This is a list of lost Chinese films. It is divided into silent films and sound films. The films listed here range from 1905 to 1953.
Year | Film | Director | Note |
1905 | Dingjun Mountain | Ren Qingtai | The first Chinese film |
1909 | Stealing the Roast Duck ( Chinese :偷烧鸭) [1] | Liang Shaopo | Hong Kong's first film |
1913 | The Difficult Couple | Zhang Shichuan, Zheng Zhengqiu | The earliest Chinese feature film |
1916 | Victims of Opium ( Chinese :黑籍冤魂) [2] | Zhang Shichuan, Guan Haifeng | |
1921 | Yan Ruisheng (Chinese :阎瑞生) [3] | Ren Pengnian | |
1921 | Swear By God ( Chinese :海誓) [4] | Dan Duyu | |
1922 | Naughty Boy ( Chinese :顽童) [5] | Dan Duyu | |
1922 | The Lady Killer ( Chinese :红粉骷髅) [6] | Guan Haifeng | |
1922 | The King of Comedy Visits Shanghai ( Chinese :滑稽大王遊滬記) [7] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1922 | A Lotus Rhyme (Chinese :莲花落) [8] | Ren Pengnian | |
1922 | Good Brothers ( Chinese :好兄弟) [9] | Ren Pengnian | |
1923 | Patriotic Umbrella (Chinese :爱国伞) [10] | Ren Pengnian | |
1923 | An Orphan Rescues His Grandfather (Chinese :孤儿救祖记) [11] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1923 | Abandoned One ( Chinese :弃儿) [12] | Dan Duyu | |
1923 | The Widow Wants to Remarry ( Chinese :古井重波记) [13] | Dan Duyu | |
1923 | Zhang Xinsheng (Chinese :張欣生) [14] | Zhang Shichuan | Crime film, based on a real-life murder |
1924 | Little Brother ( Chinese :弟弟) [15] | Dan Duyu | |
1924 | Sins (Chinese :孽海潮) [16] | Chen Shouyin | |
1924 | Human Heart (Chinese :人心) [17] | Chen Shouyin | |
1924 | A Smart Cop (Chinese :糊涂警察) [18] | Zhang Huichong, Chen Shouyin | |
1924 | 5 Minutes (Chinese :五分钟) [19] | Zhang Huichong | |
1924 | The Truth (Chinese :水落石出) [20] | Zhang Huichong,Xu Wenrong | |
1924 | The Tea-Picking Girl|( Chinese :采茶女) [21] | Xu Hu | |
1924 | The Death of Yuli ( Chinese :玉梨魂) [22] | Zhang Shichuan,Xu Hu | |
1924 | Divorcee ( Chinese :弃妇) [23] | Li Zeyuan, Hou Yao | |
1925 | Zhai Xing Zhi Nu ( Chinese :摘星之女) [24] | Li Zeyuan, Mei Xuechou | |
1925 | The Lover's Dream ( Chinese :春闺梦里人) [25] | Li Zeyuan, Mei Xuechou | |
1925 | Cupid's Puppets ( Chinese :爱神的玩偶) [26] | Hou Zhai, Mei Xuechou | |
1925 | Heroine Li Feifei ( Chinese :女俠李飛飛) [27] | Runje Shaw | |
1925 | The Dream of Women (Chinese :南华梦) [28] | Zhang Puyi | |
1925 | Tears In The Fall (Chinese :秋声泪影) [29] | Jiang Lvying | |
1925 | A Peach Bloom in Human Shape (Chinese :人面桃花) [30] | Chen Shouyin | |
1925 | Unbearable Memories (Chinese :不堪回首) [31] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1925 | Out of the Hell (Chinese :劫后缘) [32] | Zhang Huichong | Only 3 minutes survived |
1925 | The Stormy Night | Zhu Shouju | Partially resurfaced |
1925 | The Lover Is Not a Former One ( Chinese :前情) [33] | Zhu Shouju | |
1925 | Next Door Girl ( Chinese :邻家女) [34] | Dan Duyu | |
1925 | The Young Gentleman ( Chinese :小公子) [35] | Dan Duyu | |
1925 | Who's His Mother?( Chinese :谁是母亲) [36] | Gu Wuwei | |
1925 | Yang Hua Hen ( Chinese :杨花恨) [37] | Shi Dongshan | |
1925 | Wu Sa hu Chao ( Chinese :五卅沪潮) [38] | Chen Kengran | |
1925 | Complaints ( Chinese :秋扇怨) [39] | Chen Kengran | |
1925 | True Love ( Chinese :真爱) [40] | Chen Tian | |
1925 | Stepmother's Tears ( Chinese :后母泪) [41] | Ren Pengnian | |
1925 | The Student's Hard Life ( Chinese :苦学生) [42] | Guan Haifeng | |
1925 | New Family (Chinese :新人的家庭) [43] | Ren Qinping | |
1925 | Lee Fee-Fee the Heroine ( Chinese :女侠李飞飞) [44] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1925 | Repentance ( Chinese :立地成佛) [45] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | Zhong Xiao Jie Yi ( Chinese :忠孝节义) [46] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | Lonely Orchid ( Chinese :空谷蘭) [47] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1926 | The Lovers ( Chinese :梁祝痛史) [48] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | The White Snake ( Chinese :白蛇传) [49] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | The Pearl Pagoda ( Chinese :珍珠塔) [50] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | Hell and Heaven (Chinese :地狱天堂) [51] | Gu Wuwei | |
1926 | Freedom of Marriage (Chinese :逃婚) [52] | Xia Chifeng | |
1926 | The Lost Hero (Chinese :失意的英雄) [53] | Xia Chifeng | |
1926 | Midnight Lovers (Chinese :半夜情人) [54] | Xia Chifeng | |
1926 | As Their Wishes (Chinese :奇峰突出) [55] | Xu Wenrong | |
1926 | Embarrassing Sister ( Chinese :难为了妹妹) [56] | Li Pingqian | |
1926 | Ku Le Yuan Yang ( Chinese :苦乐鸳鸯) [57] | Li ZeYuan, Liu Zhaoming | |
