List of monuments in St. Julian's

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This is a list of monuments in St. Julian's , Malta, which are listed on the National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. [1] [2] [3]


Name of objectLocationCoordinatesIDPhotoUpload
Statue of St. Julians130 Triq il-Kbira 35°55′08″N14°29′25″E / 35.918750°N 14.490158°E / 35.918750; 14.490158 (Statue of St. Julians) 00795 Malta - St. Julian's - Triq Mikiel Ang Borg 02 ies.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Statue of the Sacred Heart of JesusIx-Xatt ta' Spinola (roundabout) 35°55′07″N14°29′23″E / 35.918727°N 14.489787°E / 35.918727; 14.489787 (Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) 00796 Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St Julians.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Church of the Immaculate Conception Triq San Ġorġ 35°55′12″N14°29′25″E / 35.919934°N 14.490142°E / 35.919934; 14.490142 (Church of the Immaculate Conception) 00797 Malta - St. Julian's - Triq San Gorg - Knisja tal-Kuncizzjoni 02 ies.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Church of St. JuliansTriq Lapsi c/w Triq Sant'Anġlu 35°54′59″N14°29′24″E / 35.916292°N 14.490066°E / 35.916292; 14.490066 (Church of St. Julians) 00798 St Julian's Parish Church.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Statue of the AssumptionTriq Lapsi c/w Triq Sant'Anġlu 35°54′59″N14°29′24″E / 35.916387°N 14.489989°E / 35.916387; 14.489989 (Statue of the Assumption) 00799 Statue of the Assumption, St Julian's.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of the Immaculate Conception143 It-Telgħa ta'Birkirkara 35°55′00″N14°29′33″E / 35.916738°N 14.492481°E / 35.916738; 14.492481 (Niche of the Immaculate Conception) 00800 Niche of the Immaculate Conception, St. Julians's.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of the Madonna of Mount Carmel12 Trejqet il-Bajja 35°54′54″N14°29′33″E / 35.915064°N 14.492395°E / 35.915064; 14.492395 (Niche of the Madonna of Mount Carmel) 00801 St Julian's Monuments 02.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of St Joseph107 It-Telgħa ta'Birkirkara 35°54′53″N14°29′27″E / 35.914693°N 14.490953°E / 35.914693; 14.490953 (Niche of St Joseph) 00802 St Julian's Monuments 01.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Niche of the Madonna of Mount Carmel5 Triq Birkirkara 35°54′42″N14°29′31″E / 35.911644°N 14.492054°E / 35.911644; 14.492054 (Niche of the Madonna of Mount Carmel) 00803Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Church of the Madonna of Good CounselTriq il-Knisja 35°55′20″N14°29′31″E / 35.922317°N 14.492031°E / 35.922317; 14.492031 (Church of the Madonna of Good Counsel) 00804 Paceville church-DSC 0364.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Church of Santa RitaSqaq Lourdes 35°55′28″N14°29′13″E / 35.924336°N 14.486931°E / 35.924336; 14.486931 (Church of Santa Rita) 00805 Church of Santa Rita and monastery.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa Leoni (demolition of garden and building, except façade, proposed 177 Triq il-Kbira 35°54′57″N14°29′35″E / 35.915960°N 14.493094°E / 35.915960; 14.493094 (Villa Leoni (demolition of garden and building, except façade, proposed) 01210 Villa Leoni.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa Priuli42 Triq il-Kbira 35°54′52″N14°29′36″E / 35.914522°N 14.493360°E / 35.914522; 14.493360 (Villa Priuli) 01211 Villa Priuli,1.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Balluta Buildings Telgħet San Ġiljan 35°54′50″N14°29′40″E / 35.913954°N 14.494440°E / 35.913954; 14.494440 (Balluta Buildings) 01212 Malta - St. Julian's - it-Telgha ta' San Giljan - Pjazza tal-Balluta+Balluta Buildings 03 ies.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa Blanche44 Triq il-Kbira 35°54′53″N14°29′36″E / 35.914633°N 14.493278°E / 35.914633; 14.493278 (Villa Blanche) 01213 Villa Priuli.