List of Swedish Army brigades

Last updated

This is a list of Swedish Army brigades. Brigades were introduced to the Swedish Army in 1948. Brigade size formations were phased out in 2000 and then reintroduced in 2010.


Infantry brigades

DesignationNameTypePart ofActiveComment
IB 1 Yellow Brigade Infantry brigade Svea Life Guards 1949-1984Disbanded in 1984 through the Defence Act of 1982
IB 1 Yellow Brigade Infantry brigade Svea Life Guards 1984-1991Designation and name changed in 1984 from IB 38 Uppland Brigade
Designation and name changed in 1991 to MekIB 1 Life Guards Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden)
IB 2 Värmland Brigade Infantry brigade Värmland Regiment 1949-2000Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
IB 3 Life Brigade Infantry brigade Life Regiment Grenadiers 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 4 Grenadier Brigade Infantry brigade Life Grenadier Regiment 1949-1994Name changed in 1994 to Life Grenadier Brigade (Livgrenadjärbrigaden)
IB 4 Life Grenadier Brigade Infantry brigade Life Grenadier Regiment 1994-1997Name changed in 1994 namnbyte from Grenadier Brigade
Disbanded in 1997 through the Defence Act of 1996
IB 10 Södermanland Brigade Infantry brigade Södermanland Regiment 1957-1963Designation changed in 1957 from PB 10
Designation changed in 1963 to PB 10
IB 11 Kronoberg Brigade Infantry brigade Kronoberg Regiment 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 12 Jönköping Brigade Infantry brigade Northern Småland Regiment 1949-1991Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 12 Småland Brigade Infantry brigade Northern Småland Regiment 1991-2000Designation and name changed in 1991 from IB 42 Kalmar Brigade
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
IB 13 Dala Brigade Infantry brigade Dalarna Regiment 1949-1984Designation changed in 1984 to NB 13
IB 14 Gästrike Brigade Infantry brigade Hälsinge Regiment 1949-1994Disbanded in 1994 through the Defence Act of 1992
IB 15 Västgöta Brigade Infantry brigade Älvsborg Regiment 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 15 Älvsborg Brigade Infantry brigade Älvsborg Regiment 1994-2000Designation changed in 1994 from IB 45
IB 16 Halland Brigade Infantry brigade Halland Regiment 1949-1958Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958
IB 16 Halland Brigade Infantry brigade Halland Regiment 1949-2000Designation changed in 1994 from IB 46
IB 17 Bohus Brigade Infantry brigade Bohuslän Regiment 1949-1991Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 18 Gotland Brigade Infantry brigade type Gotland Gotland Infantry Regiment 1949-1966Designation changed in 1966 to PB 18
IB 19 Norrbotten Brigade Infantry brigade Norrbotten Regiment 1949-1964Designation changed in 1964 to NB 19
IB 20 Västerbotten Brigade Infantry brigade Västerbotten Regiment 1949-1964Designation changed in 1964 to NB 20
IB 21 Ådal Brigade Infantry brigade Västernorrlands regemente 1949-1990Disbanded in 1990 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 25 Jämtland Ranger Brigade Infantry brigade Jämtland Ranger Regiment 1949-1958Reorganized in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958 into three mountain battalions (fjällbataljoner)
IB 26 Kristianstad Brigade Infantry brigade North Scanian Infantry Regiment 1949-1963Designation changed in 1963 to PB 26
IB 28 Uppland Brigade Infantry brigade Uppland Regiment 1949-1984Transferred to the Svea Life Guards in 1957, designation changed to IB 38
IB 33 Närke Brigade Infantry brigade Life Regiment Grenadiers 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 34 Östgöta Brigade Infantry brigade Life Grenadier Regiment 1949-1958Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958
IB 35 Härjedal Brigade Infantry brigade Jämtland Ranger Regiment 1949-1963Designation and name changed in 1963 to NB 35 Jämtland Brigade
IB 37 Scania Brigade Infantry brigade South Scanian Infantry Regiment 1949-1963Disbanded in 1963 because the regiment was reorganized into armored
IB 38 Västmanland Brigade Infantry brigade Uppland Regiment 1949-1957Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958
IB 38 Uppland Brigade Infantry brigade Svea Life Guards 1957-1984Transferred from Uppland Regiment in 1957
Designation and name changed in 1984 to IB 1 Yellow Brigade (Gula brigaden)
IB 41 Blekinge Brigade Infantry brigade Kronoberg Regiment 1949-1991Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 42 Kalmar Brigade Infantry brigade Northern Småland Regiment 1949-1991Designation and name changed in 1991 to IB 12 Småland Brigade
IB 43 Kopparberg Brigade Infantry brigade Dalarna Regiment 1949-1992Phased out in 1992 as a territorial defense brigade
IB 44 Hälsinge Brigade Infantry brigade Hälsinge Regiment 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 45 Älvsborg Brigade Infantry brigade Älvsborg Regiment 1969-2000Designation and name changed in 1951 to till PB 5 Göinge Brigade
Designation and name changed in 1969 from PB 5 Göinge Brigade
Designation and name changed in 1994 to IB 15 Älvsborg Brigade.
IB 46 Västkust Brigade Infantry brigade Halland Regiment 1949-1964Name changed in 1964 to Halland Brigade
IB 46 Halland Brigade Infantry brigade Halland Regiment 1964-2000Designation changed in 1994 to IB 16
IB 47 Gothenburg Brigade Infantry brigade Bohuslän Regiment 1949-1992Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988
IB 50 Lappland Brigade Infantry brigade Västerbotten Regiment 1949-1965Designation changed in 1965 to NB 50
IB 51 Ångermanland Brigade Infantry brigade Västernorrland Regiment 1949-2000Designation changed in 1972 to NB 51

Norrland brigades

Norrland Brigades were infantry brigades specialised in sub-arctic warfare.

DesignationNameTypePart ofActiveComment
NB 5 Fältjägarbrigaden Norrland brigade Jämtland Ranger Regiment 1994–2000Designation changed in 1994 from NB 35 Jämtland Ranger Brigade (Fältjägarbrigaden)
NB 13 Dala Brigade Norrland brigade Dalarna Regiment 1984–2000Designation changed in 1984 from IB 13
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
NB 19 Norrbotten Brigade Norrland brigade Norrbotten Regiment 1964–1994Designation changed in 1964 from IB 19
Designation changed in 1994 to MekB 19
NB 20 Västerbotten Brigade Norrland brigade Västerbotten Regiment 1949–1972Reorganized in 1972 into three Norrland rifle battalions (norrlandsskyttebataljoner) Type F
NB 20 Lappland Brigade Norrland brigade Västerbotten Regiment 1994–1997Designation changed in 1994 from NB 51
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
NB 21 Ångermanland Brigade Norrland brigade Västernorrland Regiment 1972–2000Designation changed in 1994 from NB 51
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
NB 35 Jämtland Brigade Norrland brigade Jämtland Ranger Regiment 1963–1988Name changed in 1988 to Jämtland Ranger Brigade (Fältjägarbrigaden)
Designation changed in 1994 to NB 5
NB 35 Jämtland Ranger Brigade Norrland brigade Jämtland Ranger Regiment 1988–1994Designation changed in 1994 to NB 5
NB 50 Lappland Brigade Norrland brigade Västerbotten Regiment 1965–1994Designation changed in 1965 from IB 50
Designation changed in 1994 to NB 20
NB 51 Ångermanland Brigade Norrland brigade Västernorrland Regiment 1972–1994Designation changed in 1972 from IB 51
Designation changed in 1994 to NB 21

Armoured brigades

DesignationNameTypePart ofActiveComment
PB 5 Älvsborg Brigade Armoured brigade Älvsborg Regiment 1949–1969Designation and name changed in 1951 from IB 45 Älvsborg Brigade
Designation and name changed in 1969 to IB 45 Älvsborg Brigade
PB 6 Blue Brigade Armoured brigade Göta Life Guards 1949–1979Disbanded in 1979 through the Defence Act of 1977
PB 7 Malmö Brigade Armoured brigade South Scanian Infantry Regiment 1949–1994Designation and name changed in 1994 to MekB 7 South Scania Brigade (Södra skånska brigaden)
PB 8 Göinge Brigade Armoured brigade Scanian Dragoon Regiment 1950–1994Name changed in 1950 from 8th Armoured Brigade (8. pansarbrigaden)
Name changed in 1994 to Scanian Dragoon Brigade (Skånska dragonbrigaden)
PB 8 Scanian Dragoon Brigade Armoured brigade Scanian Dragoon Regiment 1994–1997Name changed in 1994 from Göinge Brigade
Designation changed in 1998 to MekB 8
PB 9 Skaraborg Brigade Armoured brigade Skaraborg Regiment 1949–1997Designation changed in 1998 to MekB 9
PB 10 Södermanland Brigade Armoured brigade Södermanland Regiment 1949–1974Designation changed in 1957 to IB 10
Designation changed in 1963 from IB 10
Disbanded in 1974 through the Defence Act of 1972
Re-raised in 1982 as MekB 10
PB 18 Gotland Brigade Armoured brigade type Gotland Gotland Regiment 1966–1994Designation changed in 1966 from IB 18
Designation changed in 1994 to MekB 18
PB 26 Kristianstad Brigade Armoured brigade North Scanian Regiment 1963–1994Designation changed in 1963 from IB 26
Disbanded in 1994 through the Defence Act of 1992

Mechanized brigades

DesignationNameTypePart ofActiveComment
MekB 7 South Scania Brigade Mechanized brigade South Scanian Regiment 1994–2000Designation and name changed in 1994 from PB 7 Malmö Brigade
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekB 8 Scanian Dragoon Brigade Mechanized brigade Scanian Dragoon Regiment 1998–2000Designation changed in 1998 from PB 8
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekB 9 Skaraborg Brigade Mechanized brigade Skaraborg Regiment 1998–2000Designation changed in 1997 from PB 9
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekB 10 Södermanland Brigade Mechanized brigade Södermanland Regiment 1982–2000Re-raised in 1982 as MekB 10
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekB 18 Gotland Brigade Mechanized brigade type Gotland Gotland Regiment 1994–2000Designation changed in 1994 from PB 18
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekB 19 Norrbotten Brigade Mechanized brigade Norrbotten Regiment 1994–2000Designation changed in 1994 from NB 19
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000
MekIB 1Life Guards Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden)Mechanized infantry brigade Svea Life Guards 1991–2000Designation and name changed in 1991 from IB 1 Yellow Brigade (Gula brigaden)
Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000


DesignationNameTypePart ofActiveComment
2. brig2nd Brigade (Andra brigaden)Brigade staff Skaraborg Regiment 2010–2021
3. brig3rd Brigade (Tredje brigaden)Brigade staff Norrbotten Regiment 2010–2021
IB 1Life Guard Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden)Reduced motorized brigade Life Guards 2022–
MekB 4 Skaraborg Brigade Mechanized brigade Skaraborg Regiment 2022–
MekB 7South Scania Brigade (Södra skånska brigadenMechanized brigade South Scanian Regiment 2022–
NMekB 19 Norrbotten Brigade Mechanized Norrland brigade Norrbotten Regiment 2022–

See also

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