One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda which has been translated into various languages and spawned a substantial media franchise, including animated and live action television series, films, video games, and associated music and merchandise. It follows the adventures of the teenaged boy and pirate captain Monkey D. Luffy, whose body gained the properties of rubber after he accidentally ate a supernatural fruit, as he travels the oceans in search of the series' titular treasure and organizes a diverse crew, named the Straw Hats.
In Japan, the series is published by Shueisha. Individual chapters have been published regularly in the shōnen manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 22, 1997 and tankōbon format volumes (each collecting 10 to 12 chapters) have been published since December 24, 1997. [1] The series spans over 1128 chapters and, as of November 2024 [update] , has 110 tankōbon volumes, making One Piece the 20th longest manga series by volume count.
The series has been translated and released in multiple countries. [2] [3] [4] English localization began in North America, where Viz Media currently serializes One Piece in the Shonen Jump digital vault simultaneously with Japan. It originally published its English language adaptation of the series in the now-defunct monthly print anthology Shonen Jump starting with the magazine's launch in November 2002. [5] It also publishes tankōbon format books since June 2003, [6] which have been collected into omnibus editions incorporating three tankōbon each since December 2009; [7] chapters and books also are published digitally through its website. [8] [9] [10] In the United Kingdom, the tankōbon were published by Gollancz Manga, starting March 2006, [11] until Viz Media took over after the fourteenth volume. [12] [13] In Australia and New Zealand, the English volumes have been distributed by Madman Entertainment since November 10, 2008. [14] By October 6, 2009, only 22 volumes had been released in English. [15] However, as announced in July 2009, Viz Media increased that number to 53 by June 2010, using an accelerated publishing schedule of five volumes per month during the first half of 2010. [16] [17] As of July 2024 [update] , 106 volumes of the English version have been officially released by Viz Media.
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
1 | Romance Dawn Romance Dawn: Bōken no Yoake(Romance Dawn —冒険の夜明け—) | December 24, 1997 [1] 4-08-872509-3 | June 30, 2003 [10] 1-56931-901-4 |
2 | Buggy the Clown Versus!! Bagī Kaizoku-Dan(Versus!! バギー海賊団) | April 3, 1998 [18] 4-08-872544-1 | November 19, 2003 [19] 1-59116-057-X |
3 | Don't Get Fooled Again Itsuwarenu Mono(偽れぬもの) | June 4, 1998 [20] 4-08-872569-7 | March 17, 2004 [21] 1-59116-184-3 |
4 | The Black Cat Pirates Mikazuki(三日月) | August 4, 1998 [22] 4-08-872594-8 | July 14, 2004 [23] 1-59116-337-4 |
5 | For Whom the Bell Tolls Tagatameni Kane wa Naru(誰が為に鐘は鳴る) | October 2, 1998 [24] 4-08-872619-7 | November 17, 2004 [25] 1-59116-615-2 |
6 | The Oath Chikai(誓い) | December 3, 1998 [26] 4-08-872642-1 | March 1, 2005 [27] 1-59116-723-X |
7 | The Crap-Geezer Kuso Jijī(クソジジイ) | March 4, 1999 [28] 4-08-872683-9 | July 5, 2005 [29] 1-59116-852-X |
8 | I Won't Die Shinanē yo(死なねェよ) | April 30, 1999 [30] 4-08-872712-6 | October 10, 2005 [31] 1-4215-0075-2 |