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa Cassar Torregiani40 Triq il-Kbira 35°54′51″N14°29′36″E / 35.914250°N 14.493338°E / 35.914250; 14.493338 (Villa Cassar Torregiani) 01214 Villa Cassar Torregiani.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa FieresTriq Michelangelo Borġ 35°55′06″N14°29′23″E / 35.918295°N 14.489825°E / 35.918295; 14.489825 (Villa Fieres) 01215 Villa Fieres, dilapidated.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Villa Rosa Triq in-Nemes 35°55′29″N14°29′11″E / 35.924831°N 14.486461°E / 35.924831; 14.486461 (Villa Rosa) 01216 Villa Rosa.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Spinola Palace Triq San Ġużepp 35°55′12″N14°29′26″E / 35.919871°N 14.490640°E / 35.919871; 14.490640 (Spinola Palace) 01217 Malta - St. Julian's - Triq San Gorg+Triq Spinola 02 ies.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Dragonara Palace Triq Dragunara 35°55′35″N14°29′41″E / 35.926394°N 14.494671°E / 35.926394; 14.494671 (Dragonara Palace) 01218 Malta - St. Julian's - Triq id-Dragunara - Dragonara Palace 01 ies.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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La Maltija Restaurant1 Triq il-Knisja c/w 66 Triq il-Wilġa 35°55′24″N14°29′32″E / 35.923267°N 14.492234°E / 35.923267; 14.492234 (La Maltija Restaurant) 01219 La Maltija Restaurant.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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The Stables3 Triq il-Knisja 35°55′24″N14°29′32″E / 35.923219°N 14.492204°E / 35.923219; 14.492204 (The Stables) 01220 La Maltija Restaurant and The Stables.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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St. Julian's Band Club (interior demolished in 2018)31 Triq San Ġorġ 35°55′10″N14°29′23″E / 35.919454°N 14.489853°E / 35.919454; 14.489853 (St. Julian's Band Club (interior demolished in 2018)) 01221 Banda San Giljan.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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St George's Bay Tower Corinthia Hotel 35°55′44″N14°29′27″E / 35.929025°N 14.490824°E / 35.929025; 14.490824 (St George's Bay Tower) 01382 St George's Bay Tower.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Spinola Bay to St Georges Bay EntrenchmentTriq Spinola - Triq Wilġa - Triq Dragunara 35°55′22″N14°29′38″E / 35.922830°N 14.493786°E / 35.922830; 14.493786 (Spinola Bay to St Georges Bay Entrenchment) 01421 Spinola Bay to St Georges Bay Entrenchment.png Missing-monuments-image.svg
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St.Julians EntrenchmentTriq it-Torri from Balluta Bay to Exiles Bay 35°54′55″N14°29′45″E / 35.915278°N 14.495722°E / 35.915278; 14.495722 (St.Julians Entrenchment) 01422 St.Julians Entrenchment.jpg Missing-monuments-image.svg
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Palazzina Vincenti 188 Triq il-Kbira, Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier u Wesgħet Ġużè Tanti 35°54′59″N14°29′37″E / 35.916278°N 14.493528°E / 35.916278; 14.493528 (Palazzina Vincenti) 02587 Palazzina Vincenti 1.jpg
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186–7 Triq il-Kbira u Wesgħet Ġużè Tanti 35°54′59″N14°29′37″E / 35.916278°N 14.493528°E / 35.916278; 14.493528 02588 Palazzina Vincenti 01.jpg
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6 Ġorġ Borg Olivier 35°54′59″N14°29′37″E / 35.916278°N 14.493528°E / 35.916278; 14.493528 02589 Palazzina Vincenti (3).jpg
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  1. "National Inventory Register". National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. 27 August 2012. Archived from the original on 12 September 2016.
  2. Terribile, Tony (2000). Niċeċ u Statwi fit-Toroq Maltin. Malta: Publikazzjoni Indipendenza (PIN). ISBN   9789990941784. OCLC   48920678.
  3. "Nru. 640 SOVRINTENDENZA TAL-PATRIMONJU KULTURALI, Inventarju Nazzjonali ta' Proprjetà Kulturali fil-Gżejjer Maltin" (PDF). Government Gazette (21248): 13038–13039. 4 May 2024.