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Legate may refer to:



Political and religious offices

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roman legion</span> Ancient heavy infantry unit of 1,000 to 5,600 men

The Roman legion, the largest military unit of the Roman army, comprised 4,200 infantry and 300 equites (cavalry) in the period of the Roman Republic and 5,600 infantry and 200 auxilia in the period of the Roman Empire.

Praetorian is an adjective derived from the ancient Roman office of praetor. It may refer to:

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<i>Legatus</i> High-ranking Roman military officer

A legatus was a high-ranking Roman military officer in the Roman Army, equivalent to a high-ranking general officer of modern times. Initially used to delegate power, the term became formalised under Augustus as the officer in command of a legion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Papal legate</span> Personal representative of the Pope

A papal legate or apostolic legate is a personal representative of the Pope to foreign nations, to some part other of the Catholic Church, or representatives of the state or monarchy. He is empowered on matters of Catholic faith and for the settlement of ecclesiastical matters.

Poenius Postumus was praefectus castrorum of the Roman legion II Augusta, stationed in Britain during the rebellion of Boudica in 61 AD. In this position he would have been in charge of all administrative, training and equipment matters, and would also have been acting commander of the legion in the absence of its two most senior officers: the legate (legatus) and the senior military tribune.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dominate</span> Late Roman Empire administration phase

The Dominate, also known as the late Roman Empire, is the despotic form of imperial government of the late Roman Empire. It followed the earlier period known as the Principate. Until the empire was reunited in 313, this phase is more often called the Tetrarchy.

A military tribune was an officer of the Roman army who ranked below the legate and above the centurion. Young men of Equestrian rank often served as military tribune as a stepping stone to the Senate. The tribunus militum should not be confused with the elected political office of tribune of the people (tribunus plebis) nor with that of tribunus militum consulari potestate.

<i>Primus pilus</i> Roman military rank

The primus pilus or primipilus was the senior centurion of the first cohort in a Roman legion, a formation of five double-strength centuries of 160 men; he was a career soldier and advisor to the legate. The primus pilus would remain in command for one year. They could continue to serve in the army after their term ended if there was a vacancy in command or if they wished to become an independent commander of an auxilia unit or the praefectus castrorum.

In the Roman army of the late Republic and the Principate, the tribunus laticlavius was one of the six military tribunes in a legion. Usually, they were a young man around the age of 20 that belonged to a wealthy family. Or they were friends with the legate. The position of tribunus laticlavius was the first step on the Cursus honorum.

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Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus was a Roman senator and general. He rose from provincial aristocratic origins to occupy the highest offices of Rome. He served as a legionary commander and as imperial governor of Judea, Cappadoccia, Galatia, Syria and Dacia. He is known to have been active under Trajan in the Dacian and Parthian Wars. Bassus was suffect consul in the nundinium of May to August 105 with Gnaeus Afranius Dexter as his colleague.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Legatus Augusti pro praetore</span>

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Marcus Nummius Umbrius Primus Senecio Albinus was a Roman senator who was appointed consul in AD 206 with Lucius Fulvius Gavius Numisius Petronius Aemilianus as his colleague.

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Gaius Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus was a Roman senator and military officer who was appointed consul twice, firstly in AD 214, and secondly in AD 240.

Gaius Sentius Saturninus was a Roman senator and military officer who was appointed Roman consul in 19 BC. He served as the proconsular governor of Africa, and later as imperial governor of Syria. He then served several times as a senior military officer working with the future emperor Tiberius in campaigns against the Marcomanni, gaining the distinction of being awarded triumphal ornaments. Later he campaigned in Germania and Illyria.

Lucius Minicius Natalis was a Roman senator and military leader who occupied a number of offices in the imperial service. He was suffect consul in 106 with Quintus Licinius Silvanus Granianus Quadronius Proculus as his colleague. He is known entirely from inscriptions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lucius Caesennius Sospes</span> Late 1st/early 2nd century Roman senator, legate and consul

Lucius Caesennius Sospes was a Roman senator of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Through his mother, Flavia Sabina, a cousin of the Roman emperors Titus and Domitian, his connections enabled him to hold a series of civil and military imperial appointments. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of May to August 114 as the colleague of Gaius Clodius Nummus. Sopses is known primarily from an inscription found in Pisidian Antioch.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Titus Pomponius Bassus</span> Late 1st/ early 2nd century Roman senator, consul and governor

Titus Pomponius Bassus was a Roman senator who held a number of imperial appointments. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of September–December 94 as the colleague of Lucius Silius Decianus.