9 | Tears Namida(涙) | July 2, 1999 [32] 4-08-872735-5 | January 3, 2006 [33] 1-4215-0191-0 |
10 | OK, Let's STAND UP! | October 4, 1999 [34] 4-08-872773-8 | April 4, 2006 [35] 1-4215-0406-5 |
11 | The Meanest Man in the East Higashi Ichiban no Waru(東一番の悪) | December 2, 1999 [36] 4-08-872797-5 | July 5, 2006 [37] 1-4215-0663-7 |
12 | The Legend Begins Densetsu wa Hajimatta(伝説は始まった) | February 2, 2000 [38] 4-08-872822-X | October 3, 2006 [39] 1-4215-0664-5 |
13 | It's All Right! Daijōbu!!!(大丈夫!!!) | April 28, 2000 [40] 4-08-872863-7 | January 2, 2007 [41] 1-4215-0665-3 |
14 | Instinct Honnō(本能) | July 4, 2000 [42] 4-08-872888-2 | April 3, 2007 [43] 1-4215-1091-X |
15 | Straight Ahead!!! Massugu!!!(まっすぐ!!!) | September 4, 2000 [44] 4-08-873009-7 | August 7, 2007 [45] 1-4215-1092-8 |
16 | Carrying on His Will Uketsugareru Ishi(受け継がれる意志) | December 4, 2000 [46] 4-08-873045-3 | November 6, 2007 [47] 1-4215-1093-6 |
17 | Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms Hiruruku no Sakura(ヒルルクの桜) | February 2, 2001 [48] 4-08-873073-9 | March 4, 2008 [49] 1-4215-1511-3 |
18 | Ace Arrives Ēsu Tōjō(エース登場) | April 4, 2001 [50] 4-08-873100-X | June 3, 2008 [51] 1-4215-1512-1 |
19 | Rebellion Uneri(反乱) | July 4, 2001 [52] 4-08-873133-6 | October 7, 2008 [53] 1-4215-1513-X |
20 | Showdown at Alubarna Kessen wa Arubāna(決戦はアルバーナ) | September 4, 2001 [54] 4-08-873158-1 | February 3, 2009 [55] 1-4215-1514-8 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
21 | Utopia Risōkyō(理想郷) | December 4, 2001 [56] 4-08-873194-8 | June 2, 2009 [57] 978-1-4215-2429-0 |
22 | Hope!! | February 4, 2002 [58] 4-08-873222-7 | October 6, 2009 [15] 1-4215-2430-9 |
23 | Vivi's Adventure Bibi no Bōken(ビビの冒険) | April 4, 2002 [59] 4-08-873252-9 | December 1, 2009 [60] 978-1-4215-2844-1 |
24 | People's Dreams Hito no Yume(人の夢) | July 4, 2002 [61] 4-08-873282-0 | January 5, 2010 [62] 1-4215-2845-2 |
25 | The 100 Million Berry Man Ichioku no Otoko(一億の男) | September 4, 2002 [63] 4-08-873313-4 | January 5, 2010 [64] 1-4215-2846-0 |
26 | Adventure on Kami's Island Kami no Shima no Bōken(神の島の冒険) | December 4, 2002 [65] 4-08-873336-3 | January 5, 2010 [66] 1-4215-3442-8 |
27 | Overture Ōbāchua(序曲) | February 4, 2003 [67] 4-08-873379-7 | January 5, 2010 [68] 1-4215-3443-6 |
28 | Wyper the Berserker "Senki" Waipā(「戦鬼」ワイパー) | May 1, 2003 [69] 4-08-873418-1 | January 5, 2010 [70] 1-4215-3444-4 |
29 | Oratorio 聖譚曲 | July 4, 2003 [71] 4-08-873480-7 | February 2, 2010 [72] 1-4215-3445-2 |
30 | Capriccio Kapuritchio(狂想曲) | October 3, 2003 [73] 4-08-873502-1 | February 2, 2010 [74] 1-4215-3446-0 |
31 | We'll Be Here Koko ni Iru(ここにいる) | December 19, 2003 [75] 4-08-873551-X | February 2, 2010 [76] 1-4215-3447-9 |
32 | Love Song Rabu Songu(島の歌声) | March 4, 2004 [77] 4-08-873571-4 | February 2, 2010 [78] 1-4215-3448-7 |
33 | Davy Back Fight Davy Back Fight!! | June 4, 2004 [79] 4-08-873593-5 | February 2, 2010 [80] 1-4215-3449-5 |
34 | The City of Water, Water Seven "Mizu no Miyako" Wōtā Sebun(「水の都」ウォーターセブン) | August 4, 2004 [81] 4-08-873638-9 | March 2, 2010 [82] 1-4215-3450-9 |
35 | Captain Kyaputen(船長) | November 4, 2004 [83] 4-08-873667-2 | March 2, 2010 [84] 1-4215-3451-7 |
36 | The Ninth Justice Kyūbanme no Seigi(9番目の正義) | February 4, 2005 [85] 4-08-873768-7 | March 2, 2010 [86] 1-4215-3452-5 |
