List of Kimagure Orange Road episodes

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Following is the list of the 48 episodes and eight OVAs (Original video animations) of the Japanese shōnen romantic comedy manga and anime series Kimagure Orange Road .


TV Episode List

# Title Original air date
1"Transfer Student! Humble First Love!"
"転校生!恥ずかしながら初恋します (Tenkousei ! Hazukashi nagara hatsukoi shimasu)"
April 6, 1987 (1987-04-06)
2"Just a Little Lemon Kiss"
"あの娘にちょっぴりレモンのキスを (Anokoni choppiri remon no kisu wo)"
April 13, 1987 (1987-04-13)
3"Mood Swings - Rowing First Date"
"気分はゆれてローリング初デート (Kibun ha yurete ro-ringu hatsu de-to)"
April 20, 1987 (1987-04-20)
4"Hikaru-chan?! The Disturbing "C" Experience!"
"ひかるちゃん!?お騒がせのC体験 (Hikaruchan !? Osawagase no C taiken)"
April 27, 1987 (1987-04-27)
5"Two People's Secret - The Part-Time Job"
"人のひみつ、とまどいアルバイト (Futari no himitsu, Tomadoi arubaito)"
May 4, 1987 (1987-05-04)
6"That Guy is a Rival! Love's Midterm Exam!"
"あいつがライバル、恋の中間試験 (Aitsu ga raibaru, Koi no chuukan shiken)"
May 11, 1987 (1987-05-11)
7"Madoka's Private Life - A Spark-Colored Kiss!"
"まどかの私生活!?口づけスパーク色 (Madoka no shiseikatsu !? Kuchiduke supa-ku iro)"
May 18, 1987 (1987-05-18)
8"Your Smile! Shutter Chance at the Beach"
"君は笑顔!渚のシャッターチャンス (Kimi ha egao ! Nagisa no shatta-chansu)"
May 25, 1987 (1987-05-25)
9"Kurumi-chan's How To Date!"
"くるみちゃんデートの仕方教えます (Kurumichan de-to no shikata oshie masu)"
June 1, 1987 (1987-06-01)
10"A Premonition! Hikaru-chan Will Die!"
"予知夢!?ひかるちゃんが死んじゃう (Yochimu !? Hikaruchan ga shinjau)"
June 8, 1987 (1987-06-08)
11"Don't Ring the Wedding Bells!"
"鳴らさないで!ウエディングベル (Narasa naide ! Wedding bell)"
June 15, 1987 (1987-06-15)
12"Study Abroad in America! Goodbye Madoka!"
"アメリカ留学!サヨナラまどか (Amerika ryuugaku ! SAYONARA Madoka.)"
June 22, 1987 (1987-06-22)
13"Everyone is Looking! Hikaru's Super Transformation!"
"視線集中!ひかるちゃん大変身 (Sisen shuuchuu ! Hikaruchan daihenshin)"
June 29, 1987 (1987-06-29)
14"A Foreboding Dream! Madoka and Kyosuke are Breaking Up At Last!"
"予知夢!まどかと恭介ついに破局! (Yochimu ! Madoka to Kyousuke tsuini hakyoku)"
July 6, 1987 (1987-07-06)
15"Madoka's Ultimate Decision! Putting a Period to the Love Triangle"
"まどかの決心!三角関係にピリオド (Madoka no kesshin ! Sankaku Kankei ni piriodo)"
July 13, 1987 (1987-07-13)
16"Well, Do You Believe or Not? Madoka Saw a UFO"
"信じる信じないUFOを見たまどか (Shinjiru Shinjinai UFO wo mita Madoka)"
July 20, 1987 (1987-07-20)
17"The Summer Temptation - A Double Date Out Of the Blue"
"夏の誘惑!いきなりダブルデート (Natsu no yuuwaku ! Ikinari daburu de-to)"
July 27, 1987 (1987-07-27)
18"Madoka's Challenge! The Haunted Beach Big Wave Legend"
"まどか挑戦!幽霊海岸の大波伝説 (Madoka chousen ! yuurei kaigan no oo nami densetsu)"
August 3, 1987 (1987-08-03)
19"The Couple's Experience—Forbidden Island of Love!"
"二人の体験!禁じられた恋の島 (Futari no taiken ! Kinjirareta koi no shima)"
August 10, 1987 (1987-08-10)
20"Hikaru Witnesses! The Camp is Full of Danger!"
"ひかる目撃!合宿は危険がいっぱい (Hikaru mokugeki ! Gasshuku ha kiken ga ippai)"
August 17, 1987 (1987-08-17)
21"Kyosuke in a Pinch! Sweet Nothings at the Wuthering Heights!"
"恭介ピンチ!嵐が丘の甘いささやき (Kyousuke pinchi ! Arashi ga oka no amai sasayaki)"
August 24, 1987 (1987-08-24)
22"An Adult Relationship? Madoka Secretly Returns Home in the Morning!"
"大人の関係!?まどか秘密の朝帰り (Otona no kankei !? Madoka himitsu no asagaeri)"
August 31, 1987 (1987-08-31)
23"Kyosuke and Madoka in a Big Fight! The 3-Legged Race of Love!"
"恭介まどか大ゲンカ!恋の二人三脚 (Kyousuke Madoka oo genka ! Koi no ninin sankyaku)"
September 7, 1987 (1987-09-07)
24"Introducing Kazuya! Be Careful Around the "Panic Kid"!"
"一弥登場!パニックキッドにご用心 (Kazuya toujou ! Panic Kid ni go youjin)"