1926 | Country Girl ( Chinese :乡姑娘) [58] | Liu Zhaoming | |
1926 | Qing Tian Zhong Bu ( Chinese :情天终补) [59] | Li ZeYuan, Liu Zhaoming | |
1926 | The Lucky Dolt ( Chinese :呆中福) [60] | Zhu Shouju | |
1926 | Debt Circles ( Chinese :连环债) [61] | Zhu Shouju | |
1926 | One Day Rest ( Chinese :休息一天) [62] | Zhu Shouju | |
1926 | Ma Jiefu ( Chinese :马介甫) [63] | Zhu Shouju | |
1926 | Family Heirloom ( Chinese :传家宝) [64] | Dan Duyu | |
1926 | Naughty Butterfly (Chinese :浪蝶) [65] | Kok-Sin Sit | |
1926 | Chang Men Zhi Zi ( Chinese :倡门之子) [66] | Chen Kengran | |
1926 | Mother's Happiness | Shi Dongshan | Incomplete |
1926 | Live on Love ( Chinese :Live on Love) [67] | Shi Dongshan | |
1926 | Workman's Wife (Chinese :工人之妻) [68] | Ren Pengnian | |
1926 | The Tale of Lijing ( Chinese :荔镜传) [69] | Ren Pengnian, Wen Yimin | |
1926 | A Lottery Ticket ( Chinese :呆运) [70] | Chen Tian | |
1926 | Parenthood (Chinese :可怜天下父母心) [71] | Gu Kenfu | |
1926 | The Night in Shanghai (Chinese :上海之夜) [72] | Gu Kenfu | |
1926 | Fair Door (Chinese :公平之门) [73] | Gu Kenfu | |
1926 | Monkey King Conquers the Leopard (Chinese :孙行者大战金钱豹) [74] | Shao Zuiweng,Gu Kenfu | |
1926 | Tang Bohu Marrying Qiuxiang (Chinese :唐伯虎点秋香) [75] | Shao Zuiweng,Qiu Qixiang | |
1926 | Meng Jiang Nü( Chinese :孟姜女) [76] | Shao Zuiweng,Qiu Qixiang | |
1926 | The Movie Star ( Chinese :电影女明星) [77] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | Secrets Between Husband and Wife ( Chinese :夫妻之秘密) [78] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1926 | Love's Sacrifice (Chinese :孔雀东南飞) [79] | Cheng Shuren | |
1926 | Three Girls In Shanghai (Chinese :上海三女子) [80] | Ren Qinping | |
1926 | The Unknown Hero (Chinese :无名英雄) [81] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1927 | The Song of Plum Blossom I (Chinese :梅花落(上集)) [82] | Zhang Shichuan,Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1927 | The Song of Plum Blossom II (Chinese :梅花落(中集)) [83] | Zhang Shichuan,Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1927 | The Song of Plum Blossom III (Chinese :梅花落(下集)) [84] | Zhang Shichuan,Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1927 | Water Heroes II (Chinese :水上英雄 前部) [85] | Zhang Huichong | |
1927 | Water Heroes II (Chinese :水上英雄 后部) [86] | Zhang Huichong | |
1927 | Good Son (Chinese :好儿子) [87] | Li Pingqian,Gu Kenfu | |
1927 | Gods of Honour:Jiang Ziya (Chinese :封神榜之姜子牙火烧琵琶精) [88] | Xia Chifeng | |
1927 | Gods of Honour:Yang Jian (Chinese :封神榜之杨戬梅山收七怪) [89] | Xia Chifeng | |
1927 | Three Kingdom:Cao Cao (Chinese :三国志之曹操逼宫) [90] | Xia Chifeng | |
1927 | Republic Again (Chinese :再造共和) [91] | Xia Chifeng | |
1927 | Han Xiangzi (Chinese :韩湘子) [92] | Xia Chifeng | |
1927 | What A Relationship ( Chinese :如此恋爱) [93] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1927 | Tie Xue Hong Yan ( Chinese :铁血红颜) [94] | Xu Wenrong | |
1927 | Brother's Encounter ( Chinese :哥哥的艳福) [95] | Xu Wenrong | |
1927 | Hong Niang Xian Xing Ji ( Chinese :红娘现形记) [96] | Xu Wenrong | |
1927 | The Adventure of Modern Woman ( Chinese :摩登女子历险记) [97] | Min Dezhang | |
1927 | A Prostitute's Wish ( Chinese :卖油郎独占花魁女) [98] | Wan Laitian | |
1927 | Liu Guan Zhang Da Po Huang Jin (Chinese :刘关张大破黄巾) [99] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1927 | WAILS TO PAGODA ( Chinese :仕林祭塔) [100] | Shao Zuiweng,Li Pingqian | |
1927 | Song Jiang ( Chinese :宋江) [101] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1927 | Sword Nerve,Soft Heart ( Chinese :剑胆琴心) [102] | Chen Tian | |
1927 | A Letter Sent Back ( Chinese :一封书信寄回来) [103] | Mei Xuetao | Animation, short |
1927 | Naughty Girl's Fate ( Chinese :浪女穷途) [104] | Liu Zhaoming, Mei Xuetao | |
1927 | Sex-Trap ( Chinese :美人计) [105] | Lu Jie,Zhu Shouju,Shi Dongshan,Wang Yuanlong | |
1927 | Redress a Grievance ( Chinese :乌盆记) [106] | Zhu Shouju | |
1927 | The Cave of the Silken Web ( Chinese :盘丝洞) | Dan Duyu | Rediscovered later |
1927 | Gua ming de fu qi ( Chinese :挂名的夫妻) [107] | Bu Wancang | |
1927 | The Tablet of Blood and Tears ( Chinese :血泪碑) | Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1927 | Beijing Yang Guifei ( Chinese :北京杨贵妃) [108] | Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1927 | Zhu Bajie: Battle on the Liusha River (Chinese :猪八戒大闹流沙河) [109] | Hong Ji | |
1927 | Shandong Thief ( Chinese :山东响马) [110] | Chen Tian | |
1927 | Tong Shi Cao Ge ( Chinese :同室操戈) [111] | Chen Tian | |
1927 | Romance Slave ( Chinese :情奴) [112] | Chen Tian | |
