List of Flight members

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Alpha Flight members are comic book characters in the Marvel Comics universe, featured mainly in the Alpha Flight series. In the comics, the Flight teams were created by Department H and tasked with protecting Canada.


The Flight

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
The Flight

The team that would be split into Alpha through Gamma Flights was led by Wolverine. Their first mission is seen in Alpha Flight Special #1 (1992).

Wolverine James "Logan" HowlettAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)
GroundhogSean BenardAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)Quit after the battle with Egghead's Emissaries of Evil.
Saint ElmoSaint ElmoAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)Died in Alpha Flight Special #1 (1992)
Smart Alec Alexander ThorneAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)Died in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #46
Snowbird NaryaAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)
StitchJodi FurmanAlpha Flight Special #1 (1992)Left the team under undisclosed circumstances
Wild Child
Weapon Omega (formerly)
Wildheart (formerly)
Kyle GibneyAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #127 (1993)Later revealed to have been a Flight member

Alpha Flight


CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Original Alpha Flight

The team as it debuted in X-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979).

Weapon Alpha (formerly)
Vindicator (formerly)
James MacDonald HudsonX-Men, vol. 1 #109 (1978)Currently working simultaneously with J.A.N.U.S. [1]
Aurora Jeanne-Marie BeaubierX-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979)
Northstar Jean-Paul BeaubierX-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979)
Sasquatch Walter LangkowskiX-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979)Died in Immortal Hulk #21 (2019)
Shaman Michael TwoyoungmenX-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979)Currently working simultaneously with Stranger Academy [2]
Snowbird Narya/Anne McKenzieX-Men, vol. 1 #120 (1979)


CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Alpha Flight, volume 1 recruits
Marrina Marrina SmallwoodAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)Married Namor the Sub-Mariner in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #40; killed by Namor after she mutated in Avengers vol. 1 #291-293; resurrected in Chaos War: Alpha Flight; member of the re-formed Alpha Flight
Puck Eugene Milton JuddAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)Current member of Gamma Flight [3]
Vindicator (formerly)
Guardian (formerly)
Heather MacNeil HudsonAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #17 (1984)Died in New Avengers, vol. 1 #16; resurrected in Chaos War: Alpha Flight; betrayed the re-formed Alpha Flight and joined the Canadian government's new Alpha Strike team; rejoined as the fourth Nemesis in vol.5 #1
Talisman Elizabeth TwoyoungmenAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #20 (1985)Former member of the government-sponsored Omega Flight team
Box Roger BochsAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #24 (1985)Died in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #49
Transmutator/Box Madison JeffriesAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #28 (1985)Current member of the X-Men and X-Club
Diamond Lil Lillian Crawley-JeffriesAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #73 (1989)Married Madison Jeffries after Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #105; died in X-Force, vol. 3 #23
Windshear Colin Ashworth HumeAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #95 (1991)Depowered on M-Day; currently retired
Weapon Omega Kyle GibneyAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #102 (1991)Last seen as member of Dark X-Men (2009)
Nemesis Jane ThorneAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #125 (1993)Succeeded by Amelia Weatherly
WyreAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #125 (1993)Current whereabouts unknown

Re-formed (Volume 2)

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Alpha Flight, volume 2 recruits

The team that debuted in Alpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)

Guardian (formerly)
"James MacDonald Hudson"Alpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)Younger synthoid duplicate of James Hudson; died in Wolverine, vol. 2 #143 (1999)
Flex Adrian CorboAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)Depowered on M-Day
Manbot Bernie LachenayAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)
Murmur Arlette TruffautAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)Depowered on M-Day
Radius Jared CorboAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)Depowered on M-Day, as noted in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #8
Sasquatch Alpha Flight, vol. 2 #1 (1997)Actual Sasquatch mistaken for Walter Langkowski; died in Alpha Flight, vol. 2 #12 (1998)
Sunfire Shiro YoshidaAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #4 (1997)
Ghost Girl Lilli StephensAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #20 (1999)
EarthmoverCharles "Chuck" MossUncanny X-Men #421 (2003)Apprentice to Shaman

"All-New, All-Different" Alpha Flight (Volume 3)

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Alpha Flight, volume 3 recruits

The team as it debuted in Alpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)

