List of public art in Tokyo

Last updated

Public artworks in Tokyo, Japan, include:

Flame of Freedom
Godzilla head
Growing Gardener
Giant spider strikes again!.jpg
Ni-Tele Really Big Clock
Statue of Hachikō
Statue of Inoue Masaru
Statue of Kanō Jigorō, Bunkyō
35°42′28.8″N139°45′12.6″E / 35.708000°N 139.753500°E / 35.708000; 139.753500
Statue of Kanō Jigorō, Shinjuku
Statue of Pierre de Coubertin
Statue of Shinran
Statue of Umashimadenomikoto
Statue of Unicorn Gundam
Statue of Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu
Tokyo Brushstroke I and II