List of the Party of Regions members of the parliament of Ukraine, 2007–12

Last updated

The People's Deputies of Ukraine of the 6th convocation were elected in the snap parliamentary elections on September 30, 2007. The elections were held under the proportional system according to electoral lists of political parties and electoral blocks of political parties in Ukraine. [1]


According to the results of early elections the following political forces got in the Verkhovna Rada:

Together, these political forces gathered around 88.58% of the votes. All other political parties and blocks do not pass the electoral threshold of 3%. 2,73% of electors voted "against all".

The Party of Regions was allocated 175 seats in the parliament.


List NumberFull NameParty affiliationTime in parliamentOther
1 Viktor Yanukovych Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2010
2 Rayisa Bohatyryova Party of Regions 11/2007-05/2008
3 Taras Chornovil Party of Regions 11/2007–present
4 Inna Bohoslovska Party of Regions 11/2007–present
5 Nestor Shufrych Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
6 Mykola Azarov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
7 Rinat Akhmetov Party of Regions 11/2007–presentOwner of System Capital Management, AWOL for almost five years
8 Oleksandr Yefremov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
9 Yukhym Zvyahilsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
10 Borys Kolesnikov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
11 Vyacheslav Bohuslayev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
12 Heorhiy Skudar Party of Regions 11/2007–present
13 Volodymyr Rybak Party of Regions 11/2007–present
14 Andriy Klyuev Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
15 Mykola Yankovsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
16 Leonid Lytvynov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
17 Hennadiy Vasyliev not affiliated11/2007–presentHead of "Kyiv City Union "Monomakh Heritage"
18 Valentyn Landyk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
19 Viktor Tykhonov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
20 Yakiv Tabachnyk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
21 Anton Pryhodsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
22 Vasyl Dzharty Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
23 Tetyana Bakhteyeva Party of Regions 11/2007–present
24 Oleksandr Stoyan Party of Regions 11/2007–present
25 Vasyl Khara Party of Regions 11/2007–present
26 Viktor Turmanov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
27 Olena Lukash Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
28 Serhiy Kivalov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
29 Borys Deich Party of Regions 11/2007–present
30 Oleksiy Kostusyev Party of Regions 11/2007-05/2010
31 Svyatoslav Piskun not affiliated11/2007–present
32 Oleksandr Savchuk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
33 Oleksiy Bilyi Party of Regions 11/2007–present
34 Dmytro Tabachnyk Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
35 Vasyl Kyselyov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
36 Borys Petrov Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
37 Vasyl Horbal Party of Regions 11/2007–present
38 Leonid Klimov Party of Regions 11/2007–presentPresident of Imexbank, FC Chornomorets Odesa
39 Mykola Kruhlov Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
40 Ravil Safiullin Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010President of PFL Ukraine
41 Oleksandr Kuzmuk not affiliated11/2007–present
42 Oleksandr Volkov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
43 Ihor Prasolov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
44 Oleksandr Peklushenko Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2012
45 Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
46 Serhiy Lyovochkin Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
47 Volodymyr Makeyenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
48 Hanna Herman Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
49 Yuriy Boiko Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
50 Eduard Pavlenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
51 Ihor Humenyuk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
52 Yuriy Kolotsei Party of Regions 11/2007–present
53 Anatoliy Kinakh not affiliated11/2007–present
54 Oleksandr Lyeshchynsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
55 Eduard Prutnik Party of Regions 11/2007–present
56 Mykola Dzhyha Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2011
57 Serhiy Momot Party of Regions 11/2007–present
58 Yuriy Samoilenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
59 Oleksandr Vilkul Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
60 Valeriy Bevzenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
61 Pavlo Korzh Party of Regions 11/2007–present
62 Serhiy Klyuev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
63 Iryna Akimova Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010General Director of "Bureau of Economic and Social Technologies"
64 Volodymyr Malyshev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
65 Serhiy Larin Party of Regions 11/2007-05/2010
66 Volodymyr Maltsev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
67 Oleksandr Lavrynovych not affiliated11/2007-03/2010
68 Yaroslav Sukhyi Party of Regions 11/2007–present
69 Serhiy Kyi Party of Regions 11/2007–present
70 Anatoliy Korzhev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
71 Nurulislam Arkallayev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
72 Volodymyr Yaroshchuk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
73 Oleksandr Vasyliev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
74 Yuriy Voropayev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
75 Mykhailo Papiyev not affiliated11/2007-04/2010
76 Volodymyr Vecherko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
77 Yevhen Hyellyer Party of Regions 11/2007–present
78 Volodymyr Sivkovych Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
79 Dmytro Sandler Party of Regions 11/2007–present
80 Stanislav Melnyk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
