Water games are games played in a body of water, such as a swimming pool, pond, lake, or river.
One person is "it" and that individual stands outside of the pool at the edge with their back to the other players who are in the pool below them. The "it" person begins to call colors, and if a player's color is called, they must silently start swimming towards the other end of the pool and try to touch the wall without being tagged. If the "it" player hears them swimming, jump into the pool and try to tag the players before they get to the other wall. [3]
Participants take turns jumping into deep water to make the biggest splashes possible. The winner is the person who generates the largest splash, as determined by the consensus of the group or a judge. Before the contest begins, come to a majority agreement on the judging criteria for splashes. A “winning” splash can be determined by the height, width, or overall impact and the ripple effect of the jump. [4] Participants can also decide to expand the cannonball categories each round, judging for best performance, smallest splash, or most unique.
There are two players in the dunking game: the dunker and the dunkee. The dunker thinks of a category that doesn't have an endless amount of options, like a color, state, or vegetable. The dunker communicates what the category is and chooses a secret example that the dunkee will try to ascertain. In the pool, the dunker holds the dunkee in their arms like a baby while the dunkee guesses what the answer might be. If their guess is incorrect, their head gets dunked underwater by the dunker. When the dunkee finally guesses the dunker's answer, they win and become the next dunker. [5]