List of Gentlemen v Players matches

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The Gentlemen team, captained by W. G. Grace, which took on the Players at Lord's in 1899 Gents-v-Players-1899.jpg
The Gentlemen team, captained by W. G. Grace, which took on the Players at Lord's in 1899

This is a list of all first-class cricket matches played between the Gentlemen and Players between 1806 and 1962. Unless otherwise stated, all matches were scheduled for three days' duration and eleven-a-side.


Note that there is considerable disagreement about when first-class cricket as such began, with various dates having been put forward between 1772 and 1895, while some definitions of first-class cricket require that such a match be arranged between teams of eleven-a-side. Thus, some of the early matches in this list are not considered first-class by some authorities.

Three matches were cancelled:

Summary of results

Matches playedGentlemen wonPlayers wonDrawnTied


List of Gentlemen v Players matches
No.DateVenueWinnersWinning marginNotesRef(s)
17 July 1806 Lord's Old Ground Gentlemeninnings and 14 runs [1]
221 July 1806 Lord's Old Ground Gentlemen82 runs
37 July 1819Lord's Cricket GroundPlayerssix wickets
419 June 1820Lord'sGentlemen70 runs
523 July 1821Lord'sPlayersGentlemen conceded defeatPlayed to celebrate the coronation of George IV.
68 July 1822Lord'sGentlemensix wickets
721 July 1823Lord'sPlayers345 runs Gentlemen, set 402 to win, were bowled out for 56 with two men absent hurt and another retired hurt.
82 August 1824Lord'sPlayers101 runsGentlemen had 14 men.
94 July 1825Lord'sGentlemen72 runsFour-day match; Gentlemen had 16 men.
1025 June 1827Lord'sGentlemen29 runsGentlemen had 17 men.
119 July 1827Lord'sPlayersinnings and 42 runsGentlemen had 17 men.
1222 June 1829Lord'sGentlemen193 runsGentlemen had 12 men; Players were bowled out for 24 and 37.
1314 June 1830Lord'sDrawnGentlemen had 12 men; rain ended play on the first day, and washed out the second and third days after the Gentlemen had been bowled out for 46, with the Players 17/3 in reply.
1425 June 1831Lord'sPlayersfive wicketsThe match was arranged as eleven-a-side, but Players only had nine men appear; the match was still considered first-class.
1527 August 1832Lord'sPlayersinnings and 34 runsGentlemen defended a smaller-than-normal wicket of 22 by 6 inches.
168 July 1833Lord'sPlayersnine wicketsGentlemen had 16 men.
1728 July 1834Lord'sPlayersinnings and 21 runs
1820 July 1835Lord'sPlayerssix wickets
1925 July 1836Lord'sGentlemen35 runsGentlemen had 18 men.
203 July 1837Lord'sPlayersinnings and 10 runsPlayers defended an oversized wicket of four stumps measuring 36 by 12 inches, and won despite being bowled out for 99, having been 17/8.
2117 July 1837Lord'sPlayersinnings and 38 runsGentlemen had 16 men.
2230 July 1838Lord'sPlayers40 runs
2329 July 1839Lord'sDrawn
2429 June 1840Lord'sPlayersnine wickets
2512 July 1841Lord'sPlayersthree wickets
2625 July 1842Lord'sGentlemen95 runs
2731 July 1843Lord'sGentlemeninnings and 20 runs
2829 July 1844Lord'sPlayers38 runs
2921 July 1845Lord'sPlayers67 runsFour-day match.
3015 September 1845BrightonDrawn Rain ended play on the first day, and washed out the second and third days, after the Players reached 119/3.
3120 July 1846Lord'sGentlemenone wicket
3219 July 1847Lord'sPlayers147 runs
3331 July 1848Lord'sGentlemen27 runs Gentlemen won despite being bowled out for 31 in their first innings; Players, set 105 to win, were bowled out for 77.
3423 July 1849Lord'sGentlemeninnings and 40 runs
3522 July 1850Lord'sPlayersinnings and 48 runs
3623 June 1851Lord'sPlayersinnings and 14 runs
3721 July 1851Lord'sPlayersinnings and 22 runs
3819 July 1852Lord'sPlayersfive wickets
