Awards | Given out by | Categories | Years | Ref |
Pro Wrestling Illustrated awards | Pro Wrestling Illustrated | - Active
- Wrestler of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Match of the Year
- Feud of the Year
- Most Popular Wrestler of the Year
- Most Hated Wrestler of the Year
- Comeback of the Year
- Most Improved Wrestler of the Year
- Inspirational Wrestler of the Year
- Rookie of the Year
- Woman of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement
- Defunct
- Midget Wrestler of the Year
- Manager of the Year
- Announcer of the Year
| 1972–present | |
Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards | Wrestling Observer Newsletter | - Active
- Wrestler of the Year
- Most Outstanding Wrestler
- Best Box Office Draw
- Feud of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Most Improved
- Best on Interviews
- Most Charismatic
- Best Technical Wrestler
- Best Brawler
- Best Flying Wrestler
- Most Overrated
- Most Underrated
- Promotion of the Year
- Best Weekly TV Show
- Pro Wrestling Match of the Year
- Rookie of the Year
- Best Non-Wrestler
- Best Television Announcer
- Worst Television Announcer
- Best Major Wrestling Show
- Worst Major Wrestling Show
- Best Wrestling Maneuver
- Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic
- Worst Television Show
- Worst Match of the Year
- Worst Feud of the Year
- Worst Promotion of the Year
- Best Booker
- Promoter of the Year
- Best Gimmick
- Worst Gimmick
- Best Pro Wrestling Book
- Best Pro Wrestling Documentary
- Defunct
- Most Impressive Wrestler
- Most Washed Up Wrestler
- Strongest Wrestler
- Best Three-Man Team
- Most Unimproved
- Most Obnoxious
- Best Babyface
- Best Heel
- Biggest Shock of the Year
- Hardest Worker
- Manager of the Year
- Best Color Commentator
- Readers' Favorite Wrestler
- Readers' Least Favorite Wrestler
- Worst Wrestler
- Worst Tag Team
- Worst Manager
- Worst on Interviews
- Most Embarrassing Wrestler
- Worst Non-Wrestling Personality
| 1980–present | |
Tokyo Sports Puroresu Awards | Tokyo Sports | - Active
- MVP Award
- Best Bout Award
- Outstanding Performance Award
- Fighting Spirit Award
- Technique Award
- Best Tag Team Award
- Newcomer Award
- Joshi Puroresu Grand Prize
- Special Award
- Wrestling Special Award
- Defunct
- Best Foreigner Award
- Best Referee Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Effort Award
- Popularity Award
- Service Award
- Special Grand Prize
- Topic Award
| 1974–present | [8] |
Japan Indie Awards | Fighting TV Samurai | - Active
- MVP Award
- Best Bout Award
- Best Show Award
- Best Unit Award
- Newcomer Award
- Defunct
- Special Award
- Comeback Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
| 2007–present | |
Pro Wrestling Torch Year End Awards | Pro Wrestling Torch | - Wrestler of the Year
- Feud of the Year
- Outstanding Wrestler (Best Actual In Ring Wrestler)
- Rookie of the Year
- Match of the Year
- Promos of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Breakout Star of the Year
- Diva of the Year
- Most Improved
- Most Popular
- Most Hated
- Best Face
- Best Heel
- Most Controversial
- Stable of the Year
- Finisher of the Year
| | [9] | Year End Awards | Pro Wrestling Insider | - Wrestler of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Match of the Year
- Announcer of the Year
- Color Commentator of the Year
- Hottie of the Year
- Feud of the Year
- Flyer of the Year
- Brawler of the Year
- Technician of the Year
- Show of the Year
- Best Interviews of the Year
- Move of the Year
- Comeback of the Year
- Angle/Storyline of the Year
- Character/Gimmick of the Year
- Most Improved Wrestler of the Year
- Newcomer of the Year
- News Story of the Year
- Promotion/Brand of the Year
- Stupidest Thing About Wrestling This Year
- Chant of the Year
- DVD of the Year
| | [10] |
Pro Wrestling Report Honors | Pro Wrestling Report | - Tag Team Wrestlers of the Year
- Female Wrestler of the Year
- Shenanigans Moment of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Mark Out Moment of the Year
- Wrestler of the Year
| | [11] |
Live Audio Wrestling End of Year Awards | Live Audio Wrestling | - Best Wrestler: Male
- Best Wrestler: Female
- Best Tag Team
- Best on the Mic
- Best Announcer
- Best Non-Wrestling Performer
- Most Improved
- Best Comeback
- Best Gimmick
- Match of the Year
- Feud of the Year
- Best Angle
- Best Pay-Per-View
