List of freshwater fishes of Greece

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The following is a list of the freshwater fish species of Greece. The list includes all the known species, with their valid scientific names, their official common Greek names and any sub-species. [1]



TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Petromyzon marinus Petromyzonnone
Eudontomyzon hellenicus Gavohelonone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Huso huso Mourounanone
Acipenser naccarii Xyryhi Adriatikisnone
Acipenser sturio Xyryhinone
Acipenser stellatus Astroxyryhinone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Alosa fallax SardelomanaA. f. nilotica
Alosa macedonica Liparianone
Alosa vistonica Thritsanone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Salmo trutta Pestrofa Salmo dentex, Salmo macrostigma, Salmo pelagonicus, Salmo peristericus, Salmo macedonicus
Oncorhynchus mykiss Amerikaniki pestrofanone
Oncorhynchus kisutch Solomos kohonone
Salvelinus fontinalis Salvelinosnone
Coregonus lavaretus Korigonosnone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Esox lucius Tournanone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Rutilus rutilus TsironiRutilus mariza, Rutilus doiranensis, Rutilus vegariticus
Rutilus ohridanus Platika Rutilus prespensis
Rutilus ylikiensis Dromitsa, Hirokovanone
Pachychilon macedonicum (Rutilus macedonicum)Mavrotsironinone
Pachychilon pictum Hilasnone
Pelasgus stymphalicus Daska Pelasgus marathonicus, Pelasgus thesproticus, Pelasgus minutus
Pseudophoxinus beoticus Paskovizanone
Phoxinellus pleurobipunctatus Liaranone
Pelasgus epiroticus Tsima Pelasgus prespensis,
Tropidophoxinellus hellenicus Gournaranone
Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus Bafanone
Ladigesocypris ghigii GhizaniL. g. ghigii
Leucaspius delineatus Microsirkonone
Squalius cii Tylinari Squalius albus, Squalius peloponnensis, Squalius vardarensis, Squalius macedonicus
Squalius svallize Drossinanone
Leuciscus borysthenicus Tsailakinone
Leuciscus keadicus Menidanone
Phoxinus phoxinus Kokkinogastrosnone
Scardinius erythrophthalmus Kokkinofteranone
Scardinius acarnanicus Tseroukianone
Scardinius graecus Kalamithranone
Aspius aspius Asprogrivadonone
Tinca tinca Glininone
Chondrostoma prespense Skoumbouzinone
Chondrostoma vardarense Gourounomitisnone
Gobio gobio Ghyftopsaro Gobio bulgaricus, Gobio balcanicus, Gobio feraeensis
Gobio kessleri MylonakiGobio banarescui
Gobio uranoscopus Moustakas Gobio elimeius
Pseudorasbora parva Pseftorasboranone
Barbus barbus Moustakato Barbus macedonicus, Barbus thessalus
Barbus albanicus Strossidinone
Barbus graecus Skarouninone
Barbus prespensis Briananone
Barbus cyclolepis Virjana Barbus cyclolepis, Barbus strumicae, Barbus sperchiensis, Barbus cholorematicus
Barbus euboicus Petropsaronone
Barbus peloponnesius Hamossourtis Barbus peloponnesius, Barbus rebeli, Barbus petenyi
Alburnus alburnus Sirko Alburnus macedonicus, Alburnus thessalicus, Alburnus stroumicae
Chalcalburnus chalcoides GhelartzaChalcalburnus macedonicus
Chalcalburnus belvica Belovitsanone
Alburnoides bipunctatus Tsironaki Alburnoides ohridanus, Alburnoides thessalicus, Alburnoides strymonicus
Abramis brama Lestianone
Vimba melanops Malamidanone
Rhodeus sericeus Mourmouritsa Rhodeus amarus
Carassius carassius Koutsourasnone
Carassius auratus Petalouda Carassius gibelio
Cyprinus carpio Grivadi, Cyprinosnone
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Assimocyprinosnone
Ctenopharyngodon idella Hortofagos Cyprinosnone
Aristichthys nobilis Marmarokyprinosnone
Parabramis pekinensis Kineziki Lestia


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Barbatula barbatula VinosO. b. vardarensis
Orthrias brandti PterohiliO. b. bureschi
Oxynoemacheilus pindus Pindovinosnone
Cobitis vardarensis Velonitsanone
Cobitis stephanidisi Ferovelonitsanone
Cobitis strumicae Thrakovelonitsanone
Cobitis punctilineata Grammovelonitsanone
Cobitis trichonica Trichonovelonitsanone
Cobitis hellenica LourovelonitsaC. h. arahthosensis
Cobitis meridionalis Vrygovelonitsanone
Sabanejewia aurata HryssovelonitsaS. a. balcanica


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Silurus glanis Goulianosnone
Silurus aristotelis Glanidinone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Anguilla anguilla Helinone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Gasterosteus aculeatus Agatheronone
Pungitius platygaster Pontopygosteosnone
Pungitius hellenicus Ellinopygosteosnone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Syngnathus abaster Sakorafanone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Aphanius fasciatus Zahariasnone
Valencia letourneuxi Zournasnone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Gambusia affinis Kounoupopsaronone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Mugil cephalus Kephalosnone
Liza aurata Myzinarinone
Liza saliens Gastros, Kefalasnone
Liza ramada Mavraki, Lafkinosnone
Oedalechilus labeo Grentzosnone
Chelon labrosus Velanitsa, Plataridanone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Atherina boyeri Atherinanone
Atherina hepsetus Souvlitisnone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Dicentrarchus labrax Lavrakinone
Dicentrarchus punctatus Stiktolavrakinone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Perca fluviatilis Perkinone
Stizostedion lucioperca Potamolavrakonone
Zingel streber Potamoloutsos Zingel balcanicus


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Lepomis gibbosus Iliopsaronone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Salaria fluviatilis Potamosaliaranone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Knipowitschia caucasica Pontogoviosnone
Knipowitschia thessala Thessalogoviosnone
Knipowitschia milleri Aheronogoviosnone
Knipowitschia panizzae Evinogoviosnone
Economidichthys pygmaeus Lourogoviosnone
Economidichthys trichonis Nanogoviosnone
Proterorhinus semilunaris Rinogoviosnone
Zosterisessor ophiocephalus Prassinogoviosnone


TaxonomyCommon nameSub-species
Platichthys flesus FassiP. f. luscus

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  1. Economidis, P., S.; Check List of Freshwater Fishes of Greece: Recent Status of Threats and Protection; Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature, Athens, 1991 (Published with the Financial Assistance of the Programme for the Creation of a Data Bank for the Natural Environment of Greece)

Further reading