September 14, 1987 (1987-09-14)
25"Risky Self-Hypnosis! Kyosuke Changed!"
"あぶない自己暗示!恭介くん変身す (Abunai jikoanji ! Kyousukekun henshin su)"
September 21, 1987 (1987-09-21)
26"Kyosuke Becomes a Kid! Getting Super-Close to Madoka!"
"子供になった恭介!まどかに大接近 (Kodomo ni natta kyousuke ! Madoka ni dai sekkin)"
September 28, 1987 (1987-09-28)
27"Marked Woman Madoka! Kyosuke, Proving He's a Man!"
"ねらわれたまどか!恭介男の証明 (Nerawareta Madoka ! Kyousuke otoko no shoumei)"
October 5, 1987 (1987-10-05)
28"Dangerous Decision! Manami-chan's Big Adventure!"
"危険な決心!まなみちゃんの大冒険 (Kiken na kesshin ! Manamichan no dai bouken)"
October 12, 1987 (1987-10-12)
29"Don't Cry, Jingoro! The Heat of Young Love!"
"泣くなジンゴロ!愛と青春の発情期 (Nakuna jingoro ! Ai to seishun no hatsujouki)"
October 19, 1987 (1987-10-19)
30"A Tender Little Story - Kurumi's First Love, Chapter "Hell"!"
"木の葉物語!くるみの初恋·地獄編 (Konoha monogatari ! Kurumi no hatsukoi, jigoku hen)"
October 26, 1987 (1987-10-26)
31"Madoka and Yuusaku - The Marching Song of Runaway Youths"
"まどかと勇作!青春かけおち行進曲 (Madoka to Yuusaku ! Seishun kakeochi koushin kyoku)"
November 2, 1987 (1987-11-02)
32"Will My Birthday Come Twice? Time-Runner Kyosuke"
"誕生日は二度来る!?時をかける恭介 (Tanjoubi ha nido kuru !? Toki wo kakeru Kyousuke)"
November 9, 1987 (1987-11-09)
33"Strange Madoka! The Mushroom of 120% Truth!"
"妖しのまどか!キノコで本音120% (Ayashi no Madoka ! Kinoko de honne hyaku nijuu %)"
November 16, 1987 (1987-11-16)
34"Roots Panic! Madoka in the Mysterious Homeland"
"ルーツパニック、不思議の里のまどか (Roots panic Fushigi no sato no Madoka)"
November 23, 1987 (1987-11-23)
35"Perverted With a Camera! Robo-Kyosuke!"
"カメラでエッチ!ロボット恭ちゃん (Camera de ecchi ! Robot Kyouchan)"
November 30, 1987 (1987-11-30)
36"Adios, Kyosuke! Paranormal Powers Caught On Video!"
"さらば恭介!ビデオに写った超能力 (Saraba Kyousuke ! Video ni utsutta chounouryoku)"
December 7, 1987 (1987-12-07)
37"Heroic Orange Legend - Madoka's Duel in the Blizzard"
"オレンジ仁侠伝!まどか吹雪の対決 (Orange ninkyou den ! Madoka fubuki no taiketsu)"
December 14, 1987 (1987-12-14)
38"Kyosuke Timetrips! The Third Christmas"
"恭介時間旅行!3度目のクリスマス (Kyosuke jikan ryokou ! san do me no Christmas)"
December 21, 1987 (1987-12-21)
39"Hypnotizing Madoka - Kyosuke's Dangerous New Year"
"まどかに催眠術!恭介あぶない正月 (Madoka ni saimin jutsu ! Kyousuke abunai shougatsu)"
January 4, 1988 (1988-01-04)
40"First Dream of the New Year - Giant Monster Jingoro's Counterattack"
"初夢だよ!大怪獣ジンゴロの逆襲 (Hatsu yume dayo ! Dai kaijuu Jingoro no gyakushuu)"
January 11, 1988 (1988-01-11)
41"Immobilized Madoka - Kyosuke's Mysterious Watch"
"動けないまどか!恭介のフシギ時計 (Ugoke nai Madoka ! Kyousuke no fushigi dokei)"
January 18, 1988 (1988-01-18)
42"Madoka the Popular - Kyosuke Finally Confesses"
"モテモテのまどか!恭介ついに告白 (Motemote no Madoka ! Kyousuke tsuini kokuhaku)"
January 25, 1988 (1988-01-25)
43"Heartbroken Hikaru - Follow Her to the Winter Beach"
"傷心のひかる!追いかけて冬海岸 (Shoushin no Hikaru ! Oikake te fuyu kaigan)"
February 1, 1988 (1988-02-01)
44"The Taste of Love? Kyosuke's Valentine from HELL!!"
"恋のお味?恭介地獄のバレンタイン (Koi no oaji ? Kyousuke jigoku no Valentine)"
February 8, 1988 (1988-02-08)
45"Goodbye Hikaru - And Then There Were None"
"ひかる死す、そして誰もいなくなった (Hikaru shi su Soshite Daremo inaku natta)"
February 15, 1988 (1988-02-15)
46"One Snow-White Night - Two Alone in a Gondola"
"白銀の一夜!二人ぼっちでゴンドラ (Hakugin no ichi ya ! Futari bocchi de Gondola)"
February 22, 1988 (1988-02-22)
47"A Presentiment of Farewells - Find Madoka's First Love"
"さよならの予感、まどかの初恋を探せ (Sayonara no yokan Madoka no hatsukoi wo sagase)"
February 29, 1988 (1988-02-29)
48"I Found Love! and Repeat From Beginning."
"恋つかまえた、そしてダ·カーポ (Koi tsukamaeta soshite da ka-po)"
March 7, 1988 (1988-03-07)

