Life Guard DC

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Life Guard DC is a Washington, DC, condom distribution program and part of The Condom Project, a Tides Center project that is driven by the involvement of peer-to-peer social networks, local businesses, and community-based organization outreach services to destigmatize condoms and to increase their use. [1] The program distributes free condoms at local establishments in historically overlooked communities, 24 hours a day.


HIV in Washington

Washington has the worst HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States. 1 in 20 residents is living with HIV and 1 in 50 residents is living with AIDS. [2] The epidemic is driven by sexual activity (both heterosexual and homosexual) and then by injected drug use. Latex condoms, when used correctly, are highly effective in reducing the risk of HIV transmission. [3] Many stores and pharmacies in Washington, like CVS, keep condoms in locked cabinets which can deter people from purchasing them. Also, there are few business that sell or organizations that distribute condoms in the areas of Washington with the highest rate of HIV. [4]

DC Government response to the epidemic

The DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, a non-profit public policy organization, has harshly graded the District's response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. [5] The Center's report called condom distribution an "immediate priority". The city had planned to distribute 600,000 condoms in 2005 but only delivered 100,000. [6]

Life Guard's initiative

Life Guard was formed by a coalition of local non-profit organizations to provide condoms, specifically in areas with high HIV infection rates. Life Guard creates condom packages with lubrication, safe sex information and information on HIV/AIDS resources in Washington. These condom packages are placed at 24-hour businesses such as fast food places and laundromats. The program has already distributed more than 100,000 condoms. The program has received a lot of press for its innovative and simple way of tackling the HIV crisis. [7] The organization uses simple ways to explain the organization and its goals, such as using YouTube. [8]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">HIV/AIDS in Rwanda</span>

Rwanda faces a generalized epidemic, with an HIV prevalence rate of 3.1 percent among adults ages 15 to 49. The prevalence rate has remained relatively stable, with an overall decline since the late 1990s, partly due to improved HIV surveillance methodology. In general, HIV prevalence is higher in urban areas than in rural areas, and women are at higher risk of HIV infection than men. Young women ages 15 to 24 are twice as likely to be infected with HIV as young men in the same age group. Populations at higher risk of HIV infection include people in prostitution and men attending clinics for sexually transmitted infections.

With less than 0.1 percent of the population estimated to be HIV-positive, Bangladesh is a low HIV-prevalence country.

Since HIV/AIDS was first reported in Thailand in 1984, 1,115,415 adults had been infected as of 2008, with 585,830 having died since 1984. 532,522 Thais were living with HIV/AIDS in 2008. In 2009 the adult prevalence of HIV was 1.3%. As of 2016, Thailand had the highest prevalence of HIV in Southeast Asia at 1.1 percent, the 40th highest prevalence of 109 nations.

Cases of HIV/AIDS in Peru are considered to have reached the level of a concentrated epidemic. According to a population-based survey conducted in Peru’s 24 largest cities in 2002, adult HIV prevalence was estimated to be less than 1 percent. The survey demonstrated that cases are unevenly distributed in the country, affecting mostly young people between the ages of 25 and 34. As of July 2010, the cumulative reported number of persons infected with HIV was 41,638, and there were 26,566 cases of AIDS, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH), and the male/female ratio for AIDS diagnoses in 2009 was 3.02 to 1. The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimates 76,000 Peruvians are HIV-positive, meaning that many people at risk do not know their status. There were 3,300 deaths due to AIDS in Peru in 2007, down from 5,600 deaths in 2005.

With 1.28 percent of the adult population estimated by UNAIDS to be HIV-positive in 2006, Papua New Guinea has one of the most serious HIV/AIDS epidemics in the Asia-Pacific subregion. Although this new prevalence rate is significantly lower than the 2005 UNAIDS estimate of 1.8 percent, it is considered to reflect improvements in surveillance rather than a shrinking epidemic. Papua New Guinea accounts for 70 percent of the subregion's HIV cases and is the fourth country to be classified as having a generalized HIV epidemic.

The Catholic Church is a major provider of medical care to HIV/AIDS patients. Much of its work takes place in developing countries, although it has also had a presence in the global north. Its opposition to condoms, despite their effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV, has invited criticism from public health officials and anti-AIDS activists.

The relationship between religion and HIV/AIDS has been an ongoing one, since the advent of the pandemic. Many faith communities have participated in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, offering free treatment, as well as promoting HIV/AIDS testing and preventative measures. Christian denominations, such as Lutheranism and Methodism, have advocated for the observance of World AIDS Day to educate their congregations about the disease. Some Churches run voluntary blood testing camps and counselling centers to diagnose and help those affected by HIV/AIDS.


  1. "Our Partners and Impact". Tides.
  2. "HIV/AIDS in the Nation's Capital: Improving the District of Columbia's Response to a Public Health Crisis Archived 2007-07-16 at the Wayback Machine ". The DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice. August 2005
  3. "How Effective Are Latex Condoms in Preventing HIV? Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine ", The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
  4. Levine, Susan. "The Condoms? Please, Take One", The Washington Post, December 1, 2006; page B01.
  5. "HIV/AIDS in the Nation's Capital: Improving the District of Columbia's Response to a Public Health Crisis Archived 2007-07-16 at the Wayback Machine ", The DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, August 2005
  6. Levine, Susan. "250,000 Condoms Deployed for HIV Awareness, Prevention", The Washington Post, February 16, 2007; page B03
  7. "ABC 7 News - D.C. Officials Distribute Thousands of Condoms". Archived from the original on 19 February 2007. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
  8. TheCondomProject (20 February 2007). "The LIFE GUARD Condom Distribution Program" via YouTube.[ dead YouTube link ]