1927 | Hua Li Yuan ( Chinese :华丽缘) [113] | Chen Tian, Ren Pengshou | |
1927 | White Hibiscus ( Chinese :白芙蓉) [114] | Chen Tian | |
1927 | Stranger from Cruise (Chinese :海上客) | Qian Xuefan | |
1927 | Naughty Dream (Chinese :风流梦) [115] | Qian Xuefan | |
1927 | Red Butterfly (Chinese :女侠红蝴蝶) [116] | Qian Xuefan | |
1927 | The Female Lawyer ( Chinese :女律师) [117] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1927 | The Picture of the Eight Beauties of Jiaxing (Chinese :嘉兴八美图) [118] | Lu Hanping, Ren Pengnian, Yue-Tin Yam | |
1927 | The Picture of the Eight Beauties of Jiaxing II (Chinese :嘉兴八美图 第二集) [119] | Lu Hanping, Ren Pengnian | |
1927 | The Picture of the Eight Beauties of Jiaxing III (Chinese :嘉兴八美图 第三集) [120] | Lu Hanping, Yue-Tin Yam | |
1927 | The Dream of Red Mansions (Chinese :红楼梦) [121] | Ren Pengnian, Yu Boyan | |
1927 | Ma Yongzhen From Shantung (Chinese :山东马永贞) [122] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1927 | The Hunter's Legend (Chinese :田七郎) [123] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1928 | The Good Man Zhang Chong I (Chinese :小霸王张冲 上集) [124] | Zhang Huichong | |
1928 | The Good Man Zhang Chong II (Chinese :小霸王张冲 下集) | Zhang Huichong | |
1928 | The King of Money ( Chinese :金钱之王) [125] | Jiang QiFeng | |
1928 | Miner And the Boss' sister (Chinese :热血鸳鸯) [126] | Jiang QiFeng | |
1928 | Daughter Kingdom ( Chinese :女儿国) [127] | Li Pingqian,Qiu Qixiang | |
1928 | The Taiping Kingdom (Chinese :太平天国) [128] | Xia Chifeng | |
1928 | The Weird Lady (Chinese :怪女郎) [129] | Chen Shouyin | |
1928 | The Regret of a Golden Dream (Chinese :金缕恨) | Chen Shouyin | |
1928 | Strange Girl ( Chinese :奇女子) [130] | Shi Dongshan | |
1928 | The Young Mistress' Fan ( Chinese :少奶奶的扇子) [131] | Hong Shen,Zhang Shichuan | |
1928 | Zhao Jun Chu Sai ( Chinese :昭君出塞) [132] | Guan Haifeng | |
1928 | The Flying Man ( Chinese :The Flying Man) [133] | Chen Tian | |
1928 | The Tiger and a Maid ( Chinese :猛虎劫美记) [134] | Chen Tian | |
1928 | The True Monkey King ( Chinese :真假孙行者) [135] | Li Zeyuan | |
1928 | Birth of Nezha ( Chinese :哪吒出世) [136] | Li Zeyuan | |
1928 | Yu Cha Guai Xia ( Chinese :渔叉怪侠) [137] | Sun Yu | |
1928 | Little Detective (Chinese :小侦探) [138] | Bu Wancang | |
1928 | Honey-Sweet Brother (Chinese :多情的哥哥) [139] | Ren Qinping | |
1928 | Spider Gang ( Chinese :蜘蛛党) [140] | Mei Xuechou | |
1928 | Attacking Gaotang Prefecture ( Chinese :大破高唐州) [141] | Zhu Shouju | |
1928 | Ma Zhenhua ( Chinese :马振华) [142] | Zhu Shouju | |
1928 | That Is Me ( Chinese :就是我) [143] | Zhu Shouju | |
1928 | Marriage for Peace ( Chinese :二度梅) [144] | Zhu Shouju | |
1928 | Shadows in the Old Palace ( Chinese :古宫魔影) [145] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1928 | Little Sword Man ( Chinese :小剑客) [146] | Dan Duyu | |
1928 | The Evil Man ( Chinese :万丈魔) [147] | Dan Duyu | |
1928 | The Warrior with a Double Sword ( Chinese :双剑侠) [148] | Chen Kengran | |
1928 | The Heroine in Black ( Chinese :黑衣女侠) [149] | Cheng Bugao ,Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1928 | The White Cloud Pagada ( Chinese :白云塔) [150] | Zhang Shichuan; Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1928 | The Luoyang Bridge ( Chinese :蔡状元建造洛阳桥) [151] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1928 | Shi Shi Qi Yuan (Chinese :石室奇冤) [152] | Qian Xuefan | |
1928 | A Traveller's Tale ( Chinese :海外奇缘) [153] | Chen Tian | |
1928 | Meet Fairies as Seeking Dad ( Chinese :寻父遇仙记) [154] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1928 | A Luminous Pearl ( Chinese :夜光珠) [155] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1928 | Boxer ( Chinese :拳大王) [156] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1928 | Double Pearl and Phoenix ( Chinese :双珠凤(上)) [157] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1929 | Perfect Hero (Chinese :理想中的英雄) [158] | Hu Zongli | |
1929 | Piao Liu Xia (Chinese :飘流侠) [159] | Hu Zongli | |
1929 | Attack the Golden Snake Hills (Chinese :大破金蟒山) [160] | Hu Zongli | |
1929 | Fang Shiyu Takes A Challenge II (Chinese :勇孝子) | Ren Qinping | |
1929 | Little Swordman (Chinese :小侠客) | Ren Qinping | |
1929 | The Gan kids (Chinese :甘氏两小侠) | Ren Qinping | |
1929 | The Gan kids:Sequel (Chinese :甘氏两小侠) | Ren Qinping | Partial |
1929 | Two Dwarf (Chinese :矮亲家) | Bu Wancang | |
1929 | Two Dwarf:Sequel (Chinese :两矮争风) [161] | Bu Wancang | |
1929 | Three Door Street (Chinese :三门街) | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | Girl in Red Breaking into Golden Mountain Temple (Chinese :红衣女大破金山寺) [162] | Yu Boyan, Wen Yimin | |
