G.; Bond, Jeffrey D.; Rood, Dylan H. (February 2013). "A latest Pliocene age for the earliest and most extensive Cordilleran Ice Sheet in northwestern Canada" . Quaternary Science Reviews . 61: 77–84. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.11.009.
  3. Darvill, C. M.; Menounos, B.; Goehring, B. M.; Lian, O. B.; Caffee, M. W. (31 August 2018). "Retreat of the Western Cordilleran Ice Sheet Margin During the Last Deglaciation". Geophysical Research Letters . 45 (18): 9710–9720. doi: 10.1029/2018GL079419 . S2CID   134876401.
  4. Huntley, David H.; Hickin, Adrian S.; Lian, Olav B. (January 2017). "The pattern and style of deglaciation at the Late Wisconsinan Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheet limits in northeastern British Columbia". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences . 54 (1): 52–75. doi:10.1139/cjes-2016-0066. hdl: 1807/74519 .
  5. Balbas, Andrea M.; Barth, Aaron M.; Clark, Peter U.; et al. (1 July 2017). "10Be dating of late Pleistocene megafloods and Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreat in the northwestern United States". Geology . 45 (7): 583–586. doi:10.1130/G38956.1.