List of fictional alien species: J

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Jaffa Stargate SG-1 Genetically altered humans with pouches that are designed to incubate Goa'uld larvae.
Jaridians Earth: Final Conflict Humanoid
James (Frog) Taro the Space Alien An alien frog
Jawa Star WarsCreatures that live in the Tatooine desert. Their appearance is known to few as they often have robes covering the whole of their bodies.
Jem'Hadar Star Trek
Jenova Final Fantasy VII
Jezzedaic Priests Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Ji Rousang Legend of Heavenly Tear: Phoenix Warriors Humanoid
Jile Let's Shake It Humanoid
Jiralhanae Halo Known more commonly as Brutes. Part of Covenant Hierarchy.
Jjaro Marathon Trilogy
J'naii Star Trek
Jocaceans Farscape Humanoid
Jophur David Brin's Uplift Universe
Jorenians S.L. Viehl's StarDoc series and associated universeLarge blue-skinned humanoid with retractile claws.
Jotoki Larry Niven's Known Space
Joozian South Park Their skin is dull yellow, with light brown markings and have beady eyes. Only male Joozians have been shown.
Judoon Doctor Who Rhino-like Humanoid
Junk squids Void Bastards Giant squid-like non-sapient omnivorous species capable of surviving in hard vacuum and large enough to devour even sizeable spacecraft.