List of Russian-language euphemisms for dying

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The Russian language has a large number of euphemisms and synonyms for the verb "to die".


In the satirical picaresque novel Twelve Chairs by Ilf and Petrov the coffinmaker Bezenchuk gives Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov the following classification of references to death depending on the persona of the deceased. Below is the table "Deceased persona / Russian term / Literal translation / Translation by Anne O. Fisher, 2011 [8] / Translation by John H.C. Richardson, 1973 [9] ":

PersonaRussian termLiteral translationFisherRichardson
Old lady, small and plumpпреставилась [lower-alpha 1] departed this lifepass away
Old lady, tall and thinбогу душу отдаетgives her soul to Godgave up her soul to Goddeparted this life
Ippolit Matveyevich, by the virtue of him being tall, skinny, and prominentв ящик сыгралPlayed into the boxcashed in his chipspopped off
merchant, of merchant sosloviye  [ ru ]приказал долго жить"ordered to live long" [11] meet his Makerbreathe his last
of lesser class: street sweeper or peasantперекинулся or ноги протянул"transformed"/"moved over" or "stretched his legs"kicked the bucket or stretched out his legs for goodcroaked or gone west
Man of stature, such as a railway conductor or a person of authority дуба дал [lower-alpha 2] gave up the ghostkicked the bucket
Bezenchuk himself, being a little manгигнулсяunknown etymologyfizzledgone

See also


  1. the verb преставиться came from Old Church Slavonic прѣставити сѩ, with сѩ (ся) being the reflexive particle. And the base verb is thought to be a calque from Greek μετατίθεσθαι, "to be transported" [10]
  2. from "задубеть", "become as hard as an oak because of cold"

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  1. Выносить/ вынести вперёд ногами [в белых тапках, citing Большой словарь русских поговорок. — М: Олма Медиа Групп. В. М. Мокиенко, Т. Г. Никитина. 2007.
  2. 1 2 Natalia Kolkova, погребальная паремиология и фразеология в лингвокогнитивном аспекте: смерть как сценарий ухода / Н. А. Колкова. // Мир русского слова, 2009. — № 3
  3. p 5
  4. Кукушкина Ольга Владимировна
  5. Kukushkina O.V. (Ку­куш­ки­на, Оль­га Вла­ди­ми­ров­на) Язык Пушкина: Лексикографические этюды» // Вестник Моск. ун-та. Сер. 9. Филология. 2015. №6
  6. гигнуться, citing Словарь русских синонимов (Dictionary of Russian synonyms)
  7. кончиться , citing Словарь русских синонимов (Dictionary of Russian synonyms)
  8. The Twelve Chairs, at Anne O. Fishers' website
  9. The Twelve Chairs, 1973
  10. преставиться citing Max Vasmer's Etymologyucal Dictionary