3918 July 1853Lord'sGentlemen60 runsGentlemen won despite being bowled out for 37 in their second innings.
4017 July 1854Lord'sPlayersnine wickets
4123 July 1855Lord'sPlayersseven wickets Gentlemen, after leading on first innings, were bowled out for 43.
4221 July 1856Lord'sPlayerstwo wickets Gentlemen were bowled out for 50 in their first innings.
432 July 1857The OvalPlayersten wickets
4413 July 1857Lord'sPlayers13 runs
451 July 1858The OvalPlayersthree wickets
4619 July 1858Lord'sPlayers285 runs
4730 June 1859The OvalPlayersinnings and 25 runs
4818 July 1859Lord'sPlayers169 runs
495 July 1860The OvalPlayerseight wickets
509 July 1860Lord'sPlayersinnings and 181 runs
511 July 1861Lord'sPlayersinnings and 60 runs
524 July 1861The OvalPlayersinnings and 68 runs
5326 June 1862The OvalDrawn
5414 July 1862Lord'sPlayers157 runs
5529 July 1863Lord'sPlayerseight wickets
562 July 1863The OvalPlayersnine wickets
5723 June 1864The OvalPlayers205 runs
5827 June 1864Lord'sPlayersinnings and 68 runs Gentlemen were bowled out for 60, and following-on, 59.
593 July 1865The OvalPlayers118 runs
6010 July 1865Lord'sGentlemeneight wickets Gentlemen broke a winless streak of 20 matches (19 losses, 1 drawn).
6125 June 1866Lord'sPlayers38 runs
6228 June 1866The OvalGentlemen98 runs Gentlemen won after being required to follow-on.
638 July 1867Lord'sGentlemeneight wickets
6415 July 1867The OvalDrawn
6529 June 1868Lord'sGentlemeneight wickets
662 July 1868The OvalGentlemeninnings and 87 runs
6724 June 1869The OvalGentlemen17 runs
6828 June 1869Lord'sGentlementhree wickets
6914 July 1870The OvalDrawn
7018 July 1870Lord'sGentlemenfour runs
713 July 1871Lord'sDrawn
726 July 1871The OvalGentlemenfive wickets
7314 August 1871Royal Brunswick Ground, HoveDrawn
741 July 1872Lord'sGentlemenseven wickets
754 July 1872The OvalGentlemennine wickets
7630 June 1873Lord'sGentlemeninnings and 55 runs
773 July 1873The OvalGentlemeninnings and 11 runs
7817 July 1873Prince's Cricket Ground, LondonGentlemeninnings and 54 runs
792 July 1874The OvalGentlemen48 runs
806 July 1874Lord'sPlayerstwo wickets Players broke a winless streak of 18 matches (15 losses, 3 drawn).
8123 July 1874Prince's Cricket GroundGentlemen60 runs
821 July 1875The OvalDrawn
835 July 1875Lord'sGentlemen262 runs
8422 July 1875Prince's Cricket GroundPlayers43 runs
8529 June 1876The OvalDrawn
863 July 1876Lord'sGentlemeninnings and 98 runs
876 July 1876Prince's Cricket GroundGentlemenfive wickets
8828 June 1877The OvalDrawn
892 July 1877Lord'sGentlemenone wicketGentlemen added 46 for the last wicket to win, setting a new first-class record.
905 July 1877Prince's Cricket GroundGentlemennine wickets
914 July 1878The OvalGentlemen55 runs
928 July 1878Lord'sGentlemen206 runs
933 July 1879The OvalGentlemeninnings and 126 runs
947 July 1879Lord'sDrawn
951 July 1880The OvalPlayers37 runs
965 July 1880Lord'sGentlemenfive wickets
9730 June 1881The OvalGentlementwo wickets
9811 July 1881Lord'sGentlemenfive wickets
998 August 1881County Ground, HovePlayersone runGentlemen, set 113 to win, collapsed from 56/0 to 111 all out.
10029 June 1882The OvalPlayers87 runs
1013 July 1882Lord'sGentlemeneight wickets
10228 June 1883The OvalTied Gentlemen, set 150 to win, were bowled out for 149 with five minutes remaining.
1039 July 1883Lord'sGentlemenseven wickets
1043 July 1884The OvalPlayersnine wickets
1057 July 1884Lord'sGentlemensix wickets
1062 July 1885The OvalDrawn
1076 July 1885Lord'sPlayersfour wickets
1083 September 1885 Scarborough Gentlemeninnings and 25 runs
10912 July 1886Lord'sPlayersfive wickets
11015 July 1886The OvalDrawn
11111 July 1887Lord'sPlayersinnings and 123 runs
11214 July 1887The OvalPlayersinnings and 16 runs
1139 July 1888Lord'sGentlemenfive runs Players, set 78 to win, were bowled out for 72.
