Listing number

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In mathematics, a Listing number of a topological space is one of several topological invariants introduced by the 19th-century mathematician Johann Benedict Listing and later given this name by Charles Sanders Peirce. Unlike the later invariants given by Bernhard Riemann, the Listing numbers do not form a complete set of invariants: two different two-dimensional manifolds may have the same Listing numbers as each other. [1]

There are four Listing numbers associated with a space. [2] The smallest Listing number counts the number of connected components of a space, and is thus equivalent to the zeroth Betti number. [3]

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  1. Peirce, Charles Sanders (1992), Reasoning and the Logic of Things: The Cambridge Conferences Lectures of 1898, Harvard University Press, Footnote 70, pp. 279–280, ISBN   9780674749672 .
  2. Peirce, pp. 99–102.
  3. Peirce, p. 99.