Leishmanin skin test

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Leishmanin skin test
Synonyms Montenegro test

The leishmanin skin test (LST), also called Montenegro test, is an immunologic skin test that measures delayed-type hypersensitivity to Leishmania antigen. [1] [2] It can be used for diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis. [3]

It was first described by Brazilian physician João Montenegro in 1926. [4]

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  1. "Appropriate Screening for Leishmaniasis before Immunosuppressive Treatments" (PDF). U.S.: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, USA.gov.
  2. Sadeghian, Giti; Ziaei, Hengameh; Bidabadi, Leila Shirani; Nilforoushzadeh, Mohammad Ali (2013). "Evaluation of Leishmanin Skin Test Reaction in Different Variants of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis". Indian Journal of Dermatology. 58 (3): 239. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.110838 . ISSN   0019-5154. PMC   3667292 . PMID   23723480.
  3. Manzur, A.; Bari, Arfan ul (2006-05-30). "Sensitivity of leishmanin skin test in patients of acute cutaneous leishmaniasis". Dermatology Online Journal. 12 (4): 2. doi:10.5070/D39CT3H710. ISSN   1087-2108. PMID   17083857.
  4. João Montenegro (1926). "A cútis-reação na leishmaniose". Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (in Portuguese). 1: 323–30.