11412 July 1888The OvalPlayersinnings and 39 runs
1154 July 1889The OvalPlayersnine wickets
1168 July 1889Lord'sPlayersten wickets
1176 September 1889HastingsGentlemenone wicket
1183 July 1890The OvalPlayersnine wickets
1197 July 1890Lord'sDrawn
1202 July 1891The OvalGentlemeninnings and 54 runs
1216 July 1891Lord'sDrawn
12214 September 1891HastingsPlayersinnings and 128 runs
1234 July 1892Lord'sPlayersinnings and 26 runs
12411 July 1892The OvalPlayersten wickets
1251 September 1892 Scarborough Drawn
12612 September 1892HastingsDrawn
1276 July 1893The OvalPlayerseight runs
12810 July 1893Lord'sDrawn
1295 July 1894The OvalPlayersinnings and 27 runs
1309 July 1894The OvalGentlemeninnings and 39 runs
13110 September 1894HastingsDrawn
1328 July 1895Lord'sPlayers32 runs
13311 July 1895The OvalDrawn
1346 July 1896The OvalGentlemenone wicket
13513 July 1896Lord'sGentlemensix wickets
1368 July 1897The OvalPlayerseight wickets
13712 July 1897Lord'sPlayers78 runs
13830 August 1897ScarboroughDrawn
13913 September 1897HastingsPlayers175 runs
14013 June 1898The OvalPlayerseight wickets
14118 July 1898Lord'sPlayers137 runs
14229 August 1898ScarboroughGentlemeneight wickets
1436 July 1899The OvalPlayersinnings and 36 runs
14410 July 1899Lord'sGentlemeninnings and 59 runsDigby Jephson (Gentlemen) took 6–21 with underarm lobs.
1459 July 1900The OvalPlayers37 runsThe umpires were replaced at lunch on the first day after an objection from Gentlemen captain W. G. Grace.
14616 July 1900Lord'sPlayerstwo wicketsDespite Tip Foster (102 & 136) being the first man to score a century in each innings in these matches, Players scored 502/8 in their second innings to win.
14730 August 1900ScarboroughPlayersinnings and 22 runs
1488 July 1901Lord'sPlayers221 runs
14911 July 1901The OvalPlayersten wickets
1509 September 1901HastingsDrawn
1517 July 1902Lord'sPlayersinnings and 68 runs
15210 July 1902The OvalDrawn
1531 September 1902ScarboroughDrawn
1546 July 1903Lord'sDrawnGentlemen made 500/2 declared following on (C. B. Fry 232*).
1559 July 1903ScarboroughGentlemen54 runs
15631 August 1903ScarboroughPlayersinnings and eight runs
15710 September 1903HastingsDrawn
1584 July 1904Lord'sGentlementwo wickets
1597 July 1904The OvalGentlemeninnings and 39 runs
16010 July 1905Lord'sPlayers105 runs
16117 July 1905The OvalPlayers128 runs
1629 July 1906Lord'sGentlemen45 runs
16316 July 1906The OvalDrawn
1646 September 1906ScarboroughDrawn
1658 July 1907Lord'sDrawn
16615 July 1907The OvalPlayers54 runs
1672 July 1908Lord'sPlayersseven wickets
1689 July 1908The OvalGentlemensix wickets
1693 September 1908ScarboroughDrawn
1708 July 1909The OvalPlayers64 runs
17112 July 1909Lord'sPlayers200 runs
1726 September 1909ScarboroughDrawn
1737 July 1910The OvalPlayersinnings and 22 runs
17411 July 1910Lord'sPlayersten wickets
1755 September 1910ScarboroughDrawn
1766 July 1911The OvalDrawn
17710 July 1911Lord'sGentlemen130 runs
1784 September 1911ScarboroughDrawn
17911 July 1912The OvalDrawn
18018 July 1912Lord'sDrawn
18110 July 1913The OvalDrawn
18214 July 1913Lord'sPlayersseven wickets
1834 September 1913ScarboroughGentlemensix runs
1849 July 1914The OvalPlayers241 runs
18513 July 1914Lord'sGentlemen134 runs
1863 July 1919The OvalDrawn
18714 July 1919Lord'sDrawn
1884 September 1919Lord'sPlayersinnings and 110 runsJack Hobbs uniquely scored centuries in all three matches in 1919.
1893 June 1920The OvalPlayersinnings and 87 runs
19014 July 1920Lord'sPlayersseven wickets
1916 September 1920ScarboroughDrawn
19229 June 1921Lord'sPlayersinnings and three runs
19313 July 1921Lord'sPlayersnine wickets
1945 September 1921ScarboroughPlayers198 runs
1955 July 1922The OvalDrawn
19619 July 1922Lord'sDrawn
1977 September 1922ScarboroughDrawn
1984 July 1923The OvalPlayerssix wickets