1929 | Pink Building (Chinese :粉妆楼第三集) [163] | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | Pink Building (Chinese :粉妆楼) [164] | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | Burning Blue Dragon Temple (Chinese :火烧青龙寺) [165] | Ren Yutian | |
1929 | Rumpus at Wu Tai Shan (Chinese :大闹五台山) [166] | Ren Pengnian | |
1929 | Xue Di Zi (Chinese :血滴子) [167] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1929 | Hot Blood Man ( Chinese :热血男儿) [168] | Wan Laiming | |
1929 | Fengyang Tiger ( Chinese :凤阳老虎) [169] | Li Zeyuan, Guan Liyuan | |
1929 | The Giant's Nation ( Chinese :大人国) [170] | Chen Kengran | |
1929 | Rose and Beauty ( Chinese :风流剑客) [171] | Sun Yu | |
1929 | The Dumb Man Getting Smart ( Chinese :聪明笨伯) [172] | Mei Xuetao | |
1929 | The Flying Robber ( Chinese :飞行大盗) [173] | Dan Duyu | |
1929 | The Lady's Lover ( Chinese :侠女救夫人) [174] | Zheng Zhengqiu | |
1929 | The Pearl Crown ( Chinese :珍珠冠) [175] | Zhu Shouju | |
1929 | Warnings for the Lovers ( Chinese :情欲宝鉴) [176] | Li Pingqian | |
1929 | Jie hou gu hong|( Chinese :劫后孤鸿) [177] | Li Pingqian | |
1929 | Burning Nine-Dragon Mountain ( Chinese :火烧九龙山) [178] | Zhu Shouju | |
1929 | Breaking into Nine-Dragon Mountain ( Chinese :大破九龙山) | Zhu Shouju | |
1929 | Lady Nine-Flower ( Chinese :九花娘) [179] | Zhu Shouju | |
1929 | Silver Screen Starlet ( Chinese :银幕之花) [180] | Gi-tak Jeong | |
1929 | Women's Heart ( Chinese :妇人心) [181] | Li Pingqian | |
1929 | Blind Love ( Chinese :女伶复仇记) [182] | Bu Wancang | |
1929 | The Greatest Hero ( Chinese :无敌英雄) [183] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1929 | The Romantic Heroine ( Chinese :浪漫女英雄) [184] | Chen Tian | |
1929 | Seachore Hero ( Chinese :海滨豪杰) [185] | Chen Tian,Zhu Xuhua | |
1929 | Yi Hai Qing Tian ( Chinese :义海情天) [186] | Chen Tian | |
1929 | Blood of the Lovers (Chinese :爱人的血) | Cheng Bugao | |
1929 | Qian long You Jiang Nan II ( Chinese :乾隆游江南第二集) [187] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1929 | The Greatest Hero (Chinese :无敌英雄) [188] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1929 | Who is Thief?(Chinese :谁是盗) [189] | Wang Cilong | |
1929 | Four Wangs (Chinese :王氏四侠续集) [190] | Wang Yuanlong | |
1929 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion I (Chinese :火烧七星楼第一集) | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion II (Chinese :火烧七星楼第二集) [191] | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | The White Swallow (Chinese :白燕女侠) [192] | Yu Boyan | |
1929 | Rival Love (Chinese :敌血情花) [193] | Lu Hanping | |
1929 | Chinese Top Detective (Chinese :中国第一大侦探) | Zhang Huichong | |
1929 | Head Lost At Midnight ( Chinese :半夜飞头记) [194] | Zheng Yisheng, Jiang Qifeng | |
1929 | Qian long You Jiang Nan IV ( Chinese :乾隆游江南第四集) [195] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1930 | Qian long You Jiang Nan V ( Chinese :乾隆游江南第五集) [196] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1930 | Qian long You Jiang Nan VI ( Chinese :乾隆游江南第六集) [197] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1930 | Shi Gong An: Sequel (Chinese :施公案(续集)) [198] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1930 | Four Hreoine (Chinese :四大女侠) [199] | Qian Xuefan | |
1930 | Lei Tai Hero (Chinese :擂台英雄) [200] | Xu Zhongxia | |
1930 | Yellow Sea Pirate (Chinese :黄海盗) [201] | Zhang Huichong | |
1930 | Yang Naiwu ( Chinese :杨乃武) [202] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1930 | Da Nao She Ying Chang ( Chinese :大闹摄影场) [203] | Li Zeyuan | |
1930 | The Naughty General ( Chinese :风流督军) [204] | Mei Xuechou | |
1930 | The Hall of Broken Zither ( Chinese :碎琴楼) [205] | Zheng Zhengqiu, Cai Chusheng | |
1930 | Ogles of a Woman ( Chinese :媚眼侠) [206] | Dan Duyu | |
1930 | The Case in the Studio ( Chinese :画室奇案) [207] | Dan Duyu | |
1930 | Gu du chun meng (Chinese :故都春梦) [208] | Sun Yu | |
1930 | Ye cao xian hua ( Chinese :野草闲花) [209] | Sun Yu | |
1930 | Suicide Contract ( Chinese :自杀合同) [210] | Zhu Shilin | |
1930 | Monk in the Ancient Temple ( Chinese :古寺神僧) [211] | Yip Yat-Sing, Wang Chunyuan | |
1930 | Kunlun Big Thief ( Chinese :昆仑大盗) [212] | Yip Yat-Sing | |
1930 | Evil King on the Golden Island ( Chinese :金岛魔王) [213] | Yip Yat-Sing | |
1930 | In Hatred of Loving (Chinese :海天情仇) [214] | Bu Wancang | |
1930 | The Bitterness of A Marriage ( Chinese :百劫鸳鸯) [215] | Chen Tian | |
1930 | Swordswoman of Huang Jiang (Chinese :荒江女侠) [216] | Chen Kengran, Zheng Yisheng,Shang Guanwu | Partial |