37 | Tom Tomu-san(トムさん) | April 28, 2005 [87] 4-08-873802-0 | March 2, 2010 [88] 1-4215-3453-3 |
38 | Rocketman!! Rokettoman!!(ロケットマン!!) | July 4, 2005 [89] 4-08-873839-X | March 2, 2010 [90] 1-4215-3454-1 |
39 | Scramble Sōdatsusen(争奪戦) | November 4, 2005 [91] 4-08-873872-1 | April 6, 2010 [92] 1-4215-3455-X |
40 | Gear Gia(ギア) | December 26, 2005 [93] 4-08-874003-3 | April 6, 2010 [94] 1-4215-3456-8 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
41 | Declaration of War Sensen Fukoku(宣戦布告) | April 4, 2006 [95] 4-08-874047-5 | April 6, 2010 [96] 1-4215-3457-6 |
42 | Pirates vs. CP9 Kaizoku vs CP9(海賊 VS CP9) | July 4, 2006 [97] 4-08-874127-7 | April 6, 2010 [98] 1-4215-3458-4 |
43 | Legend of a Hero Eiyū Densetsu(英雄伝説) | September 4, 2006 [99] 4-08-874149-8 | April 6, 2010 [100] 1-4215-3459-2 |
44 | Let's Go Back Kaerou(帰ろう) | December 4, 2006 [101] 4-08-874287-7 | May 4, 2010 [102] 1-4215-3460-6 |
45 | You Have My Sympathies Shinchū Osasshisuru(心中お察しする) | March 2, 2007 [103] 978-4-08-874314-1 | May 4, 2010 [104] 1-4215-3461-4 |
46 | Adventure on Ghost Island Gōsuto Airando no Bōken(ゴースト島の冒険) | July 4, 2007 [105] 978-4-08-874382-0 | May 4, 2010 [106] 1-4215-3462-2 |
47 | Cloudy, Partly Bony Kumori Tokidoki Hone(くもり時々ホネ) | September 4, 2007 [107] 978-4-08-874411-7 | May 4, 2010 [108] 1-4215-3463-0 |
48 | Adventures of Oars Ōzu no Bōken(オーズの冒険) | December 4, 2007 [109] 978-4-08-874442-1 | May 4, 2010 [110] 1-4215-3464-9 |
49 | Nightmare Luffy Naitomea Rufi(ナイトメア・ルフィ) | March 4, 2008 [111] 978-4-08-874485-8 | June 1, 2010 [112] 1-4215-3465-7 |
50 | Arriving Again Futatabi Tadoritsuku(再び辿りつく) | June 4, 2008 [113] 978-4-08-874521-3 | June 1, 2010 [114] 1-4215-3466-5 |
51 | The Eleven Supernovas Jūichinin no Chōshinsei(11人の超新星) | September 4, 2008 [115] 978-4-08-874563-3 | June 1, 2010 [116] 1-4215-3467-3 |
52 | Roger and Rayleigh Rojā to Reirī(ロジャーとレイリー) | December 4, 2008 [117] 978-4-08-874602-9 | June 1, 2010 [118] 1-4215-3468-1 |
53 | Natural Born King Ō no Shishitsu(王の資質) | March 4, 2009 [119] 978-4-08-874640-1 | June 1, 2010 [17] 1-4215-3469-X |
54 | Unstoppable Mō Dare ni mo Tomerarenai(もう誰にも止められない) | June 4, 2009 [120] 978-4-08-874662-3 | July 6, 2010 [121] 1-4215-3470-3 |
55 | A Ray of Hope Jigoku ni Okama(地獄に仏) | September 4, 2009 [122] 978-4-08-874727-9 | October 5, 2010 [123] 1-4215-3471-1 |
56 | Thank You Arigatō(ありがとう) | December 4, 2009 [124] 978-4-08-874761-3 | February 1, 2011 [125] 978-1-4215-3850-1 |
57 | Paramount War Chōjō Kessen(頂上決戦) | March 4, 2010 [126] 978-4-08-870010-6 | June 7, 2011 [127] 1-4215-3851-2 |
58 | The Name of This Era Is "Whitebeard" Kono Jidai no Na o "Shirohige" to Yobu(この時代の名を"白ひげ"と呼ぶ) | June 4, 2010 [128] 978-4-08-870045-8 | September 13, 2011 [129] 1-4215-3926-8 |
59 | The Death of Portgaz D. Ace Pōtogasu Dī Ēsu Shisu(ポートガス・D・エース死す) | August 4, 2010 [130] 978-4-08-870083-0 | December 6, 2011 [131] 978-1-4215-3959-1 |
60 | My Little Brother Otōto yo(弟よ) | November 4, 2010 [132] 978-4-08-870125-7 | January 3, 2012 [133] 978-1-4215-4085-6 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
61 | Romance Dawn for the New World | February 4, 2011 [134] 978-4-08-870175-2 | March 6, 2012 [135] 1-4215-4144-0 |
62 | Adventure on Fish-Man Island Gyojintō no Bōken(魚人島の冒険) | May 2, 2011 [136] 978-4-08-870217-9 | May 1, 2012 [137] 978-1-4215-4196-9 |