OVA list


Theme songs:

# Title Original release date
1"White Lovers"
"白い恋人たち (Shiroi Koibito-tachi)"
March 1, 1989 (1989-03-01)
2"Hawaiian Suspense"
"ハワイアン・サスペンス (Hawaian Sasupensu)"
April 1, 1989 (1989-04-01) [1]


Theme songs:

# Title Original release date
1"I Was a Cat; I Was a Fish"
"吾輩は猫であったり おサカナであったり (Wagahai wa Neko De Attari O-sakana de Atari)"
December 27, 1989 (1989-12-27)
2"Hurricane! Akane the Shape-changing Girl"
"ハリケーン! 変身少女あ・か・ね (Harikēn! Henshin Shōjo A-ka-ne)"
February 1, 1990 (1990-02-01)
3"Stage of Love=Heart on Fire! Spring is for Idols"
"恋のステージ=HEART ON FIRE! 〈春はアイドル!〉 (Koi no Sutēji = Hāto on Faia! Haru wa Aidoru!)"
May 1, 1990 (1990-05-01)
4"Stage of Love=Heart on Fire! Birth of a Star"
"恋のステージ=HEART ON FIRE! 〈スタア誕生!〉 (Koi no Sutēji = Hāto on Faia! Sutaa Tanjō!)"
July 1, 1990 (1990-07-01)


Theme songs:

# Title Original release date
1"An Unexpected Situation"
"思いがけないシチュエーション (Omoigakenai Shichuēshon)"
January 18, 1991 (1991-01-18)
2"Message in Rouge"
"ルージュの伝言 (Rūju no Dengon)"
January 18, 1991 (1991-01-18)

See also

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  1. "きまぐれオレンジロード~ハワイアン・サスペンス". 31 March 1989.