1930 | A Plot with Blood (Chinese :血花泪影) [217] | Wu Cun | |
1930 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion III (Chinese :火烧七星楼第三集) [218] | Yu Boyan | |
1930 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion IV (Chinese :火烧七星楼第四集) [219] | Yu Boyan | |
1930 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion V (Chinese :火烧七星楼第五集) [220] | Yu Boyan | |
1931 | Burning Seven - Stars Mansion VI (Chinese :火烧七星楼第六集) [221] | Yu Boyan | |
1931 | Girl the Murder (Chinese :杀人的小姐) [222] | Tan Zhiyuan, Gao Lihen | |
1931 | Swordswoman of Huangjiang VI ( Chinese :荒江女侠 第六集) [223] | Chen Kengran, Shang Guanwu | Partially lost |
1931 | The Golden-Rooster Ridge (Chinese :火烧刁家庄) [224] | Hu Zongli | |
1931 | The Souls of Freedom ( Chinese :自由魂) [225] | Wang Cilong | |
1931 | Monk in the Mountain ( Chinese :荒山奇僧) [226] | Wang Yin | |
1931 | Stranger in the Old House ( Chinese :古屋怪人) [227] | Dan Duyu | |
1931 | Love and Duty ( Chinese :恋爱与义务) [228] | Bu Wancang | Later rediscovered in Uruguay in the 1990s |
1931 | Heroine (Chinese :巾帼须眉) [229] | Yu Boyan | |
1931 | The Theft and Hero Robin ( Chinese :侠盗卢宾) [230] | Yip Yat-Sing | |
1931 | Paper Man ( Chinese :纸人捣乱记) [231] | Mei Xuechou, Wan Guchan | Animation |
1931 | It's Unlucky to Be A Woman ( Chinese :空门红泪) [232] | Shao ZuiWeng | |
1931 | Yunlan the Girl ( Chinese :芸兰姑娘) [233] | Shao ZuiWeng | |
1931 | The Last Love ( Chinese :最后之爱) [234] | Shao ZuiWeng | |
1931 | Murder in the Dance Hall ( Chinese :舞女血) | Jiang Qifeng | |
1932 | Rebel Girl (Chinese :绿林奇女子) [235] | Min Dezhang | |
1932 | Ding Feng Zhu (Chinese :女侠定风珠) [236] | Qian Xuefan, Ji Fansan | |
1932 | Jade Circle (Chinese :玉连环) [237] | Qian Xuefan | |
1932 | Chinese Hero (Chinese :中国大侠) [238] | Zhang Huichong | |
1932 | Answering the Nation's Call( Chinese :共赴国难) [239] | Sun Yu | |
1932 | Xu gu du chun meng ( Chinese :续故都春梦) [240] | Bu Wancang | |
1933 | City's Sin ( Chinese :都市的罪恶) [241] | Yip Yat-Sing, Qian Xuefan | |
1933 | Three Modern Women ( Chinese :三个摩登女性) [242] | Bu Wancang | |
1933 | Raging Waves ( Chinese :狂流) [243] | ||
1933 | Night in the City( Chinese :城市之夜) [244] | Fei Mu | Fei Mu's debut work |
1933 | Such a Hero ( Chinese :如此英雄) [245] | Zhuang Guojun | |
1934 | Goodbye, Shanghai( Chinese :再会吧,上海) [246] | Gi-tak Jeong | Partially lost |
1934 | Life ( Chinese :人生) [247] | Fei Mu | |
1934 | Xiang Xuehai ( Chinese :香雪海) [248] | Fei Mu | |
1934 | Women( Chinese :女人) [249] | Shi Dongshan | |
1935 | Ardent, Loyal Souls ( Chinese :热血忠魂) [250] | Yuan Tsung-Mei |
Year | Film | Director | Note |
1931 | Sing-Song Girl Red Peony ( Chinese :歌女红牡丹) [251] | Zhang Shichuan | The first Chinese sound film |
1931 | Peace After Storm ( Chinese :雨过天青) [252] | Xia Chifeng | |
1931 | Ge chang chun se ( Chinese :歌场春色) [253] | Li Pingqian | |
1931 | The Heroine Black Peony ( Chinese :女侠黑牡丹) [254] | Ren Pengnian | |
1931 | The Flying General ( Chinese :飞将军) [255] | Ren Pengnian | |
1931 | 24 Heros III (Chinese :江湖二十四侠第三集) [256] | Hu Zongli | |
1931 | Full Moon ( Chinese :人月圆) [257] | Yu Boyan | |
1931 | Heartbreak ( Chinese :心痛) | Yang Xiaozhong | |
1931 | Striver ( Chinese :努力) [258] | Wan Laitian | |
1931 | Shi Gong An III (Chinese :施公案第三集) | Jiang Qifeng | |
1931 | The Beauty ( Chinese :虞美人) [259] | Chen Kengran | |
1931 | Huang Jiang Nu Xia Episode 7 ( Chinese :荒江女侠第七集) [260] | Chen Kengran, Shang Guanwu | |
1932 | Huang Jiang Nu Xia Episode 9 ( Chinese :荒江女侠第九集) [261] | Chen Kengran | |
1932 | Savage (Chinese :莽汉) [262] | Xu Wenrong,Hu Zongli | |
1932 | Little Actress ( Chinese :小女伶) [263] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1932 | Trace ( Chinese :兰谷萍踪) [264] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1932 | The Pink Butterfly (Chinese :女侠粉蝶儿) [265] | Hu Zongli | |
1932 | Clourful World ( Chinese :花花世界) [266] | Wan Laitian | |
1932 | Red Butterfly III (Chinese :红蝴蝶第三集) [267] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1932 | A Warrior of the Northeast IX ( Chinese :关东大侠第九集) [268] | Ren Pengnian | |
1932 | A Warrior of the Northeast XII (Chinese :关东大侠第十二集) [269] | Ren Pengnian | |
1932 | A Warrior of the Northeast XIII ( Chinese :关东大侠第十三集) [270] | Ren Pengnian | |
1933 | A Real Man ( Chinese :大丈夫) [271] | Ren Pengnian | |
1933 | Secret in the Picture ( Chinese :图中秘密) [272] | Ren Pengnian | |
1933 | The Iron Men (Chinese :铁血情澜) [273] | Qian Xuefan | |
1933 | Blood Road (Chinese :血路) [274] | Qian Xuefan | |