63 | Otohime and Tiger Otohime to Taigā(オトヒメとタイガー) | August 4, 2011 [138] 978-4-08-870270-4 | July 3, 2012 [139] 978-1-4215-4307-9 |
64 | 100,000 vs. 10 Jūman Bāsasu Jū(10万vs.10) | November 4, 2011 [140] 978-4-08-870301-5 | September 4, 2012 [141] 978-1-4215-4329-1 |
65 | To Nothing Zero ni(ゼロに) | February 3, 2012 [142] 978-4-08-870367-1 | November 6, 2012 [143] 978-1-4215-4979-8 |
66 | The Road Toward the Sun Taiyō e to Tsuzuku Michi(タイヨウへと続く道) | May 2, 2012 [144] 978-4-08-870416-6 | March 5, 2013 978-1-4215-5237-8 |
67 | Cool Fight | August 3, 2012 [145] 978-4-08-870476-0 | June 4, 2013 978-1-4215-5371-9 |
68 | Pirate Alliance Kaizoku Dōmei(海賊同盟) | November 2, 2012 [146] 978-4-08-870531-6 | September 3, 2013 978-1-4215-5881-3 |
69 | S.A.D. SAD | March 4, 2013 [147] 978-4-08-870614-6 | December 3, 2013 978-1-4215-6143-1 |
70 | Enter Doflamingo Dofuramingo Arawaru(ドフラミンゴ現る) | June 4, 2013 [148] 978-4-08-870660-3 | March 4, 2014 978-1-4215-6460-9 |
71 | Coliseum of Scoundrels Kusemono-tachi no Koroshiamu(曲者達のコロシアム) | August 2, 2013 [149] 978-4-08-870781-5 | June 3, 2014 [150] 978-1-4215-6945-1 |
72 | Dressrosa's Forgotten Doresurōza no Wasuremono(ドレスローザの忘れ物) | November 1, 2013 [151] 978-4-08-870833-1 | September 2, 2014 [152] 978-1-4215-7344-1 |
73 | Operation Dressrosa S.O.P. Doresurōza Esu Ō Pī Sakusen(ドレスローザSOP作戦) | March 4, 2014 [153] 978-4-08-880022-6 | January 6, 2015 [154] 978-1-4215-7683-1 |
74 | Ever at Your Side Itsudemo Kimi no Soba ni Iru(いつでもキミのそばにいる) | June 4, 2014 [155] 978-4-08-880069-1 | April 7, 2015 [156] 978-1-4215-7867-5 |
75 | Repaying the Debt Ore no Ongaeshi(おれの恩返し) | September 4, 2014 [157] 978-4-08-880171-1 | August 4, 2015 [158] 978-1-4215-8029-6 |
76 | Just Keep Going Kamawazu Susume(構わず進め) | December 27, 2014 [159] 978-4-08-880219-0 | November 3, 2015 [160] 978-1-4215-8260-3 |
77 | Smile Sumairu(スマイル) | April 3, 2015 [161] 978-4-08-880326-5 | February 2, 2016 [162] 978-1-4215-8514-7 |
78 | Champion of Evil Aku no Karisuma(悪のカリスマ) | July 3, 2015 [163] 978-4-08-880422-4 | May 3, 2016 [164] 978-1-4215-8584-0 |
79 | Lucy!! | October 3, 2015 [165] 978-4-08-880496-5 | August 2, 2016 [166] 978-1-4215-8815-5 |
80 | Opening Speech Kaimaku Sengen(開幕宣言) | December 28, 2015 [167] 978-4-08-880578-8 | November 1, 2016 [168] 978-1-4215-9024-0 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
81 | Let's Go See the Cat Viper Nekomamushi no Danna ni Ai ni Yukou(ネコマムシの旦那に会いに行こう) | April 4, 2016 [169] 978-4-08-880648-8 | February 7, 2017 [170] 978-1-4215-9159-9 |
82 | The World Is Restless Zawatsuku Sekai(ざわつく世界) | July 4, 2016 [171] 978-4-08-880726-3 | May 2, 2017 [172] 978-1-4215-9269-5 |
83 | Emperor of the Sea, Charlotte Linlin Kaizoku "Yonkō" Shārotto Rinrin(海賊「四皇」シャーロット・リンリン) | November 4, 2016 [173] 978-4-08-880801-7 | August 1, 2017 [174] 978-1-4215-9433-0 |
84 | Luffy vs. Sanji Rufi Bāsasu Sanji(ルフィVSサンジ) | February 3, 2017 [175] 978-4-08-881002-7 | November 7, 2017 [176] 978-1-4215-9700-3 |
85 | Liar Usotsuki(ウソつき) | May 2, 2017 [177] 978-4-08-881070-6 | February 6, 2018 [178] 978-1-4215-9820-8 |
86 | Emperor Assassination Plan Yonkō Ansatsu Sakusen(四皇暗殺作戦) | August 4, 2017 [179] 978-4-08-881198-7 | May 1, 2018 [180] 978-1-9747-0042-4 |
87 | Bittersweet Amaku nai(甘くない) | November 2, 2017 [181] 978-4-08-881225-0 | August 7, 2018 [182] 978-1-9747-0141-4 |