- Best Wrestling Pay-Per-View
- Best Promotion
- Best Television Show
- Best Book
- Best DVD/Original Programming
- Moment of the Year
- Best Raw Guest Host
- Best LAW Interview
- Biggest Story of the Year
| 2008–2016 | [12] |
Ontario Indy Wrestling Awards | Ontario Wrestling's Indy Elite (in association with Great Canadian Wrestling) | - Eastern Ontario Promotion of the Year
- Western Ontario Promotion of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Male Wrestler of the Year
- Western Ontario Male Wrestler of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Female Wrestler of the Year
- Western Ontario Female Wrestler of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Tag Team of the Year
- Western Ontario Tag Team of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Male Rookie of the Year
- Western Ontario Male Rookie of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Female Rookie of the Year
- Western Ontario Female Rookie of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Manager of the Year
- Western Ontario Manager of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Show of the Year
- Western Ontario Show of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Match of the Year
- Western Ontario Match of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Feud of the Year
- Western Ontario Feud of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Referee of the Year
- Western Ontario Referee of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Ring Announcer of the Year
- Western Ontario Ring Announcer of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Popular Male of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Popular Male of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Popular Female of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Popular Female of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Popular Tag Team of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Popular Tag Team of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Hated Male of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Hated Male of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Hated Female of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Hated Female of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Most Hated Tag Team of the Year
- Western Ontario Most Hated Tag Team of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Sexiest Man of the Year
- Western Ontario Sexiest Man of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Sexiest Woman of the Year
- Western Ontario Sexiest Woman of the Year
- Eastern Ontario Fan of the Year
- Western Ontario Fan of the Year
| | [13] |
Power Slam Wrestling Awards | Power Slam | - Wrestler of the Year
- Babyface of the Year
- Heel of the Year
- Match of the Year
- Card Of The Year
- Tag Team
- Character of the Year
- Most Abysmal Wrestler of the Year
| | |
Southern California Pro-Wrestling Year End Awards | SoCal Uncensored | - Promotion of the Year
- Wrestler of the Year
- Women's Wrestler of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Most Outstanding Wrestler
- Rookie of the Year
- Match of the Year
| | [14] |
Year End Pro Wrestling Coverage Awards (Sheety Awards) | Sheet Sandwich | - Best Review Site
- Best Show Previews
- Best Breaking News
- Best News Aggregator
- Best Opinion/Commentary/Analysis
- Best News Reporter
- Best Columnist
- Best Reviewer
- Best Host
- Best Co-Host
- Best Podcast Network
- Best Retro Podcast
- Best Show Review Podcast
- Best News Podcast
- Best Interview Podcast
- Writer of the Year
- Article of the Year
- Story of the Year
- Site of the Year
- Podcast of the Year
| | [15] [16] |
411 Wrestling Year End Awards | 411Mania | - Wrestler of the Year
- Most Underrated Performer
- Most Overrated Wrestler
- Best Match
- Best Weekly TV Show
- Most Outstanding Performer
- Best Promotion
- Best PPV/Major Show
- Best Female Wrestler
- Worst Major Show/PPV
- Best Tag Team
- Biggest Disappointment
- Best Non-Wrestler
| | [17] |
Ring Wrestling Awards | Ring Wrestling Magazine | - Wrestler of the Year
- Tag Team of the Year
- Rookie of the Year
| | [18] |
Súper Luchas Premios | Súper Luchas | | | [19] |
Smith Hart Award | PWP Nation (in association with Bruce Hart) | | 2018–present | [20] |
Women's Wrestling Fan Awards | Diva Dirt and Ring the Belle | | 2018–present | [21] |