81 Serhiy Tulub Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
82 Mykola Demyanko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
83 Anatoliy Tolstoukhov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
84 Valeriy Konovalyuk not affiliated11/2007–present
85 Yuriy Chertkov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
86 Dmytro Salamatin Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2011
87 Oleksandr Darda Party of Regions 11/2007–present
88 Pavlo Klymets Party of Regions 11/2007–present
89 Viktor Slavuta Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
90 Viktor Yanukovych Party of Regions 11/2007–present
91 Vitaliy Khomutynnik Party of Regions 11/2007–present
92 Oleksiy Lelyuk Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2012
93 Serhiy Holovatyi not affiliated11/2007–present
94 Volodymyr Kozak Party of Regions 11/2007-05/2011
95 Nvyer Mkhitaryan Party of Regions 11/2007–present
96 Andriy Derkach not affiliated11/2007–presentPresident of Enerhoatom
97 Oleksandr Popov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
98 Volodymyr Zubyk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
99 Vasyl Hrytsak Party of Regions 11/2007–present
100 Vasyl Khmelnytskyi not affiliated11/2007–present
101 Valeriy Bukayev Party of Regions 11/2007-09/2009President FC Zorya Luhansk, Died
102 Ivan Myrnyi not affiliated11/2007–presentVice-president of EES-Avia
103 Volodymyr Yatsuba Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
104 Vasyl Hureyev not affiliated11/2007–present
105 Yulia Novikova Party of Regions 11/2007–presentDeputy director of Misto Bank
106 Dmytro Reva Party of Regions 11/2007–presentGeneral director of DEMY
107 Valeriy Kharlim Party of Regions 11/2007–present
108 Mykola Lisin Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2011Died
109 Ihor Plokhoi not affiliated11/2007–present
110 Mykola Zlochevsky Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2011
111 Yuriy Ivanyushchenko not affiliated11/2007–presentPresident of UHK-2000
112 Mykola Soloshenko Party of Regions 11/2007–presentAdviser at metallurgical factory "Dniprostal"
113 Mykola Prysyazhnyuk Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
114 Oleh Tsaryov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
115 Hryhoriy Smityukh Party of Regions 11/2007–present
116 Vasyl Potapov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
117 Andriy Orlov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
118 Stanislav Skubashevsky Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
119 Volodymyr Demishkan Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2011
120 Oleksandr Yedin Party of Regions 11/2007–present
121 Pavlo Lebedyev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
122 Dmytro Svyatash Party of Regions 11/2007–present
123 Serhiy Moshak not affiliated11/2007–present
124 Andriy Kravets Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
125 Dmytro Prytyka Party of Regions 11/2007–present
126 Volodymyr Landik Party of Regions 11/2007–present
127 Andriy Selivarov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
128 Oleksandr Horoshkevych not affiliated11/2007–present
129 Pavlo Sulkovsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
130 Valeriy Bondyk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
131 Eduard Matviychuk Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
132 Elbrus Tedeyev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
133 Yulia Kovalyova Party of Regions 11/2007–present
134 Pavlo Burlakov Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
135 Mykhailo Chechetov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
136 Oleksiy Plotnikov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
137 Mykola Komar Party of Regions 11/2007–present
138 Tetyana Zasukha Party of Regions 11/2007–present
139 Ivan Vernydubov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
140 Oleksiy Zhuravko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
141 Dmytro Shentsev Party of Regions 11/2007–present
142 Dmytro Shpenov Party of Regions 11/2007–presentGeneral director of "Institute of strategic research"
143 Yuriy Miroshnychenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
144 Mykhailo Myronenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
145 Oleksandr Suprunenko Party of Regions 11/2007–presentDirector of Law center "Ekvitas"
146 Olena Bondarenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
147 Dmytro Kolyesnikov Party of Regions 11/2007-03/2010
148 Hryhoriy Illyashov not affiliated11/2007-02/2011
149 Artem Pshonka Party of Regions 11/2007–present
150 Viktor Bondarenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
151 Irina Berezhna Party of Regions 11/2007–presentPrivate notary KMNO
152 Serhiy Hlazunov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
153 Yuriy Moroko Party of Regions 11/2007–presentGeneral director of "MMDS-Ukraina"
154 Petro Pysarchuk Party of Regions 11/2007–present
155 Vladyslav Lukianov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
156 Ihor Lysov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
157 Ihor Shkirya Party of Regions 11/2007–present
158 Volodymyr Nakonechnyi Party of Regions 11/2007–present
159 Serhiy Titenko Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
160 Artem Synytsya Party of Regions 11/2007–present
161 Leonid Fesenko Party of Regions 11/2007-02/2011
162 Iryna Horina Party of Regions 11/2007–presentGeneral director of "Konsent"
163 Leonid Kozhara Party of Regions 11/2007–present
164 Artem Shcherban Party of Regions 11/2007–present
165 Ihor Hlushchenko Party of Regions 11/2007–presentPresident of "Energy Company of Ukraine"
166 Oleksandr Chernomorov Party of Regions 11/2007–present
167 Yuriy Karakai Party of Regions 11/2007–present
168 Vitaliy Bort Party of Regions 11/2007–present
169 Hryhoriy Mankovsky Party of Regions 11/2007–present
170 Volodymyr Demydko Party of Regions 11/2007–present
171 Vitaliy Kalyuzhny Party of Regions 11/2007–present
172 Viktor Korzh Party of Regions 11/2007–present
173 Ivan Popesku Party of Regions 11/2007–present
174 Mykhailo Zubets Party of Regions 11/2007–presentPresident of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences
175 Vadym Kolesnichenko Party of Regions 11/2007–present