19918 July 1923Lord'sDrawn
2006 September 1923ScarboroughDrawn
2012 July 1924The OvalPlayerssix wickets
20216 July 1924Lord'sPlayersinnings and 231 runs
2031 September 1924BlackpoolPlayersnine wicketsThe only Gentlemen v Players match at this venue.
2046 September 1924ScarboroughDrawn
2058 July 1925The OvalGentlemenfour wickets Gentlemen broke a winless streak of 19 matches (10 losses, 9 drawn).
20615 July 1925Lord'sDrawn
2072 September 1925ScarboroughDrawn
2085 September 1925FolkestonePlayersnine wickets
2097 July 1926The OvalPlayersseven wickets
21014 July 1926Lord'sDrawn
2111 September 1926ScarboroughDrawnPlayers captain Jack Hobbs scored 266, a record in Gentlemen v Players matches.
2126 July 1927The OvalDrawn
21313 July 1927Lord'sDrawn
21431 August 1927FolkestonePlayersinnings and 81 runs
2153 September 1927ScarboroughDrawn
2166 June 1928The OvalDrawn
21718 July 1928Lord'sPlayersnine wickets
2185 September 1928BournemouthGentlemenone wicketThe only Gentlemen v Players match at this venue.
2198 September 1928FolkestonePlayersfive wickets
22010 July 1929The OvalDrawn
22117 July 1929Lord'sPlayersseven wickets
22216 July 1930Lord'sDrawn
22310 September 1930FolkestoneDrawn
22410 June 1931The OvalDrawn
22515 July 1931Lord'sDrawn
2262 September 1931FolkestoneDrawn
2275 September 1931ScarboroughDrawn
2286 July 1932The OvalDrawn
22913 July 1932Lord'sDrawn
23031 August 1932FolkestonePlayers47 runs
23119 July 1933Lord'sPlayersten wickets
2326 September 1933FolkestonePlayersinnings and 46 runs
23311 July 1934The OvalPlayersinnings and 305 runs
23425 July 1934Lord'sGentlemenseven wickets Gentlemen broke a winless streak of 15 matches (six losses, nine drawn).
2355 September 1934ScarboroughDrawnPlayed simultaneously with the match below; Gentlemen, set 224 to win, were 203/9 when time expired.
2365 September 1934FolkestoneGentlementhree wicketsPlayed simultaneously with the match above.
23717 July 1935Lord'sPlayersnine wickets
2384 September 1935FolkestoneDrawn
23915 July 1936Lord'sDrawn
2405 September 1936FolkestoneDrawn
24114 July 1937Lord'sPlayerseight wickets
24213 July 1938Lord'sGentlemen133 runs
2437 September 1938ScarboroughPlayersfive wickets Players scored 5/130 in 50 minutes to win with one minute remaining.
2445 July 1939Lord'sPlayers160 runs
24517 July 1946Lord'sPlayersinnings and 140 runsGentlemen collapsed from 138/4 to 144 all out in first innings.
24616 July 1947Lord'sDrawn
24710 September 1947ScarboroughPlayersinnings and ten runs
24814 July 1948Lord'sDrawn
24913 July 1949Lord'sPlayersfour wickets
25026 July 1950Lord'sDrawnPlayers, set 253 to win, were 241/9 when time expired.
25118 July 1951Lord'sPlayers21 runs
2525 September 1951ScarboroughDrawn
25323 July 1952Lord'sPlayerstwo runs
2546 September 1952ScarboroughDrawnGentlemen, set 254 to win, were 252/8 when time expired.
25515 July 1953Lord'sGentlemen95 runs
2565 September 1953ScarboroughGentlemenfive wicketsGentlemen won after conceding 532/5 declared (Len Hutton 241) in first innings.
25714 July 1954Lord'sPlayers49 runs
2584 September 1954ScarboroughPlayers50 runs
25913 July 1955Lord'sPlayers20 runs
2603 September 1955ScarboroughPlayerstwo wickets
26118 July 1956Lord'sDrawn
2621 September 1956ScarboroughPlayersseven wickets
26317 July 1957Lord'sDrawnPlayers (46/9 declared in the first innings), set 290 to win, were 242/9 when time expired.
2644 September 1957ScarboroughPlayerssix wickets
26516 July 1958Lord'sDrawn
2666 September 1958ScarboroughPlayers55 runs
26715 July 1959Lord'sDrawn
2685 September 1959ScarboroughPlayersten wickets
26913 July 1960Lord'sDrawn
2703 September 1960ScarboroughDrawn
27119 July 1961Lord'sPlayers172 runs
2722 September 1961ScarboroughPlayers54 runs
27318 July 1962Lord'sDrawn
2748 September 1962ScarboroughPlayersseven wickets [2]

