Local border traffic

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A 1928 small border traffic permit for travel between the Free State of Saxony and Czechoslovakia Bescheinigung Grenzverkehr 1928.jpg
A 1928 small border traffic permit for travel between the Free State of Saxony and Czechoslovakia

The local border traffic or small border traffic is cross-border traffic of residents of a border area. In many cases local border traffic is subject to bilateral regulation aimed at the simplification of border crossing for these residents. [1]


Often, additional border crossing points are created to carry only local border traffic.

European Union

The European Union rules on local border traffic were established by Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006. [2]

Former Yugoslavia

Of the former Communist states, citizens of Yugoslavia enjoyed a significant freedom of international movement. In 1960, local border traffic on the Yugoslavia — Italy border in Istria registered almost seven million crossings in both directions. [3] In 1977 Yugoslavia had 55 local border traffic agreements with the neighboring countries, including 7 with Italy, 11 with Austria, 8 with Hungary, 10 with Romania, 8 with Bulgaria, 5 with Greece. [4]

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  1. Steve Peers, EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, p. 210
  2. Regulation (EU) No 1342/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 as regards the inclusion of the Kaliningrad oblast and certain Polish administrative districts in the eligible border area
  3. Review: Yugolsav Magazine, 1961, "local+border+traffic p.43
  4. Vojislav Mićović, Velimir Popović, ugoslavia's openness to the world: the freedom of exchange of information and cultural goods and of movement of people, p. 97