1933 | Peace Flower (Chinese :和平之花) [275] | Hu Zongli | |
1933 | Wild Flower ( Chinese :蛮荒之花) [276] | Chen Cang | |
1933 | Pursuit ( Chinese :追求) [277] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1933 | Fiery Youth ( Chinese :青春之火) [278] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1933 | Lone Troop ( Chinese :孤军) [279] | Chen Tian | |
1933 | Willow Blossoms ( Chinese :飞絮) [280] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1933 | The Lucky Land ( Chinese :吉地) [281] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1933 | All for Legacy ( Chinese :孽海双鸳) [282] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1933 | Morning in the Metropolis ( Chinese :都会的早晨) [283] | Cai Chusheng | |
1933 | Stirring of Love ( Chinese :春潮) [284] | Zheng Yingshi | |
1933 | The Lin Family's Shop ( Chinese :展览会) | Chen Kengran | |
1933 | Vanilla Cuttie ( Chinese :香草美人) | Chen Kengran | |
1933 | Go to Shanghai (Chinese :到上海去) [285] | Ku Wen Chung | |
1933 | Teardrop ( Chinese :泪痕) [286] | Lu Shi | |
1933 | Jiang Nan Yan (Chinese :江南燕) | Jiang Qifeng | |
1933 | New Year's Eve ( Chinese :除夕) [287] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1933 | The Beautiful Soul:Prequel (Chinese :美人魂前集) [288] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1934 | The Kindred Feelings ( Chinese :骨肉之恩) [289] | Jiang Qifeng | |
1934 | Abandoned Love (Chinese :弃爱) [290] | Ji Fansan | |
1934 | Untouchable Love (Chinese :癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉) [291] | Han Xiuyun,Han Langen | |
1934 | Our Mansion (Chinese :我们的公馆) [292] | Han Xiuyun,Han Langen | |
1934 | Bao yu li hua (Chinese :暴雨梨花) [293] | Ma-Xu Weibang | |
1934 | Dawn ( Chinese :黎明) | Shao Zuiweng, Wang Yuanlong | |
1934 | MR.Wang ( Chinese :王先生) [294] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1934 | Song of The Fishermen ( Chinese :渔光曲) [295] | Cai Chusheng | Partial |
1934 | Two Couples ( Chinese :红楼春深) [296] | Gao Lihen | |
1934 | Hot Blood Young Man ( Chinese :热血青年) [297] | Tang Jie | |
1934 | Floating Flowers ( Chinese :飞花村) [298] | Zheng Yingshi | |
1934 | Women ( Chinese :妇道) [299] | Chen Kengran | |
1934 | Under The Ermei Mountain ( Chinese :峨眉山下) [300] | Wan Laitian | |
1934 | Huan Xi Yuan Jia ( Chinese :欢喜冤家) [301] | Qiu Qixiang | |
1935 | Goddess of Freedom (Chinese :自由神) [302] | Situ Hui-min | |
1935 | Ni tu Huang Jin ( Chinese :泥土黄金) [303] | Zhu Xuhua | |
1935 | A Hero of Our Time ( Chinese :时势英雄) [304] | Ying Yunwei | |
1935 | Dazed and Crazy ( Chinese :昏狂) [305] | Ren Pengnian | |
1935 | Remembering the Past ( Chinese :回首当年) [306] | Guan Youzhang | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1935 | Men without Worries ( Chinese :无愁君子) [307] | Shen Fu,Zhuang Guojun | |
1935 | The Beauty's Favour ( Chinese :美人恩) [308] | Wen Yimin | |
1935 | Life ( Chinese :生活) [309] | Shao Zuiweng | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1935 | Schoolmate ( Chinese :女同学) [310] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1935 | Recovery ( Chinese :重归) [311] | Gao Lihen | |
1936 | Return to Nature ( Chinese :到自然去) [312] | Sun Yu | |
1936 | Sing-song Girl Baozhen ( Chinese :国色天香) [313] | Dan Duyu | |
1936 | Night of Madness( Chinese :狂欢之夜) [314] | Shi Dongshan | |
1936 | Wedding Night ( Chinese :花烛之夜) [315] | Yueh Feng | |
1936 | Joyous Day( Chinese :囍临门) [316] | Yueh Feng | |
1936 | Map of Treasures ( Chinese :百宝图) [317] | Yueh Feng | |
1936 | A Guangzhou Woman ( Chinese :广州一妇人) [318] | Shao Zuiweng | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1936 | Guangling Tide ( Chinese :广陵潮) | Chen Kengran | |
1937 | Tan Xing Nv Er ( Chinese :弹性女儿) | Chen Kengran | |
1937 | Stone ( Chinese :石破天惊) [319] | Dan Duyu | |
1937 | Romance of the Country Girl (Chinese :乡下女艳史) [320] | Hu Zongli | |
1937 | Three-Day Massacre in Guangzhou (Chinese :广州三日屠城记) [321] | Hu Zongli | |
1937 | Fuchun River ( Chinese :富春江) [322] | Zhuang Guojun | |
1937 | Stars Moving around the Moon( Chinese :三星伴月) | Fang Peilin | |
1937 | All Loves ( Chinese :满园春色) [323] | Yueh Feng, Xu Suling, Fang Penglin, Chen Kengran | |
1937 | The Tender Heart ( Chinese :天之骄女) [324] | Guan Youzhang | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1937 | The Magnificent Country ( Chinese :锦绣河山) [325] | Chen Tian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1937 | Lady, Be Mine ( Chinese :金屋藏娇) [326] | Chen Tian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1937 | Posh Life ( Chinese :富贵荣华) [327] | Shao Zuiweng,Wen Yimin | |
