List of admirals of Sweden

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King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden in admiral's uniform Carl XVI Gustaf.jpg
King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden in admiral's uniform

Admirals of Sweden have existed since 1522.


In Sweden, the admiral's rank first appeared during the reign of Gustav I, who in 1522 gave it to Erik Fleming, a Council of the Realm. During Gustav's reign as king and throughout the latter part of the 16th century, the highest command of a fleet was led by a översteamiral ("colonel admiral"), to whose assistant a underamiral was appointed. It was not until 1569 that a permanent översteamiral was appointed; In 1602 the title was exchanged for riksamiral ("Admiral of the Realm"). The first permanent underamiral was appointed in 1575; his office ceased in 1619. Vice admiral is first mentioned in 1577. The admirals of the Swedish Navy have, incidentally, been as follows: generalamiral ("general admiral"), amiralgeneral ("admiral general"), storamiral ("grand admiral"), överamiral, riksviceamiral ("Vice Admiral of the Realm"), amiralgenerallöjtnant ("admiral lieutenant general"), amirallöjtnant ("lieutenant admiral"), schoutbynacht and konteramiral ("rear admiral"). [1]


Riksamiraler (Admirals of the Realm)

  1. Clas Eriksson Fleming 1571–1595
  2. Joachim Scheel 1596–1602
  3. Axel Nilsson Ryning 1602–1611
  4. Göran Nilsson Gyllenstierna 1611–1618
  5. Carl Gyllenhielm 1620–1650
  6. Gabriel Bengtsson Oxenstierna 1652–1656
  7. Carl Gustaf Wrangel 1657–1664
  8. Gustav Otto Stenbock 1664–1675

Amiralgeneraler (Admiral Generals)

  1. Hans Wachtmeister 1681
  2. Lorentz Creutz Sr. 1675

Generalamiraler (General Admirals)

  1. Henrik Horn 1677
  2. Henrik af Trolle 1780
  3. Anton Johan Wrangel the elder 1784
  4. Carl August Ehrensvärd 1792
  5. Johan af Puke 1812
  6. Victor von Stedingk 1818
  7. Rudolf Cederström 1823


  1. Claes Sparre 1715
  2. Edvard Didrik Taube 1734
  3. Carl Georg Siöblad 1747
  4. Johan Gustaf Lagerbjelke 1809

Amirallöjtnanter (Lieutenant Admirals)

  1. Herman Fleming 1645

Amiraler (Admirals)

  1. Ivar Fleming 1534
  2. Jakob Bagge 1555
  3. Nils Jespersson Kruse 1563
  4. Klas Kristersson Horn af Åminne 1564
  5. Bengt Halstensson Bagge 1569
  6. Herman Fleming 1574
  7. Hans Claësson Bjelkenstjerna 1611
  8. Clas Fleming 1620
  9. Nils Göransson Stiernsköld 1627
  10. Åke Ulfsparre 1640
  11. Mårten Anckarhielm 1653
  12. Göran Göransson Gyllenstierna the elder 1640
  13. Klas Hansson Bjelkenstjerna 1654
  14. Sten Nilsson Bielke 1657
  15. Claes Nilsson Stiernsköld 1661
  16. Claes Uggla 1670
  17. Erik Carlsson Sjöblad 1676
  18. Hans Clerck 1676
  19. Johan Bär 1676
  20. Johan Olofsson Bergenstierna 1676
  21. Gustaf Adolph Sparre 1690
  22. Cornelius Anckarstjerna 1692
  23. Evert Fredrik Taube 1700
  24. Jacob De Prou 1709
  25. Axel Johan Lewenhaupt 1712
  26. Gustaf Wattrang 1712
  27. Erik Johan Lillie 1715
  28. Gustaf von Psilander 1715
  29. Mikael Henck 1715
  30. Carl Henrik von Löwe 1719
  31. Jonas Fredrik Örnfelt 1719
  32. Olof Strömstierna 1719
  33. Nils Ehrenschiöld 1721
  34. Olof von Unge 1734
  35. Gustaf Grubbe 1736
  36. Jean von Utfall 1742
  37. Theodor Ankarcrona 1742
  38. Abraham Falkengréen 1749
  39. Carl Hans Sparre 1754
  40. Erik Arvid Sparre 1755
  41. Didrik Henrik Taube 1768
  42. Nils Lillienanckar 1771
  43. Carl Vilhelm Modée 1793
  44. Salomon von Rajalin 1809
  45. Henrik Johan Nauckhoff 1817
  46. Magnus Palmqvist 1818
  47. Per Gustaf Lagerstråle 1818
  48. Carl Fredrik Coyet 1827
  49. Johan Lagerbielke 1827
  50. Otto Gustaf Nordensköld 1845
  51. Johan Henrik Kreüger 1857
  52. Carl August Gyllengranat 1858
  53. Christian Anders Sundin 1884
  54. Fredrik von Otter 1900
  55. Hjalmar af Klintberg 1903
  56. King Gustav V 1907
  57. Louis Palander af Vega 1910
  58. Carl Hjulhammar 1911
  59. Wilhelm Dyrssen 1923
  60. Carl August Ehrensvärd 1924
  61. Henning von Krusenstierna 1927
  62. Otto Lybeck 1936
  63. Fabian Tamm 1947
  64. King Gustaf VI Adolf 1950
  65. Stig H:son Ericson 1961
  66. The Duke of Halland 1969
  67. Åke Lindemalm 1970
  68. King Carl XVI Gustaf 1973
  69. Bengt Lundvall 1978
  70. Bror Stefenson 1991


