List of dragonflies

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Suborder Epiprocta

Infraorder Epiophlebioptera

Family Epiophlebiidae

Infraorder Anisoptera

Family Aeshnidae

Family Austropetaliidae

Family Chlorogomphidae

Family Cordulegastridae

Family Corduliidae

Family Gomphidae

Family Libellulidae

Family Macromiidae

Family Neopetaliidae

Family Petaluridae

Family Synthemistidae

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Corduliidae</span> Family of insects

Corduliidae, also knowns as the emeralds, emerald dragonflies, or green-eyed skimmers, is a family of dragonflies. These dragonflies are usually black or dark brown with areas of metallic green or yellow, and most of them have large, emerald-green eyes. The larvae are black, hairy-looking, and usually semiaquatic. This family include species called "baskettails", "emeralds", "sundragons", "shadowdragons", and "boghaunters". They are not uncommon and are found nearly worldwide, but some individual species are quite rare. Hine's emerald dragonfly, for example, is an endangered species in the United States.

<i>Cordulegaster</i> Genus of dragonflies

Cordulegaster is a genus of dragonfly in the family Cordulegastridae. It contains the following species:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Synthemistidae</span> Family of dragonflies

The Synthemistidae are the family of dragonflies commonly known as tigertails, or sometimes called southern emeralds. This family is sometimes treated as a subfamily of Corduliidae. This is an ancient dragonfly family, with some species occurring in Australia and New Guinea. Most species are small in size and have narrow abdomens. Their nymphs are bottom dwellers, and resist droughts by burying themselves very deeply. Synthemistid dragonflies frequently prefer marshy areas, as well as fast-flowing streams. The family Synthemistidae is sometimes called Synthemidae.