Lignicolous lichen

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Lignicolous community with Athallia pyracea (orange). Lignicolous community with Athallia pyracea Droker.jpg
Lignicolous community with Athallia pyracea (orange).

A lignocolous lichen is a lichen that grows on wood that has the bark stripped from it. [1] This contrasts with a corticolous lichen that grows on the bark, [2] and saxicolous lichens that grow on rock. [3]

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A saxicolous lichen is a lichen that grows on rock. The prefix "sax" from the Latin saxum means "rock" or "stone".

A corticolous lichen is a lichen that grows on bark. This is contrasted with lignicolous lichen, which grows on wood that has had the bark stripped from it, and saxicolous lichen, which grows on rock.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lichen morphology</span>

Lichen morphology describes the external appearance and structures of a lichen. These can vary considerably from species to species. Lichen growth forms are used to group lichens by "vegetative" thallus types, and forms of "non-vegetative" reproductive parts. Some lichen thalli have the aspect of leaves ; others cover the substrate like a crust, others such as the genus Ramalina adopt shrubby forms, and there are gelatinous lichens such as the genus Collema.

Lichen anatomy and physiology is very different from the anatomy and physiology of the fungus and/or algae and/or cyanobacteria that make up the lichen when growing apart from the lichen, either naturally, or in culture. The fungal partner is called the mycobiont. The photosynthetic partner, algae or cyanobacteria, is called the photobiont. The body of a lichens that does not contain reproductive parts of the fungus is called the thallus. The thallus is different from those of either the fungus or alga growing separately. The fungus surrounds the algal cells, often enclosing them within complex fungal tissues unique to lichen associations. In many species the fungus penetrates the algal cell wall, forming penetration pegs or haustoria similar to those produced by pathogenic fungi. Lichens are capable of surviving extremely low levels of water content (poikilohydric). However, the re-configuration of membranes following a period of dehydration requires several minutes at least.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Symbiosis in lichens</span>

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<i>Punctelia graminicola</i> Species of lichen

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Steineropsis laceratula is a species of crustose placodioid lichen in the family Pannariaceae. It was first formally described in 1902 by French lichenologist Auguste-Marie Hue as Pannaria laceratula. Per Magnus Jørgensen proposed a transfer to Fuscopannaria in 1994. The taxon shuffled genera again in 2020 by Toby Spribille and Stefan Ekman after molecular phylogenetic analysis of the DNA from specimens collected in Alaska revealed its correct classification in the genus Steineropsis. The type specimen was collected in 1904 from Hakkoda, Japan, at an elevation of 1,200 m (3,900 ft); here the lichen was found growing on the bark of birch, but the species also grows on rock.

Psoroglaena stigonemoides is a species of corticolous (bark-dwelling) lichen in the family Verrucariaceae. It occurs in Great Britain and Ireland. It was first described scientifically by lichenologist Alan Orange in 1989, as Macentina stigonemoides. He collected the type specimen from Cardiganshire, Cambria, where it was found growing on the bark of Ulmus glabra in a humid forest. Aino Henssen transferred it to the genus Psoroglaena in 1995.

Pertusaria lueckingii is a species of corticolous (bark-dwelling), crustose lichen in the family Pertusariaceae. Found on the Galápagos Islands, it was formally described as a new species in 2015 by Frank Bungartz, Alan W. Archer, and John Elix. The type specimen was collected on Floreana Island, where it was found growing on the bark of a south-exposed trunk of Cedrella odorata. The species epithet honours German lichenogist Robert Lücking, "who first recognized this taxon as an independent species".

Chrysothrix palaeophila is a rare species of corticolous (bark-dwelling) lichen in the family Chrysotrichaceae. It is endemic to Tasmania, Australia. The lichen grows in bark fissures that rarely have other lichens. It has an immersed thallus that slightly bleaches the bark it grows on, and tiny apothecia that are densely covered with yellow to yellow-green pruina.

Graphis stipitata is a species of corticolous (bark-dwelling) script lichen in the family Graphidaceae. Found in Australia, it was formally described as a new species in 2001 by the lichenologist Alan W. Archer. The type specimen was collected near Yungaburra Road in Queensland at an elevation of 850 m (2,790 ft), where it was found growing on the bark of Casuarina. The species epithet stipitata alludes to the numerous and crowded lirellae that are characteristic of this species. The lichen contains three secondary metabolites : lichexanthone as a major metabolite, norstictic acid as a minor component, and trace amounts of connorstictic acid.


  1. Alan Silverside's Lichen Glossary (g-o), Alan Silverside,
  2. Alan Silverside's Lichen Glossary (a-f), Alan Silverside,
  3. Alan Silverside's Lichen Glossary (p-z), Alan Silverside,