1938 | Blood on Baoshan Fort ( Chinese :血溅宝山城) [328] | Situ Hui-min | |
1938 | Dance Class ( Chinese :艺海风光三:歌舞班) [329] | Situ Hui-min | |
1938 | Woman Spies ( Chinese :桃色间谍) [330] | Chen Tian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1938 | Defending Our Land ( Chinese :保卫我们的土地) [331] | Shi Dongshan | |
1939 | Reunion ( Chinese :破镜重圆) [332] | Shao Zuiweng | |
1939 | Good Husband( Chinese :好丈夫) [333] | Shi Dongshan | |
1939 | Li Sanniang ( Chinese :李三娘) [334] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1939 | A Fair Actress( Chinese :影城记) [335] | Chen Kengran | |
1939 | Meng Jiang Nu ( Chinese :孟姜女) [336] | Wu Cun | |
1939 | The New Hell( Chinese :新地狱) [337] | Wu Cun | |
1939 | Out of the Hell ( Chinese :七重天) [338] | Zhang Shichuan | Partial |
1939 | Dong Xiao Wan ( Chinese :董小宛) [339] | Zhang Shichuan, Zheng Xiaoqiu | |
1939 | The Naked Kingdom ( Chinese :裸国风光) [340] | Zhuang Guojun | |
1940 | White Cloud Hometown (Chinese :白云故乡) [341] | Situ Hui-min | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1940 | Chang Kong Wan Li ( Chinese :长空万里) [342] | Sun Yu | |
1940 | March of Victory( Chinese :胜利进行曲) [343] | Shi Dongshan | |
1940 | Meng Lijun ( Chinese :孟丽君) [344] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1940 | Singing Girl( Chinese :天涯歌女) [345] | Wu Cun | Partial |
1940 | The Dark City ( Chinese :黑天堂) [346] | Wu Cun | |
1940 | Three Laughter ( Chinese :三笑) [347] | Zhang Shichuan, Zheng Xiaoqiu | |
1940 | Love Story of Su San ( Chinese :苏三艳史) [348] | Wu Cun | |
1941 | The Brave Man (Chinese :一身是胆) [349] | Zhang Huichong | |
1941 | Baptism by fire ( Chinese :火的洗礼) [350] | Sun Yu | |
1941 | The Broken Dream ( Chinese :梦断关山) [351] | He Zhaozhang | |
1941 | The Unpleasant Springtime ( Chinese :恼人春色) [352] | Zhang Shichuan,He Guangzhang | |
1941 | Young Propagandists ( Chinese :解语花) [353] | Zhang Shichuan | |
1944 | Love and Hate ( Chinese :爱与恨) [354] | Wang Yin | |
1944 | Feng Huang Yu Fei ( Chinese :凤凰于飞) [355] | Fang Penglin | |
1944 | Great River,Great Mountain (Chinese :气壮山河) [356] | He Feiguang | Incomplete |
1944 | Blood Shed on Oriental Cherry ( Chinese :血溅樱花) | He Feiguang | Incomplete |
1946 | Reeds Get White and Swallow Leaves ( Chinese :芦花翻白燕子飞) [357] | He Feiguang | Hong Kong, Mandarin |
1947 | Darlings (Chinese :郎才女貌) [358] | Chen Kengran | |
1947 | Memories of the South ( Chinese :忆江南) [359] | Ying Yunwei, Wu Tian | |
1948 | Childhood Sweetheart (Chinese :青梅竹马) [360] | Xu Changlin | |
1948 | The Vagabond Master,Part Three (Chinese :江湖奇侠(三集)) | Dan Duyu | |
1948 | Same Fate ( Chinese :同是天涯沦落人) [361] | He Feiguang | |
1948 | Lü Siniang ( Chinese :吕四娘) [362] | Xu Xinfu | |
1948 | Blood of the Beauty ( Chinese :美人血) [363] | Xu Xinfu | |
1948 | Nezha's Adventure at the East Ocean ( Chinese :哪咤闹东海) [364] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1948 | 13th Hauted House ( Chinese :十三号凶宅) [365] | Xu Changlin | |
1948 | Patriotic Spirit of the Spy ( Chinese :间谍忠魂) | Wang Yin | Hong Kong, Mandarin |
1948 | God of the Animal Kingdom ( Chinese :兽国神魔) [366] | Yip Yat-Sing,Hung Chung-Ho | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1948 | Dream Adventures in Heaven( Chinese :梦游天国) [367] | Ye Yixiang, Yan Hua | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1949 | Parted Lovers (Chinese :失去的爱情) [368] | Tang Xiaodan | |
1949 | 12 Hours Wonder (Chinese :十二小时的奇迹) [369] | Xu Changlin | |
1949 | The Red Boy ( Chinese :红孩儿) [370] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1949 | Nazha Conquers the Seven Devils at Mount Mei ( Chinese :哪咤梅山收七怪) [371] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1949 | Kiddy Stone' Night Battle with the Five Tiger Generals ( Chinese :石鬼仔夜战五虎将) [372] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1949 | The Big Fight Between Red Kid and Five Dragon Princess ( Chinese :红孩儿大战五龙公主) [373] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1950 | Three Lady Hermits ( Chinese :封神榜之一:大破黄河阵) [374] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1950 | How the Immortal Cripple Lee Slew the Dragon in the North Sea ( Chinese :铁拐李北海斩妖龙) [375] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1950 | Spring in South (Chinese :江南春晓) [376] | Xu Changlin | |
1950 | Between Man And Beast ( Chinese :人兽之间) [377] | He Feiguang | |