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The North of England and South of England cricket teams appeared in first-class matches between the 1836 and 1961 seasons, most often playing against each other but also individually in games against touring teams, Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) and others. Until international cricket became firmly established towards the end of the 19th century, the North v South match was one of the major fixtures in the cricketing calendar along with Gentlemen v Players. Indeed, North v South was really the major fixture because it could potentially showcase the best 22 players in the country, whereas Gentlemen teams in the other match were often very weak.

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Amateur status had a special meaning in English cricket. The amateur in this context was not merely someone who played cricket in his spare time but a particular type of first-class cricketer who existed officially until 1962, when the distinction between amateurs and professionals was abolished and all first-class players became nominally professional.

The Gentlemen appeared in first-class cricket between 1806 and 1962, always in the showcase Gentlemen v Players matches against the Players. Teams called the Gentlemen have played in a few minor matches.

The Players appeared in first-class cricket between 1806 and 1962, nearly always in the showcase Gentlemen v Players matches against the Gentlemen, though Players teams have occasionally played against touring sides too. Teams called the Players have played in a few minor matches.

Walter Francis Forbes was an English first-class cricketer.


  1. "Gentlemen v Players at Lord's (Old), July 7–9, 1806". ESPNcricinfo. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  2. "Gentlemen v Players at Scarborough, 8–11 September 1962". ESPNcricinfo. Retrieved 10 March 2017.