Log-rank conjecture

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Unsolved problem in computer science:

Prove or disprove the log-rank conjecture.

In theoretical computer science, the log-rank conjecture states that the deterministic communication complexity of a two-party Boolean function is polynomially related to the logarithm of the rank of its input matrix. [1] [2]

Let denote the deterministic communication complexity of a function, and let denote the rank of its input matrix (over the reals). Since every protocol using up to bits partitions into at most monochromatic rectangles, and each of these has rank at most 1,

The log-rank conjecture states that is also upper-bounded by a polynomial in the log-rank: for some constant ,

The best known upper bound, due to Lovett, [3] states that

The best known lower bound, due to Göös, Pitassi and Watson, [4] states that . In other words, there exists a sequence of functions , whose log-rank goes to infinity, such that

In 2019, an approximate version of the conjecture has been disproved. [5]

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  1. Lovász, László; Saks, Michael (1988), Möbius Functions and Communication Complexity, Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, White Plains, New York, USA, pp. 81–90
  2. Lovett, Shachar (February 2014), "Recent advances on the log-rank conjecture in communication complexity", Bulletin of the EATCS, 112, arXiv: 1403.8106
  3. Lovett, Shachar (March 2016), "Communication is Bounded by Root of Rank", Journal of the ACM, 63 (1): 1:1–1:9, arXiv: 1306.1877 , doi:10.1145/2724704, S2CID   47394799
  4. Göös, Mika; Pitassi, Toniann; Watson, Thomas (2018), "Deterministic Communication vs. Partition Number", SIAM Journal on Computing, 47 (6): 2435–2450, doi:10.1137/16M1059369
  5. Chattopadhyay, Arkadev; Mande, Nikhil; Sherif, Suhail (2019), The Log-Approximate-Rank Conjecture is False, Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, Phoenix, Arizona, USA