List of animated television series of 1974

Last updated

A list of animated television series first aired in 1974.


Animated television series first aired in 1974
Bagpuss 13UK1974Stop-Motion
Barbapapa 100France, Japan1974Traditional
Calimero 45Japan1974–1975Traditional
Chapi Chapo 60France1974–1975Stop-Motion
Chargeman Ken! 65Japan1974Anime
The Do-It-Yourself Film Animation Show5UK1974Traditional/Cut-Out/Stop-Motion/Live Action
Dame Oyaji 26Japan1974Anime
Devlin 16US1974Traditional
First Human Giatrus 77Japan1974–1976Anime
Gan to Gon 260Japan1974–1975Anime
Getter Robo 51Japan1974–1975Anime
Great Mazinger 56Japan1974–1975Anime
Heidi, Girl of the Alps 52Japan1974Anime
Hong Kong Phooey 16US1974Traditional
Hoshi no Ko Chobin 26Japan1974Anime
Hoshi no Ko Poron 260Japan1974–1975Anime
Hurricane Polymar 26Japan1974–1975Anime
Jim Botan26Japan1974–1975Anime
Judo Sanka27Japan1974Anime
Majokko Megu-chan 72Japan1974–1975Anime
Miaunel and Bălănel 60Romania1974–1982Traditional
Mio Mao 78Italy1974–2007Stop-Motion
Mr. Men 28UK1974–1978Traditional
The New Adventures of Gilligan 24US1974–1975Spin-off of Gilligan's Island Traditional
New Honeybee Hutch 26Japan1974Anime
Partridge Family 2200 A.D. 16US1974Spin-off of The Partridge Family Traditional
Roobarb 30UK1974Traditional
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings 24UK1974–1976Traditional
The Song of Tentomushi 104Japan1974–1976Anime
Space Battleship Yamato 26 Japan1974–1975Anime
These Are the Days 16US1974–1975Traditional
Tonari no Tamageta-kun60Japan1974–1975Anime
The U.S. of Archie 16US1974Traditional
Urikupen Kyūjotai 156Japan1974–1975Anime
Valley of the Dinosaurs 16US1974Traditional
Vicky the Viking 78Japan, West Germany, Austria1974–1975Traditional
Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch 13US1974Traditional

See also
