List of synagogues in Slovakia

Last updated

One of the many synagogues in Slovakia: the Vrbove synagogue (built in 1883) Vrbove synagogue.jpg
One of the many synagogues in Slovakia: the Vrbove synagogue (built in 1883)

This list of synagogues in Slovakia contains active, otherwise used and destroyed synagogues in Slovakia. The list of Slovakian synagogues is not necessarily complete, as only a negligible number of sources testify to the existence of some synagogues.


In all cases the year of the completion of the building is given. Italics indicate an approximate date.

Bratislavský kraj

Bratislava Bratislava Neolog Synagogue 18931967Demolished when building new roads Bratislava synagoga 03-15 34m.jpg
Bratislava Bratislava New Orthodox Synagogue 1926StandOther name: Heydukova Street Synagogue. Orthodox Synagogue, Heydukova street, Bratislava 2.jpg
Bratislava Bratislava Old Orthodox Synagogue 18631961Destroyed
Gajary Gajary Synagogue 1875
Second half of 19th century
1950Demolished after WW2
Galanta Galanta Synagogue 18991975Destroyed in the 1970s.
Malacky Malacky Synagogue 1886StandUsed as an art school Malacky, synagoga, Slovensko.jpg
Modra Modra Synagogue 1902Stand Byvala synagoga, Sukenicka 34, Modra 01.JPG
Pezinok Pezinok Synagogue 18721958Destroyed.
Rohožník Rohožník Synagogue 1850StandToday warehouse Rohoznik synagoga.jpg
Senec Senec Synagogue 1875
Last quarter of 19th century
StandIs empty Synagogue in Senec (Szenc).JPG
Stupava Stupava Synagogue 1803Stand Synagoga stupava 2009.JPG
Svätý Jur Svätý Jur Synagogue 1790StandAlmost decay today Svaty Jur Synagoge 887.jpg
Záhorská Ves Záhorská Ves Synagogue  ?1944Destroyed during WW II [1]

Trnavský kraj

Dunajská Streda Dunajská Streda Adas-Israel Synagogue 19271955Destroyed in the 1950s
Dunajská Streda Dunajská Streda Great Synagogue 18651955Destroyed in the 1950s
Hlohovec Hlohovec Synagogue 18911960Destroyed.
Holíč Holíč Synagogue 1750
Built in the 18th century
1950Destroyed after WWII
Piešťany Neolog Synagogue Piešťany 19041979Destroyed. Bad-Postyen-furdo. Izr. templom.jpg
Šamorín Šamorín Synagogue 1912StandRenovated; Art gallery Samorin Front.jpg
Šaštín-Stráže Šaštín Synagogue 1852Stand Sastin synagoga 01.jpg
Senica Senica Synagogue 18661988Destroyed.
Sereď Sereď Synagogue 1925
Built in the 1920s
Trnava Trnava Orthodox Synagogue 1892StandToday cafe and cultural center Trnava Nova synag DSCN0290.JPG
Trnava Trnava Status Quo Ante Synagogue 1897StandToday art gallery and Judaica exhibition Trnava Synagoge Status Quo Ante 679.jpg
Veľký Meder Veľký Meder Synagogue 1875
Built in the 1870s
1950Destroyed after WW II
Vrbové Vrbové Synagogue 1883StandIs empty Vrbove synagogue.jpg

Trenčiansky kraj

Bánovce nad Bebravou Bánovce nad Bebravou Synagogue 1862StandToday Lutheran church Banovce nad Bebravou, synagoga (2).jpg
Čachtice Čachtice Synagogue 1830
In first half of 19th century
Lúky Lúky Synagogue 18721945Destroyed.
Nové Mesto nad Váhom Nové Mesto nad Váhom Synagogue 1815
First third of 19th century.
Považská Bystrica Považská Bystrica Synagogue 1893Stand
Prievidza Prievidza Synagogue 18681980Destroyed.
Púchov Púchov Synagogue 18681988Destroyed.
Trenčianska Teplá Trenčianska Teplá Synagogue  ? ?Destroyed.
Trencianske Teplice Trencianske Teplice Synagogue 18661950Destroyed after WWII
Trenčín Trenčín Old Synagogue 17951913Razed when new synagogue was built.
Trenčín Trenčín Synagogue 1913StandToday cultural center Trencin - Synagoga a zidovska skola.jpg

