List of encyclicals of Pope Pius VI

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Pope Pius VI issued 8 papal encyclicals during his reign as Pope:

No.Title (Latin)Title (English translation)SubjectDate
1. Inscrutabile On the problems of the Pontificate25 December 1775
2. Adeo nota Against the usurpation of the rights of the Church in Avignon 23 April 1791
3. In gravissimis Provision for the Church in France 19 March 1792
4. Novae hae litterae Against the Civil Constitution of the Clergy 19 March 1792
5. Dum Nos Against the usurpation of the rights of the Church in Avignon 19 April 1792
6. Ubi Lutetiam On the power of absolving from censure. Denounciaton of a false papal brief.13 June 1792
7. Ignotae nemini In praise of the Church in Germany 21 November 1792
8. Ad nostras manus Condemnation of a French book31 July 1793

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This is a list of the lists of encyclicals which have been promulgated by Popes of the Catholic Church.
