List of members of the European Parliament for France, 2014–19

Last updated

Members of the
European Parliament

from France
ECSC delegation (1952)
EP delegation (1958)
1st term (1979)
2nd term (1984)
3rd term (1989)
4th term (1994)
5th term (1999)
6th term (2004)
7th term (2009)
8th term (2014)
9th term (2019)

This is a list of members of the European Parliament for France in the 2014 to 2019 session.


NameNational partyEP GroupConstituency
Florian Philippot      National Front (until 3 October 2017)

     The Patriots

     NI (until 14 June 2015)

     ENF (until 2 October 2017)

     NI (until 3 October 2017)


East France
Sophie Montel      National Front (until 3 October 2017)

     The Patriots (until 22 July 2018)


     NI (until 14 June 2015)

     ENF (until 2 October 2017)

     NI (until 3 October 2017)

     EFDD (until 12 September 2018)


East France
Jean-François Jalkh      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


East France
Dominique Bilde-Pierron      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


East France
Nadine Morano      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP East France
Arnaud Danjean      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP East France
Anne Sander (politician)      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP East France
Nathalie Griesbeck      Democratic Movement      ALDE East France
Édouard Martin  [ fr ]     Socialist Party      S&D East France
Alain Lamassoure      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans (24 October 2017201)


     EPP Île-de-France
Rachida Dati      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Île-de-France
Philippe Juvin      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Île-de-France
Constance Le Grip (until 30 November 2017)

Geoffroy Didier (from 1 December 2017)

     Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Île-de-France
Aymeric Chauprade      National Front (until 10 November 2015)

     Independent Right (until 12 January 2016)

     The Free French

     NI (until 23 June 2015)

     ENF (until 9 November 2015)

     NI (until 17 April 2018)


Marie-Christine Boutonnet      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Jean-Luc Schaffhauser      Marine Blue Gathering (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally (until 12 June 2018)

     Marine Blue Gathering

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Pascal Durand      Europe Ecology      G/EFA Île-de-France
Eva Joly      Europe Ecology      G/EFA Île-de-France
Pervenche Berès      Socialist Party      S&D Île-de-France
Guillaume Balas      Socialist Party (until 19 February 2018)

     Genéeation.s, the movement

     S&D Île-de-France
Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy      Socialist Party      S&D Île-de-France
Marielle de Sarnez (until 17 May 2017)

Patricia Lalonde

     Democratic Movement (until 17 May 2017)

     Union of Democrats and Independents

     ALDE Île-de-France
Jean-Marie Cavada      New Centre - Union of Democrats and Independents (until 23 January 2015)

     We Citizens (until 30 June 2015)

     Bündnis C (until 1 September 2015)

     Génération Citoyens

     ALDE Île-de-France
Patrick Le Hyaric      Left Front      GUE/NGL Île-de-France
Bernard Monot      National Front (until 5 June 2018)

     France Arise

     NI (until 14 June 2015)

     ENF (until 28 May 2018)


Massif Central-Centre
Philippe Loiseau      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Massif Central-Centre
Brice Hortefeux      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Massif Central-Centre
Angélique Delahaye      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Massif Central-Centre
Jean-Paul Denanot      Socialist Party      S&D Massif Central-Centre
Marine Le Pen (until 18 June 2017)

Christelle Lechevalier

     National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Massif Central-Centre
Steeve Briois      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


North-West France
Mylène Troszczynski      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


North-West France
Nicolas Bay      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


North-West France
Sylvie Goddyn      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally (until 28 November 2018)

     Independent (until 30 November 2018)

     France Arise

     NI (until 14 June 2015)

     ENF (until 19 October 2018)


North-West France
Gilles Pargneaux      Socialist Party      S&D North-West France
Karima Delli      Europe Ecology      G/EFA North-West France
Dominique Riquet      Union for a Popular MovementRadical Party      ALDE North-West France
Jérôme Lavrilleux      Union for a Popular Movement (until 15 October 2014)


     EPP North-West France
Tokia Saïfi      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans (until 13 December 2017)

     Agir, the Constructive RIght

     EPP North-West France
Alain Cadec      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP West
Elisabeth Morin-Chartier      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans (until 20 February 2018)


     EPP West
Marc Joulaud      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP West
Gilles Lebreton      National Front (until 16 July 2014)

     National Front / Marine Blue Gathering (until 6 November 2017)

     National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Joëlle Bergeron      Independent      EFDD (until 15 October 2014)

     NI (until 19 October 2014)


Isabelle Thomas      Socialist Party (until 4 December 2017)

     Genéeation.s, the movement

     S&D West
Emmanuel Maurel      Socialist Party      S&D (until 25 October 2018)

     NI (until 5 November 2018)


Jean Arthuis      Union of Democrats and Independents (until 31 August 2017)

     La République En Marche!

     ALDE West
Yannick Jadot      Europe Ecology      G/EFA West
Maurice Ponga      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP Overseas territories
Louis-Joseph Manscour      Socialist Party      S&D Overseas territories
Younous Omarjee      Alliance of the Overseas      GUE/NGL Overseas territories
Jean-Marie Le Pen      National Front      NI South-East
Marie-Christine Arnautu      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Bruno Gollnisch      National Front      NI South-East
Mireille d'Ornano      National Front (until 3 October 2017)

     The Patriots

     NI (until 14 June 2015)

     ENF (until 2 October 2017)

     NI (until 3 October 2017)


Dominique Martin      National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Renaud Muselier      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP South-East
Françoise Grossetête      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP South-East
Michel Dantin      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP South-East
Vincent Peillon      Socialist Party      S&D South-East
Sylvie Guillaume      Socialist Party      S&D South-East
Michèle Rivasi      Europe Ecology      G/EFA South-East
Sylvie Goulard (until 17 May 2017)

Thierry Cornillet (from 18 May 2017)

     Democratic Movement (until 26 March 2017)

     La République En Marche! (until 17 May 2017)

     Radical Party (until 25 February 2018)

     Radical Movement

     ALDE South-East
Marie-Christine Vergiat      Left Front      GUE/NGL South-East
Louis Aliot (until 20 July 2017)

France Jamet (from 21 July 2017)

     National Front (until 11 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Joëlle Mélin      National Front (until 12 June 2018)

     National Rally

     NI (until 14 June 2015)


Édouard Ferrand      National Front      NI (until 14 June 2015)


Michèle Alliot-Marie      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP West
Franck Proust      Union for a Popular Movement (until 29 May 2015)

     The Republicans

     EPP West
Virginie Rozière      Radical Party of the Left (until 7 February 2018)

     Radicals of the Left

     S&D West
Éric Andrieu      Socialist Party      S&D West
José Bové      Europe Ecology      G/EFA West
Robert Rochefort      Democratic Movement      ALDE West
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (until 18 June 2017)

Marie-Pierre Vieu (from 19 June 2017)

     Left Front      GUE/NGL West

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French Members of the European Parliament of 2014, Politiquemania.

Official 'Members of European Parliament'