Centennial Rutherford PrincetonAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)Died sometime off panel, as described in Alpha Flight, vol. 3 #12; succeeded by Heather Hudson
Major Mapleleaf Louis Sadler Jr.Alpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)Died in New Avengers, vol. 1 #16
Nemesis Amelia WeatherlyAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)Died sometime off panel, as described in Alpha Flight, vol. 3 #12
Puck Zuzha YuAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)Died in New Avengers, vol. 1 #16
Yukon Jack YukotujakzurjimozoataAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #2 (2004)Married the time-displaced Snowbird and retired
MarAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #7 (2004)A young member of Marrina's species

Fall of X (Volume 5)

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Alpha Flight, volume 5 recruits
Fang AkihiroAlpha Flight, vol. 5 #1 (2023)Died in Wolverine, vol. 7 #41; resurrected as Hellverine in Hellverine #1

Alpha Flight temporal copies

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Alpha Flight from the past

Temporal copies of Alpha Flight members from the past are brought to the present in Alpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005). They have since left the team, presumably returning to their own timeline.

Aurora Jeanne-Marie BeaubierAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Guardian James MacDonald HudsonAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Northstar Jean-Paul BeaubierAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Puck Eugene JuddAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Shaman Michael TwoyoungmenAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Snowbird NaryaAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed
Vindicator Heather HudsonAlpha Flight, vol. 3 #12 (2005)Current status unrevealed

Beta Flight

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Secondary Team

The team as it was revealed in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983).

Box Roger BochsAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Flashback Gardner MonroeAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Marrina Marrina SmallwoodAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Puck Eugene JuddAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Trainee Team

Originally re-formed as a trainee team, Beta Flight was later promoted to going on missions separate from Alpha Flight.

Purple Girl/Persuasion Kara KillgraveAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #42 (1987)Current member of the Canadian government's new Alpha Strike team as Purple Woman
Manikin Whitman KnappAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #50 (1987)
Goblyn Goblyn DeanAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #55 (1988)
Pathway Laura DeanAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #55 (1988)
Talisman Elizabeth TwoyoungmenAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #95 (1991)Currently teaching the Mystic arts in Strange Academy [2]
Witchfire AnanymAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #95 (1991)Currently seeking to rule Limbo
FeedbackAlbert LouisAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #126 (1993)Apparently died in Marauders vol. 2 #11 (2023), revealed to be alive in Alpha Flight vol. 5 # 1 (2023)
Secret Trainee Team

Secret, captive trainee team that was released following the death of General Clarke.

Ghost Girl Lilli StephensAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #8 (1998)Joined Alpha Flight after her release
FlinchToby WoodAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #14 (1998)
OuijaBill AstinAlpha Flight, vol. 2 #14 (1998)
Secondary Team

The team as it debuted in a flashback in Wolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999).

Vindicator "James MacDonald Hudson"Wolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)Younger synthoid duplicate of James Hudson; team leader
Flex Adrian CorboWolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)
Ghost Girl Lilli StephensWolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)
Manbot Bernie LachenayWolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)
Murmur Arlette TruffautWolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)
Radius Jared CorboWolverine, vol. 2 #142 (1999)

Gamma Flight

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Trainee Team

The team as revealed in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983).

Diamond Lil Lillian CrawleyAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Madison Jeffries Madison JeffriesAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Smart Alec Alec ThorneAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Wild Child Kyle GibneyAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #1 (1983)
Additional Revealed Members
Marrina Marrina SmallwoodRevealed to have been a member in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #2 (1983)
Primary Government Team

The team as it debuted in Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989).

Auric Zhao TangAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989)
Nemesis "Jane Doe"Alpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989)
Silver Jimon TangAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989)
Wild Child Kyle GibneyAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989)
Witchfire AnanymAlpha Flight, vol. 1 #76 (1989)

Omega Flight

CharacterReal nameJoined inNotes/current status
Government Team

The team as revealed in Omega Flight #1 (2008).

Arachne Julia CarpenterOmega Flight #1 (2008)
Guardian/Weapon Omega Michael PointerOmega Flight #1 (2008)
Sasquatch Walter LangkowskiOmega Flight #1 (2008)
U.S. Agent John WalkerOmega Flight #1 (2008)
Beta Ray Bill Beta Ray BillOmega Flight #1 (2008)Honorary member
Shroud Maximillian Quincy ColeridgeMarvel Comics Presents #8 (2009)


  1. "Who Are the Members of JANUS, Marvel's Newest (and Most Dangerous) Group?". CBR. 2020-07-06. Retrieved 2020-08-09.
  2. 1 2 "Strange Academy Reveals the Ultimate Mystical Marvel Class Schedule". CBR. 2020-07-08. Retrieved 2020-08-09.
  3. "Marvel Creates Gamma Flight". Retrieved 2020-08-09.