List of guerrillas of Colombia

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This article lists people who have belonged to a guerrilla organization.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia</span> Colombian guerrilla movement

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army is a Marxist–Leninist guerrilla group involved in the continuing Colombian conflict starting in 1964. The FARC-EP was officially founded in 1966 from peasant self-defense groups formed from 1948 during the "Violencia" as a peasant force promoting a political line of agrarianism and anti-imperialism. They are known to employ a variety of military tactics, in addition to more unconventional methods, including terrorism.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia</span> Colombian paramilitary and drug trafficking group

The United Self-Defences of Colombia was a Colombian far-right paramilitary and drug trafficking group which was an active belligerent in the Colombian armed conflict during the period from 1997 to 2006. The AUC was responsible for retaliations against the FARC and ELN communist organization as well as numerous attacks against civilians beginning in 1997 with the Mapiripán massacre.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Liberation Army (Colombia)</span> Revolutionary left-wing group

The National Liberation Army is a Marxist–Leninist guerrilla insurgency group involved in the continuing Colombian conflict, which has existed in Colombia since 1964. The ELN advocates a composite communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism and liberation theology. In 2013, it was estimated that the ELN forces consisted of between 1,380 and 3,000 guerrillas. According to former ELN national directorate member Felipe Torres, one fifth of ELN supporters have taken up arms. The ELN has been classified as a terrorist organization by the governments of Colombia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and the European Union.

Carlos Castaño Gil was a Colombian paramilitary leader who was a founder of the Peasant Self-Defenders of Córdoba and Urabá (ACCU), a far-right paramilitary organisation in Colombia and a former member of the Medellin Cartel. Castaño and his brothers Fidel and Vicente founded the ACCU after their father was kidnapped and killed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), in association with other enemies or victims of the guerrillas. The ACCU later became one of the founding members of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).

Jaime Hernando Garzón Forero was a Colombian comedian, journalist, politician, and peace activist. He was popular on Colombian television during the 1990s for his unique political satire. In addition to his work on television, he also had roles as a peace negotiator in the release of FARC guerrillas' hostages. He was murdered in 1999 by right-wing paramilitary hitmen, with suspected support from members of the Colombian military and security services, according to testimonies of former paramilitaries commanders.

Los Pepes, a name derived from the Spanish phrase "Los Perseguidos por Pablo Escobar", was a paramilitary group composed of enemies of Pablo Escobar. They waged a small-scale war against the Medellín Cartel in 1993, which ended the same year following the death of Escobar. The group was financed by the Cali Cartel and was led by the Castaño brothers. An example of their acts could be seen on the streets of Medellín, such as hangings of Pablo's hitmen.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC–EP) is a Marxist–Leninist revolutionary guerrilla organization based in Colombia, which is involved in the ongoing Colombian armed conflict.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National security of Colombia</span> Security issues of Colombia

This article covers national and international security issues in Colombia.

Fidel Antonio Castaño Gila.k.a.Rambo was a Colombian drug lord and paramilitary who was among the founders of Los Pepes and the Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Cordoba and Uraba (ACCU), a paramilitary group which ultimately became a member of the larger United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) from which he became its leader until his death in 1994. He was also the brother of Vicente Castaño, the presumed chief of the narco-paramilitary group Águilas Negras, and Carlos Castaño Gil, founder and leader of the AUC paramilitary forces until his death. He is the grandfather of Gabriella Castaño. There is a theory that Fidel Castaño is still alive as there is no proof of him being dead and was the one that also killed Victor “Chepe” Crespo.

Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), Spanish for Field Workers Self-Defenders of Córdoba and Urabá, was a paramilitary group formed in northwestern Colombia, operating mainly in the Antioquia Department and Córdoba Department. It was founded by Fidel Castaño, Carlos Castaño and Vicente Castaño to retaliate against the assassination of their father Jesús Castaño by FARC-EP guerrillas.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vicente Castaño</span> Colombian terrorist and drugpin

José Vicente Castaño Gil aka El Profe is a former leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a right-wing Colombian paramilitary organization. After demobilizing, he was accused of murdering his brother and former AUC leader Carlos Castaño and of narcotics trafficking by both the Colombian government and the government of the United States. In August 2004, the United States formally requested his extradition. Castaño remains, however, a fugitive and is the presumed chief of the criminal organization Águilas Negras made up of former AUC paramilitary members.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carlos Pizarro Leongómez</span> Colombian guerrilla

Carlos Pizarro Leongómez was the fourth commander of the Colombian guerrilla group 19th of April Movement (M-19). Pizarro later ran for president of Colombia after the demobilization of M-19 that transformed the group into the political party, M-19 Democratic Alliance (AD/M-19). Pizarro was assassinated on 26 April 1990.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Daniel Barrera Barrera</span>

Daniel Barrera Barrera, also known as El Loco, is a Colombian drug lord suspected of being the boss of the illegal drug trade in Colombia's eastern plains. He was arrested in Venezuela on September 18, 2012 after trafficking drugs for more than 20 years. The arrest of the drug lord, according to news reports in the New York Times, was the result of a complex four-nation endeavor. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos named Barrera "the last of the great kingpins".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Víctor Manuel Mejía Múnera</span>

Víctor Manuel Mejía Múnera, aka "El Mellizo " or "Pablo Arauca", was a Colombian drug lord and former paramilitary leader along twin brother Miguel Ángel of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) commanding the Bloque Vencedores de Arauca which demobilized in 2006.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Miguel Ángel Mejía Múnera</span> Colombian drug lord and Paramilitary leader

Miguel Ángel Mejía Múnera aka "El Mellizo" or "Pablo Mejía" or "Rafael Mejia" is a presumed Colombian drug lord and former paramilitary leader. Along with brother Víctor Manuel he created a drug cartel called "Los Nevados" out of a former paramilitary which they bought for US$ million dollars. The cartel buys illegal drugs from Daniel Barrera Barrera another drug lord working along with both the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as well as paramilitaries. The brothers have also been known to employ many ex-military and special bodyguards like Francisco Rivas Gonzales "Superman" who has disappeared, and believed to be somewhere in Mexico or Central America. Mejía-Múnera has a son who was born in December 6 in NY; he is presumed to be living with his mother in the US. Exact whereabouts are unknown. He also has two daughters whose whereabouts are unknown.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Daniel Rendón Herrera</span> Colombian drug lord (born 1966)

Daniel Rendón Herrera is a Colombian drug lord. He was captured on 15 April 2009 while hiding in a jungle.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carlos Holmes Trujillo</span> Colombian politician (1951–2021)

Carlos Holmes Trujillo García was a Colombian dynasty politician, diplomat, scholar, and attorney who served as minister of defense, foreign affairs, interior, and education. He also served as the mayor of Cali and as ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), the European Union, and a number of nations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Organised crime in Colombia</span>

Organised crime in Colombia refers to the activities of various groups of drug cartels, guerilla groups, organised crime syndicates or underworld activities including drug trafficking, contract killing, racketeering and other crimes in Colombia. Colombia has seen the rise and fall of drug empires, crime syndicates and organised guerrilla groups, all of which having contributed to the varying forms of organised crimes having occurred in Colombia.

Events in the year 2021 in Colombia.