Overlimit members

Members that replaced the initially elected deputies who were dismissed from the position of People's Deputy of Ukraine.

List NumberFull NameParty affiliation at electionsParty affiliation afterwardsTime in parliamentOther
176 Serhiy Ryzhuk Party of Regions Party of Regions 11/2007-04/2010
177 Oleksiy Fedun not affiliated05/2008–present
178 Hennadiy Samofalov Party of Regions 02/2009–present
179 Tamara Yehorenko Party of Regions 02/2010–present
180 Petro Melnyk Party of Regions 03/2010–present
181 Yuriy Boldyryev Party of Regions 03/2010–present
182 Maksym Lutsky Party of Regions 03/2010–present
183 Oleh Nadosha Party of Regions 03/2010–present
184 Valeriy Kelestyn not affiliated03/2010–present
185 Volodymyr Oliynyk Party of Regions 03/2010–present
186 Volodymyr Tolstenko Party of Regions 03/2010–present
187 Oleksiy Boyarchuk Party of Regions 03/2010-02/2011
188 Oleksandr Kozub Party of Regions 03/2010–present
189 Serhiy Maiboroda Party of Regions 03/2010–present
190 Hryhoriy Kaletnik Party of Regions 03/2010–present
192 Vasyl Stelmashenko Party of Regions 03/2010–presentDeputy General director of "TEKh PROM"
193 Oleksandr Zats Party of Regions 03/2010–present
195 Volodymyr Lychuk Party of Regions 03/2010–present
196 Vladyslav Zabarsky Party of Regions 03/2010–present
198 Andriy Pinchuk Party of Regions 03/2010–present
199 Anatoiy Horbatyuk Party of Regions 03/2010–present
200 Vitaliy Zablotsky Party of Regions 03/2010–present
201 Vasyl Chudnov Party of Regions 03/2010–presentDeputy director of "Halychynabud"
202 Yuriy Chmyr Party of Regions 03/2010-04/2010
203 Oleksiy Kunchenko Party of Regions 03/2010–present
204 Denys Omelianovych Party of Regions 03/2010–presentGeneral director of "APK-INVEST"
205 Vasyl Demchyshyn Party of Regions 04/2010–present
206 Orest Muts Party of Regions 04/2010–present
207 Mykola Romanyuk Party of Regions 04/2010–present
208 Petro Tsyurko Party of Regions 04/2010–present
209 Serhiy Husarov Party of Regions 04/2010–present
210 Serhiy Vasyutin not affiliated04/2010–presentChief governor of "Ukrtransleasing"
211 Oleksandr Yehorov Party of Regions 04/2010–presentChairman of Board of Supervisors of "Aktyv-Bank"
212 Vadym Stolar not affiliated04/2010–presentDirector of Trade House "Revival"
214 Yulia Kovalevska Party of Regions 04/2010–present
215 Oleksandr Kasyanyuk Party of Regions 04/2010–present
216 Volodymyr Zubanov Party of Regions 04/2010–present
217 Oleksandr Kyrychok Party of Regions 05/2010–presentChairman of Board of Supervisors of "Eurocomplex"
218 Leonid Isayev Party of Regions 05/2010–present
219 Serhiy Andros Party of Regions 02/2011–present
220 Anatoliy Stepanenko Party of Regions 02/2011–present
221 Volodymyr Litvinov Party of Regions 02/2011–present
222 Vasyl Yevtukhov Party of Regions 02/2011–present
223 Pavlo Soltus Party of Regions 02/2011–present
224 Ihor Zvarych Party of Regions 02/2011–present
226 Olena Netetska Party of Regions 02/2011–present
227 Serhiy Pachesyuk Party of Regions 05/2011–present
228 Serhiy Baranov-Mokhort Party of Regions 05/2011–presentDeputy director of "Pro-Line Group"
229 Borys Bilash Party of Regions 02/2012–present
230 Vitaliy Zhuravsky not affiliated04/2012–present

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  1. Про вибори народних депутатів України| від 25.03.2004 № 1665-IV (Стор. 1 з 11)