Nitriansky kraj

Bojná Bojná Synagogue 1878
Before 1880.
Part used as bar. Up for sale in June 2020 [2] Bojna - synagoga.jpg
Bošáca Bošáca Synagogue 1890
End of 19th century
Dubník Dubník Synagogue  ? ?Destroyed.
Hurbanovo Hurbanovo Synagogue 1880 ?Destroyed.
Kolárovo Kolárovo Synagogue 1875
2nd half of 19th century
1950Destroyed after WWII
Komárno Komárno Neolog Synagogue 1863StandToday fitness center Komarno-Neolog (5).jpg
Komárno Komárno Synagogue 1894Stand Cultural and Social Centre of the Jewish Community of Komarno.jpg
Komárno Komárno Former Synagogue 1827StandSynagogue till 1863, today restaurant and bar Former Synagogue in Europe Place, Komarno.jpg
Levice Levice Synagogue 1853StandRenovated and since 2012 culture house Synagogue in Levice.JPG
Nitra Nitra Synagogue 1911StandUsed as a cultural center Nitra - Synagoga.jpg
Nitra-Párovce Nitra-Párovce Synagogue 1850
Built in 19th century
1975Destroyed in the 1970s
Nové Zámky Nové Zámky Neolog Synagogue 1859
2nd half of 19th century
1945Heavily damaged during WWII and later razed.
Nové Zámky Nové Zámky Orthodox Synagogue 1880StandUsed as a cultural center NZ synagoga.jpg
Pribeta Pribeta Synagogue 1850
in 19th century
1950Destroyed after WW II
Šahy Šahy Status Quo Ante Synagogue 1852StandRenovated; Art gallery Front Status Quo Synagoge Sahy.jpg
Šahy Šahy Orthodox Synagogue 1929StandUnderwent reconstruction after WW II Front Orthodox Synagogue Sahy.jpg
Šaľa Šaľa Synagogue 18961965Destroyed.
Štúrovo Štúrovo Synagogue 1926StandStrongly altered after WW II
Šurany Šurany Synagogue 1916StandToday museum, cultural center Surany-synagoga1.jpg
Topoľčany Topoľčany Synagogue 1850
19th century
1950Destroyed after WW II
Veľké Ripňany Veľké Ripňany Synagogue 1904 [3] 1953 [4] Destroyed.
Vráble Vráble Synagogue 18701989Destroyed.
Želiezovce Želiezovce Synagogue  ? ?Destroyed.
Zlaté Moravce Zlaté Moravce Synagogue 1927StandIn 1951 changed to a gym

Žilinský kraj

Bytča Bytča Synagogue 1886StandIn a bad condition. To be renovated. Synagoga v Bytci.jpg
Čadca Čadca Synagogue 18641972Demolished
Dolný Kubín Dolný Kubín Synagogue 1893StandStrongly altered, today cinema.
Liptovský Hrádok Liptovský Hrádok Synagogue 1875
Second half of 19th century
1950Destroyed after WW II
Liptovský Mikuláš Liptovský Mikuláš Synagogue 1846StandRenovated, used for exhibitions LiptovskyMikulas11Slovakia13.JPG
Martin Martin Synagogue 1884
last quarter of 19th century
Ružomberok Ružomberok Synagogue 1880StandToday culture house Synagogue in Ruzomberok1.jpg
Slanica Slanica Synagogue 1850
in 19th century
1950Destroyed around 1950
Trstená Trstená Synagogue 1839StandNow shops inside Trstena 03.JPG
Turany Turany Synagogue 1800 [5] 1980Destroyed after 1980
Turčianske Teplice Turčianske Teplice Synagogue  ?1945Destroyed after 1945.
Turzovka Turzovka Synagogue 1898
started 1895
Tvrdošín Tvrdošín Synagogue 1895StandStrongly altered, night bar.
Varín Varín Synagogue  ?1950Destroyed after WW II
Veličná Veličná Synagogue  ?1943Wooden synagogue.
Vrútky Vrútky Synagogue 1910Stand Vrutky20.JPG
Žilina Žilina New Synagogue 1931Stand1945–2010 used as a theater, concert hall and cinema; renovated from 2011 Zilina (14).jpg
Žilina Žilina Old Synagogue 18651928Demolished to give way for new synagogue.