Viceamiraler (Vice Admirals)

  1. Henrik Fleming 1628
  2. Peter Blume 1644
  3. Richard Clerck 1657
  4. Nils Ehrenschiöld 1716
  5. Olof von Unge 1734
  6. Anton Johan Wrangel the elder 1740
  7. Thomas von Rajalin 1741
  8. Hans Anckarcrantz 1754
  9. Axel Lagerbielke 1758
  10. Nils Brahe the younger 1760
  11. Johan von Rajalin 1765
  12. Sebald Hertman von Graman 1765
  13. Christopher Falkengréen 1769
  14. Carl Tersmeden 1774
  15. Johan Nordenankar 1776
  16. Otto Henrik Nordenskjöld 1790
  17. Fredrik Henrik af Chapman 1791
  18. Carl Olof Cronstedt 1801
  19. Baltzar von Platen 1814
  20. Carl Johan af Wirsén 1825
  21. Gustaf af Klint 1825
  22. Carl Reinhold Nordenskiöld 1858
  23. Carl Gustaf von Otter 1889
  24. Philip Virgin 1889
  25. Knut Peyron 1897
  26. Jarl Christerson 1898
  27. The Count of Wisborg 1903
  28. Carl Olsen 1908
  29. Ludvig Sidner 1911
  30. Gustaf Dyrssen 1917
  31. Gustaf Lagercrantz 1919
  32. Carl Alarik Wachtmeister 1925
  33. Henry Lindberg 1925
  34. Fredrik Riben 1930
  35. John Schneidler 1932
  36. Charles de Champs 1934
  37. Harald Åkermark 1934
  38. Claës Lindsström 1942
  39. Hans Simonsson 1945
  40. Helge Strömbäck 1945
  41. Gunnar Bjurner 1947
  42. Gösta Ehrensvärd 1950
  43. Erik Anderberg 1957
  44. Erik Samuelson 1958
  45. Gunnar Jedeur-Palmgren 1962
  46. Erik af Klint 1966
  47. Bertil Berthelsson 1967
  48. Oscar Krokstedt 1968
  49. Sigurd Lagerman 1968
  50. Holger Henning 1970
  51. Einar Blidberg 1971
  52. Karl Segrell 1971
  53. Per Rudberg 1978
  54. Bengt Schuback 1978
  55. Dick Börjesson 1990
  56. Peter Nordbeck 1994
  57. Frank Rosenius 1998
  58. Jan Thörnqvist 2016 [2]
  59. Jonas Haggren 2018 [3]


Konteramiraler (Rear admirals)

