List of monuments in San Lawrenz

Last updated

This is a list of monuments in San Lawrenz, Gozo, Malta, which are listed on the National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. [1] [2] [3]


Name of objectLocationCoordinatesIDPhotoUpload
Ras il-Wardija 36°02′12″N14°11′14″E / 36.036748°N 14.187101°E / 36.036748; 14.187101 (Ras il-Wardija) 00002 Ras il-wardija Punic Temple.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Dwejra Tower Triq il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral, Dwejra 36°02′58″N14°11′31″E / 36.049515°N 14.192000°E / 36.049515; 14.192000 (Dwejra Tower) 00040 Vigie maltaise.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of Christ the Nazarene35 Triq San Lawrenz 36°03′20″N14°12′14″E / 36.055513°N 14.203847°E / 36.055513; 14.203847 (Niche of Christ the Nazarene) 00964Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Parish Church of Saint LawrencePjazza San Lawrenz 36°03′20″N14°12′13″E / 36.055513°N 14.203592°E / 36.055513; 14.203592 (Parish Church of Saint Lawrence) 00965 Parish Church of Saint Lawrence.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of the Madonna of Sorrows40 Triq San Lawrenz c/w 49 Triq id-Duluri 36°03′19″N14°12′14″E / 36.055162°N 14.204012°E / 36.055162; 14.204012 (Niche of the Madonna of Sorrows) 00966Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of Saint Lawrence5 Triq Wied Merill 36°03′16″N14°12′08″E / 36.054427°N 14.202157°E / 36.054427; 14.202157 (Niche of Saint Lawrence) 00967Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Chapel of Saint AnneTriq il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral, Dwejra 36°03′10″N14°11′24″E / 36.052828°N 14.190004°E / 36.052828; 14.190004 (Chapel of Saint Anne) 00968 Chapel of St Anne, Dwejra Gozo.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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n/a15 Triq il-Wileġ 36°03′25″N14°12′04″E / 36.057083°N 14.201111°E / 36.057083; 14.201111 (n/a) 02593Missing-monuments-image.svg
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  1. "Superintendence of Cultural Property". National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. Archived from the original on 26 October 2016.
  2. "Superintendence of Cultural Property". National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. Archived from the original on 26 October 2016.
  3. Gazzetta tal-Gvern (4 May 2024). "Nru. 640 SOVRINTENDENZA TAL-PATRIMONJU KULTURALI, Inventarju Nazzjonali ta' Proprjetà Kulturali fil-Gżejjer Maltin" (PDF). Government Gazette (21248): 13038–13039.