Banskobystrický kraj

Banská Bystrica Banská Bystrica Synagogue 18671983Destroyed.
Banská Štiavnica Banská Štiavnica Synagogue 1893StandRenovated SynagogaBS.jpg
Brezno Brezno Synagogue 1902StandBelonged to the neolog community. Brezno - synagoga - 2016.JPG
Detva Detva Synagogue  ?StandWidely rebuild; today a cinema
Fiľakovo Fiľakovo Synagogue 1873 [6] 1950Damaged in 1944, demolished in 1950 or 1960.
Halič Halič Synagogue 1872
2nd half of 19th century.
StandNow the church of the Lutheran congregation SYNAGOGA 2013-09-06 09-10-09.jpg
Kokava nad Rimavicou Kokava nad Rimavicou Synagogue 1900 [7] StandNow cultural centre Kokava nad Rimavicou - Synagoga (1).jpg
Kremnica Kremnica Synagogue 18901944Destroyed during WW II.
Lučenec Lučenec Neolog Synagogue 1925StandRenovated, cultural center Lucenec - synagoga (2016).jpg
Lučenec Lučenec Old Neolog Synagogue 18631923Razed to give way to new Neolog Synagogue.
Lučenec Lučenec Orthodox Synagogue 18671969Destroyed.
Rimavská Seč Rimavská Seč Orthodox Synagogue 19001950Destroyed after WW II
Rimavská Sobota Rimavská Sobota Orthodox Synagogue 18681986Destroyed.
Tornala Tornala Orthodox Synagogue 18901989Destroyed after WW II
Tornala Tornala Neolog Synagogue 1927?StandNot in use.
Zvolen Zvolen Synagogue 1895StandStrongly altered after WW II, not in use Zvolen synagoga.jpg
Žiar nad Hronom Žiar nad Hronom Synagogue 1888StandReconstructed. Not in use.

Prešovský kraj

Bardejov Bardejov Old Synagogue 1836StandRenovated Bardejov-AlteSynagoge (5).jpg
Bardejov Chevra-Bikur-Cholim Synagogue 1929StandInterior almost completely preserved 20180601 Synagoga w Bardejowie 1103 3405 DxO.jpg
Brezovica Brezovica Synagogue 18701965Destroyed.
Giraltovce Giraltovce Synagogue 1850
in 19th century.
1950Destroyed after WW II.
Humenné Humenné Old Synagogue 1795
in the 1790s
1975Destroyed in the 1970s.
Humenné Humenné New Synagogue 19301975Destroyed in the 1970s.
Huncovce Huncovce Synagogue 1825StandToday it is a textile storehouse.
Kapušany Kapušany Synagogue 18911950Destroyed after WW II.
Kežmarok Kežmarok Synagogue 1875
2nd half of 19th century.
1955Destroyed in the 1950s.
Kurima Kurima Synagogue 1850
in 19th century.
1950Destroyedafter WW II.
Levoča Levoča Synagogue 18991975Destroyed in the 1970s.
Lipany Lipany Synagogue 1929StandFully altered and now office premises.
Ľubotice Lubotice Synagogue 1833Standnow used by Greek-Catholic church Lubotice13Slovakia9.JPG
Podolínec Podolínec Synagogue 1885
in last quarter of 19th century.
Prešov Prešov Neolog Synagogue 1887StandUsed as a furniture store Judaism14Slovakia2.JPG
Prešov Prešov Orthodox Synagogue 1898Stand Presov12Slovakia145col.jpg
Prešov Prešov Klaus Synagogue 1935StandRented as an office by the Jewish community Areal zidovskej synagogy (Presov) Slovakia9.JPG
Raslavice Raslavice Synagogue 1930
in 1930s.
StandExample of modern architecture in the interwar period. Today warehouse Synagoga Raslavice.jpg
Sabinov Sabinov Synagogue 18641945 [8] Burnt down by Germans in January 1945.
Spišské Podhradie Spišské Podhradie Synagogue 1875StandToday culture house Spsynagogue.jpg
Stará Ľubovňa Stará Ľubovňa Synagogue 1930
in the 1920s or 1930s.
1950Destroyed after WW II.
Stropkov Stropkov Synagogue 18941985Destroyed in the 1980s.
Vranov nad Topľou Vranov nad Topľou Synagogue 19241982Destroyed.