1950 | The Battle between Monkey King and Gold-Spotted Leopard|( Chinese :马骝精大战金钱豹) [378] | Hung Chung-Ho | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1951 | The Precious Lamp in the Moon Palace ( Chinese :月宫宝灯) [379] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1951 | Stallion on the Milky Way ( Chinese :银河飞马) [380] | Yip Yat-Sing | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1951 | Peace Dove ( Chinese :和平鸽) [381] | Tao Jin | |
1951 | A Pretty Girl's Favours ( Chinese :桃花运) [382] | Chen Tian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1951 | Nazha and the Pot of Treasure (Chinese :哪吒争夺聚宝盆) [383] | Ren Yutian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1952 | The Beautiful Bandit (Chinese :绿林红粉) [384] | Ren Yutian | Hong Kong, Cantonese |
1953 | Rainbow Rhythms ( Chinese :彩虹曲) [385] | Yueh Feng,Tao Qin | Colour film |
Great Wall Film Company was one of the first Chinese film production companies based in Shanghai, China, in the 1920s.
Bai Hong was a Chinese actress and singer born Bai Lizhu (白麗珠) in Beijing. By the 1940s, she had become one of the Seven Great Singing Stars.
Dong Jie is a Chinese actress and dancer. Dong made her debut in Zhang Yimou's Happy Times (2000), playing a blind girl mistreated by her stepmother. Zhang selected Dong after a casting call on the Internet. Since then, she has starred in films and television series such as Sky Lovers (2002), Endless Love (2004), 2046 (2004) and Dragon Tiger Gate (2006). Her best known role to date is "Leng Qingqiu" in Li Dawei's The Story of a Noble Family (2003), adapted from a novel by Zhang Henshui.
Li Xiaoran is a Chinese actress. She graduated from Beijing Dance Academy at the age of 17, and was the only dancer recruited into the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe from Beijing.
Du Chun is a Chinese actor.
Jiang Xin, also known by her English name Rulu Jiang, is a Chinese actress.
Yuan Shanshan also known as Mabel Yuan is a Chinese actress and singer. She is noted for her roles as in the Gong series: Palace II (2012) and Palace III (2013); as well as Swordsman (2013) and Jian Bing Man (2015).
Chen Shu is a Chinese singer and actress.
Yang Zishan is a Chinese actress. She is known for her breakout role in the film So Young, which won her the Huabiao Award for Outstanding New Actress and the Best Actress awards at the 5th China Image Film Festival and the 5th International Chinese Film Festival. Her outstanding performance in So Young also earned her nominations for best actress for the Golden Rooster Award, the Hundred Flowers Award, and at the Asia-Pacific Film Festival. In 2015, she won the Best Actress Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival for her performance in 20 Once Again. In 2017, She starred in Walking Past the Future, the only Chinese film to be nominated for the Un Certain Regard at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, and the science fiction thriller Battle of Memories. In 2018, she starred in Till the End of the World, the first film in history to shoot in Antarctica. In 2020, her film Wuhai premiered at the 68th San Sebastian Film Festival where it competed for the Golden Shell. In 2021, her film Ripples of Life premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. In 2023, Yang Zishan was appointed the Jury Member of the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Award. In 2024, Yang Zishan was appointed the International Jury Member to the 14th Beijing International Film Festival.
Zhang Linlin, better known by the Hong Kong stage name Chung Ching, was a popular leading lady of Hong Kong films in the 1950s. After completing 54 films from 1953 to 1967, many of them in the leading role, she retired from film at the height of her career to become well known as a painter using both shui-mo and Western watercolor techniques.
Ying Er is a Chinese actress. Her real name is Liu Ying (刘颖). She is best known for her roles in the television series Sealed with a Kiss, Xiao Ju's Spring Day, and Decoded.
Zhang Meng, also known as Alina Zhang, is a Chinese actress and beauty pageant titleholder. She is most well known as the winner of the Miss Universe China 2004 and for her role as the Fire Princess in 2016 television hit series Ice Fantasy.
This is the discography of Chinese recording artist Zhou Shen. Zhou's representative song, "Big Fish", won eight awards for him. According to charts statistics of Netease Cloud Music as of July 1, 2020, Zhou Shen was praised as "one of the most successful renowned Chinese artists in recent years" by Netease Cloud Music.