  1. Per Lilliehorn 1789
  2. Carl Fredrik Eneskjöld 1793
  3. Harald af Cristiernin 1795
  4. Georg Christian de Frese 1797
  5. Måns von Rosenstein 1797
  6. Carl Adolph Danckwardt 1800
  7. Claes Hjelmstjerna 1800
  8. Carl Fredric Aschling 1808
  9. Maurits Peter von Krusenstierna 1809
  10. Hans Henrik Anckarheim 1812
  11. Carl Edvard Carlheim-Gyllensköld 1814
  12. Carl af Klint 1823
  13. Claes August Cronstedt 1823
  14. Johan Gustaf von Sydow 1844
  15. Carl Ulner 1852
  16. Christian Adolf Virgin 1853
  17. Salomon Mauritz von Krusenstierna 1861
  18. Carl Henrik Kreüger 1881
  19. Carl Magnus Ehnemark 1862
  20. Baltzar von Platen 1862
  21. Oscar Stackelberg 1886
  22. Georg af Klercker 1892
  23. Adolf Meister 1897
  24. Fredrik Lennman 1899
  25. Jacob Hägg 1899
  26. Magnus Ingelman 1901
  27. Otto Lindbom 1903
  28. Theodor Sandström 1905
  29. Arvid Lindman 1907
  30. Sten Ankarcrona 1916
  31. Gustaf af Klint 1918
  32. Bernhard Juel 1919
  33. Albert Fallenius 1923
  34. Carl Sparre 1923
  35. Hans Ericson 1928
  36. Gunnar Unger 1931
  37. Karl Wester 1931
  38. Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland 1938
  39. Helge Friis 1938
  40. Nils Wijkmark 1938
  41. Yngve Schoerner 1939
  42. Marc Giron 1942
  43. Yngve Ekstrand 1942
  44. Erik Wetter 1943
  45. Göran Wahlström 1943
  46. Harald Qvistgaard 1945
  47. Carl Ekman 1948
  48. Gösta Odqvist 1948
  49. Elis Biörklund 1949
  50. Eskil Gester 1952
  51. Ragnar Wetterblad 1953
  52. Moje Östberg 1955
  53. Einar Blidberg 1957
  54. Gunnar Fogelberg 1959
  55. Stig Bergelin 1963
  56. Hans C:son Uggla 1964
  57. Dag Arvas 1966
  58. Nils-Erik Ödman 1968
  59. Christer Kierkegaard 1970
  60. Gunnar Grandin 1970
  61. Rolf Rheborg 1973
  62. Bengt Rasin 1977
  63. Carl-Fredrik Algernon 1978
  64. Jan Enquist 1982
  65. Ola Backman 1982
  66. Göran Wallén 1984
  67. Claes Tornberg 1985
  68. Torbjörn Hultman 1989
  69. Cay Holmberg 1990
  70. Sten Swedlund 1990
  71. Torsten Lindh 1994
  72. Bertil Björkman 1997
  73. Göran Larsbrink 2001
  74. Jörgen Ericsson 2001
  75. Anders Grenstad 2005
  76. Leif Nylander c. 2005
  77. Stefan Engdahl 2006
  78. Odd Werin 2010
  79. Thomas Engevall 2014
  80. Jens Nykvist 2016
  81. Ewa Skoog Haslum 2020
  82. Jonas Wikström 2021


Flottiljamiraler (Rear admiral (lower half)/Flotilla admiral)

  1. Mats Fogelmark  ?
  2. Peter Bager  ?
  3. Andreas Olsson  ?
  4. Stefan Engdahl 2000
  5. Bengt Johansson 2002
  6. Lars Salomonsson 2003
  7. Bengt Jarvid 2008
  8. Anders Olovsson 2016
  9. Bo Berg 2022
  10. Fredrik Lindén 2023


See also

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    • Meijer, Bernhard, ed. (1904). Nordisk familjebok: konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi (in Swedish). Vol. 1 (New, rev. and rich ill. ed.). Stockholm: Nordisk familjeboks förl. pp. 851–852. SELIBR   8072220.
  1. "Jan Thörnqvist ny insatschef i Försvarsmakten" [Jan Thörnqvist new Chief of Operations in the Swedish Armed Forces] (in Swedish). Government Offices of Sweden. 7 April 2016. Archived from the original on 5 June 2016. Retrieved 21 April 2016.
  2. "Jonas Haggren ny chef för ledningsstaben" (in Swedish). Swedish Armed Forces. 20 September 2018. Retrieved 21 September 2018.