Košický kraj

Čaňa Čaňa Synagogue  ?StandNow used as a cinema and shop.
Gelnica Gelnica Synagogue 1910
begin of 20th century.
1939Destroyed by local German population
Košice Košice Status Quo Ante Synagogue 18661958Destroyed.
Košice Košice Orthodox Synagogue 1899Stand Kosice-Orthodoxe (1) 01.jpg
Košice Košice Hassidic Synagogue 1920Stand Kosice-Chassidisch (1) 01.jpg
Košice Košice New Orthodox Synagogue 1927Stand Puskin utcai ortodox zsinagoga Kassa.JPG
Košice Košice Neolog Synagogue 1927StandNow Philharmonic Kosice - Dom umenia-8.jpg
Kráľovský Chlmec Kráľovský Chlmec Synagogue 1850StandIs empty Kiralyhelmec060.JPG
Krompachy Krompachy Synagogue  ? ?Destroyed.
Michalovce Michalovce Synagogue 18881976Destroyed.
Plešivec Plešivec Orthodox Synagogue 19061950Destroyed after WW II.
Pribeník Pribeník Synagogue 1910
early 20th century
StandUsed for cultural purposes. Perbenyik Pribenik - synagogue, Gallery of Nations.jpg
Rožňava Rožňava Neolog Synagogue 18931958Destroyed.
Sečovce Sečovce Synagogue 19041960Destroyed sometime after WW II.
Somotor Somotor Synagogue 18901950Destroyed after WW II.
Spišská Nová Ves Spišská Nová Ves Synagogue 18991941Destroyed.
Trebišov Trebišov Synagogue 19051950Destroyed after WW II.
Veľké Kapušany Veľké Kapušany Synagogue 18911950Destroyed after WW II.

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  1. "Z%C3%A1horsk%C3%A1 Ves synagogue - Google Search".
  2. "Another empty synagogue for sale — this time in a Slovak village, Bojna". 9 June 2020.
  3. Spector, Shmuel; Wigoder, Geoffrey (2001). The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust: Seredina-Buda-Z. ISBN   9780814793787.
  4. "Veľké Ripňany: JRD potrebovalo stavebný materiál, zbúralo synagógu".
  5. "Genealogy - Tourist Guide - Slovakia - Kosice - Bratislava - Guide to Travel Trip Hotel Info Roots Forum Church Birth Records of Slovakia".
  6. "Jüdische Gemeinde - Fileck/Filakovo (Slowakei)". Archived from the original on 2021-06-13. Retrieved 2022-07-12.
  7. "Synagogue in Kokava nad Rimavicou".
  8. "V Sabinove si 75 rokov od deportácií Židov pripomenuli kajúcou tryznou".


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