88 | Lion Shishi(獅子) | March 2, 2018 [183] 978-4-08-881362-2 | November 6, 2018 [184] 978-1-9747-0378-4 |
89 | Bad End Musical BADEND MUSICAL | June 4, 2018 [185] 978-4-08-881496-4 | February 5, 2019 [186] 978-1-9747-0521-4 |
90 | Sacred Marijoa Seichi Marījoa(聖地マリージョア) | September 4, 2018 [187] 978-4-08-881562-6 | May 7, 2019 [188] 978-1-9747-0700-3 |
91 | Adventure in the Land of Samurai Samurai no Kuni no Bōken(侍の国の冒険) | December 4, 2018 [189] 978-4-08-881644-9 | August 6, 2019 [190] 978-1-9747-0701-0 |
92 | Introducing Komurasaki the Oiran Oiran Komurasaki Tōjō(花魁小紫登場) | March 4, 2019 [191] 978-4-08-881758-3 | November 5, 2019 [192] 978-1-9747-1015-7 |
93 | The Star of Ebisu Ebisu-chō no Ninkimono(えびす町の人気者) | July 4, 2019 [193] 978-4-08-881877-1 | April 7, 2020 [194] 978-1-9747-1255-7 |
94 | A Soldier's Dream Tsuwamono-domo ga Yume(兵どもが夢) | October 4, 2019 [195] 978-4-08-882054-5 | August 4, 2020 [196] 978-1-9747-1537-4 |
95 | Oden's Adventure Oden no Bōken(おでんの冒険) | December 28, 2019 [197] 978-4-08-882169-6 | December 1, 2020 [198] 978-1-9747-1813-9 |
96 | I Am Oden, and I Was Born to Boil Niete Nanbo no Oden ni Sōrō(煮えてなんぼのおでんに候) | April 3, 2020 [199] 978-4-08-882252-5 | April 6, 2021 [200] 978-1-9747-1999-0 |
97 | My Bible Boku no Baiburu(僕の聖書) | September 16, 2020 [201] 978-4-08-882347-8 | August 17, 2021 [202] 978-1-9747-2289-1 |
98 | Vassals of Glory Chūshin Nishiki(忠臣錦) | February 4, 2021 [203] 978-4-08-882423-9 | December 7, 2021 [204] 978-1-9747-2519-9 |
99 | Straw Hat Luffy Mugiwara no Rufi(麦わらのルフィ) | June 4, 2021 [205] 978-4-08-882691-2 | May 3, 2022 [206] 978-1-9747-2900-5 |
100 | Color of the Supreme King Haōshoku(覇王色) | September 3, 2021 [207] 978-4-08-882780-3 | August 2, 2022 [208] 978-1-9747-3217-3 |
No. | Title | Original release date | English release date |
101 | The Stars Take the Stage Hanagata Tōjō(花形登場) | December 3, 2021 [209] 978-4-08-883003-2 | December 6, 2022 [210] 978-1-9747-3420-7 |
102 | The Pivotal Clash Tennōzan(天王山) | April 4, 2022 [211] 978-4-08-883120-6 | April 4, 2023 [212] 978-1-9747-3655-3 |
103 | Warrior of Liberation Kaihō no Senshi(解放の戦士) | August 4, 2022 [213] 978-4-08-883190-9 | July 4, 2023 [214] 978-1-9747-3870-0 |
104 | Shogun of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke Wano Kuni Shōgun - Kōzuki Momonosuke(ワノ国将軍 光月モモの助) | November 4, 2022 [215] 978-4-08-883287-6 | November 7, 2023 [216] 978-1-9747-4129-8 |
105 | Luffy's Dream Rufi no Yume(ルフィの夢) | March 3, 2023 [217] 978-4-08-883436-8 | March 12, 2024 [218] 978-1-9747-4327-8 |
106 | A Genius's Dream Tensai no Yume(天才の夢) | July 4, 2023 [219] 978-4-08-883644-7 | July 2, 2024 [220] 978-1-9747-4586-9 |
107 | The Hero of Legend Densetsu no Eiyū(伝説の英雄) | November 2, 2023 [221] 978-4-08-883785-7 | November 12, 2024 [222] 978-1-9747-4979-9 |
108 | Better Off Dead In This World Shinda Hō ga Ii Sekai(死んだ方がいい世界) | March 4, 2024 [223] 978-4-08-884013-0 | March 4, 2025 [224] 978-1-9747-5222-5 |
109 | On Your Side Kimi no Mikata(きみの味方) | July 4, 2024 [225] 978-4-08-884196-0 | |
110 | The Upheaval of the Era Jidai no Uneri(時代のうねり) | November 1, 2024 [226] 978-4-08-884314-8 | — |
Volumes | Japanese release [227] |
1–12 | June 15, 2012 |
13–23 | September 28, 2012 |
24–63 | December 4, 2012 |
64, 65 | April 4, 2013 |
66–68 | December 20, 2013 |
69, 70 | August 25, 2014 |
71, 72 | September 16, 2015 |
