List of sharks in the Red Sea

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There are 44 species of shark found in the Red Sea. [1] This list is not exhaustive.


Bathydemersal species

Scientific nameImage
Heptranchias perlo, Sharpnose sevengill shark, (Hexanchidae) Heptranchias perlo.jpg
Iago omanensis , Bigeye houndshark, (Triakidae) Iago omanensis mangalore.jpg
Mustelus manazo , Starspotted smooth-hound, (Triakidae) Manazo.png

Benthopelagic species

Scientific nameImage
Rhizoprionodon acutus, Milk shark, (Carcharhinidae) Rhizoprionodon acutus mangalore.jpg

Demersal species

Scientific nameImage
Loxodon macrorhinus, Sliteye shark, (Carcharhinidae) Loxodon macrorhinus csiro-nfc.jpg
Hemipristis elongata, Snaggletooth shark, (Hemigaleidae) Hemipristis elongata csiro-nfc.jpg
Mustelus mosis, Arabian smooth-hound, (Triakidae)

Pelagic species

Scientific nameImage
Alopias vulpinus, Common thresher, (Alopiidae) Alopias vulpinus.jpg
Chaenogaleus macrostoma, Hooktooth shark, (Hemigaleidae) Chaenogaleus macrostoma Day - cropped.png
Rhincodon typus, Whale shark, (Rhincodontidae) Whale shark Georgia aquarium.jpg

Reef-associated species

Rhincodon typus Whale shark Georgia aquarium.jpg
Rhincodon typus
Sphyrna zygaena Sphyrna zygaena (line art).jpg
Sphyrna zygaena
Scientific nameImage
Alopias pelagicus, Pelagic thresher, (Alopiidae) Alopias pelagicus.jpg
Carcharhinus albimarginatus, Silvertip shark, (Carcharhinidae) Silvertip shark.jpg
Carcharhinus altimus, Bignose shark, (Carcharhinidae) Carcharhinus altimus nefsc.jpg
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, Grey reef shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus brevipinna, Spinner shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus falciformis, Silky shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus leucas, Bull shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus limbatus, Blacktip shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus longimanus, Oceanic whitetip shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus melanopterus, Blacktip reef shark, (Carcharhinidae)
!Carcharhinus obscurus, Dusky shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus plumbeus, Sandbar shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Carcharhinus sorrah, Spottail shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Galeocerdo cuvier, Tiger shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Negaprion acutidens, Sicklefin lemon shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Triaenodon obesus, Whitetip reef shark, (Carcharhinidae)
Nebrius ferrugineus, Tawny nurse shark, (Ginglymostomatidae)
Isurus oxyrinchus, Shortfin mako, (Lamnidae)
Carcharias taurus, Sand tiger shark, (Odontaspididae)
Sphyrna lewini, Scalloped hammerhead, (Sphyrnidae)
Sphyrna mokarran, Great hammerhead, (Sphyrnidae)
Sphyrna zygaena. Smooth hammerhead, (Sphyrnidae)
Stegostoma fasciatum, Zebra shark, (Stegostomatidae)

See also

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Outline of sharks Overview of and topical guide to sharks

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  1. Siliotti, A. (2002) fishes of the red sea Verona, Geodia ISBN   88-87177-42-2

FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly