Lebesgue's universal covering problem

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An equilateral triangle of diameter 1 doesn't fit inside a circle of diameter 1 Lebesgue-circle-triangle.svg
An equilateral triangle of diameter 1 doesn’t fit inside a circle of diameter 1

Lebesgue's universal covering problem is an unsolved problem in geometry that asks for the convex shape of smallest area that can cover every planar set of diameter one. The diameter of a set by definition is the least upper bound of the distances between all pairs of points in the set. A shape covers a set if it contains a congruent subset. In other words the set may be rotated, translated or reflected to fit inside the shape.


Unsolved problem in mathematics:

What is the minimum area of a convex shape that can cover every planar set of diameter one?

Formulation and early research

The problem was posed by Henri Lebesgue in a letter to Gyula Pál in 1914. It was published in a paper by Pál in 1920 along with Pál's analysis. [1] He showed that a cover for all curves of constant width one is also a cover for all sets of diameter one and that a cover can be constructed by taking a regular hexagon with an inscribed circle of diameter one and removing two corners from the hexagon to give a cover of area

The shape outlined in black is Pal's solution to Lebesgue's universal covering problem. Within it, planar shapes with diameter one have been included: a circle (in blue), a Reuleaux triangle (in red) and a square (in green). Pal's solution to Lebesgue's universal covering problem.svg
The shape outlined in black is Pál's solution to Lebesgue's universal covering problem. Within it, planar shapes with diameter one have been included: a circle (in blue), a Reuleaux triangle (in red) and a square (in green).

In 1936, Roland Sprague showed that a part of Pál's cover could be removed near one of the other corners while still retaining its property as a cover. [2] This reduced the upper bound on the area to .

Current bounds

After a sequence of improvements to Sprague's solution, each removing small corners from the solution, [3] [4] a 2018 preprint of Philip Gibbs claimed the best upper bound known, a further reduction to area 0.8440935944. [5] [6]

The best known lower bound for the area was provided by Peter Brass and Mehrbod Sharifi using a combination of three shapes in optimal alignment, proving that the area of an optimal cover is at least 0.832. [7]

See also

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  1. Pál, J. (1920). "'Über ein elementares Variationsproblem". Danske Mat.-Fys. Meddelelser III. 2.
  2. Sprague, R. (1936). "Über ein elementares Variationsproblem". Matematiska Tidsskrift Ser. B: 96–99. JSTOR   24530328.
  3. Hansen, H. C. (1992). "Small universal covers for sets of unit diameter". Geometriae Dedicata . 42 (2): 205–213. doi:10.1007/BF00147549. MR   1163713. S2CID   122081393.
  4. Baez, John C.; Bagdasaryan, Karine; Gibbs, Philip (2015). "The Lebesgue universal covering problem". Journal of Computational Geometry . 6: 288–299. arXiv: 1502.01251 . doi:10.20382/jocg.v6i1a12. MR   3400942. S2CID   20752239.
  5. Gibbs, Philip (23 October 2018). "An upper bound for Lebesgue's covering problem". arXiv: 1810.10089 [math.MG].
  6. "Amateur mathematician finds smallest universal cover". Quanta Magazine . Archived from the original on 2019-01-14. Retrieved 2018-11-16.
  7. Brass, Peter; Sharifi, Mehrbod (2005). "A lower bound for Lebesgue's universal cover problem". International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications . 15 (5): 537–544. doi:10.1142/S0218195905001828. MR   2176049.