73–75 | October 4, 2016 |
76 | December 2, 2016 |
77 | March 3, 2017 |
78 | June 2, 2017 |
79 | September 4, 2017 |
80 | December 4, 2017 |
81, 82 | March 2, 2018 |
83 | October 4, 2018 |
84–86 | August 2, 2019 |
87–92 | September 16, 2020 |
93 | March 4, 2021 |
94, 95 | October 4, 2021 |
96–98 | May 2, 2022 |
99 | September 2, 2022 |
100–102 | August 2, 2024 |
103–104 | December 4, 2024 |
105 - | TBA |
Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. Originally serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, the 519 individual chapters were collected in 42 tankōbon volumes. Dragon Ball was inspired by the Chinese novel Journey to the West and Hong Kong martial arts films. It initially had a comedy focus but later became an action-packed fighting series. The story follows the adventures of Son Goku, from childhood to adulthood, as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the Dragon Balls, seven magical orbs which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 1997, with its chapters compiled in 110 tankōbon volumes as of November 2024. The series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as he explores the Grand Line in search of the mythical treasure known as the "One Piece" to become the next King of the Pirates.
Bleach is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tite Kubo. It follows the adventures of a teenager Ichigo Kurosaki, who obtains the powers of a Soul Reaper—a death personification similar to a Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki. His new-found powers allow him to take on the duties of defending humans from evil spirits and guiding departed souls to the afterlife, and set him on journeys to various ghostly realms of existence.
Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazushi Hagiwara. It began its serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in 1988, after debuting with a pilot one-shot in that magazine in 1987, and has continued irregularly in Ultra Jump since 2000, with its latest chapter released in 2010. As of 2012, 27 collected tankōbon volumes have been released. The pilot one-shot was remade by Tatsuya Shihara and published in Ultra Jump in July 2023. The manga was formerly licensed for English release in North America by Viz Media; only the first 19 volumes were released.
Buso Renkin is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki. It follows Kazuki Muto, who becomes an alchemical warrior in the battle against alchemical monsters known as homunculi. Watsuki envisioned the manga as his last shōnen manga, and then he tried to do as much as he could with that genre. It was serialized in publisher Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from June 2003 to April 2005. The individual chapters were republished by Shueisha in ten tankōbon. The series has been licensed by Viz Media for North American release.
Toriko (トリコ) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro. It was serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from May 2008 to November 2016, with its chapters collected into 43 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the adventures of Toriko, a Gourmet Hunter, as he searches for rare, diverse foods to complete a full-course meal. On his journey, he is accompanied by a timid chef who wants to improve his skills.