Maffra Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bourke Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, [2] a cadasteral division of central New South Wales. [3]
The parish is on the Mitchell Highway and the Main Western railway line, New South Wales, and the nearest settlement is the town of Byerock a kilometer to the south.
The topography of the Parish is flat. The parish has a Köppen climate classification of BSh (Hot semi arid). [4]
Stuart Parish is a Rural locality of Bogan Shire at 30°51′22″S 146°46′17″E and civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales.
Bye, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bourke Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales.
Hazelwood Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Brewarrina Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales.
Russell Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Brewarrina Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales.
Edenhope Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Huntley Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Numurkah, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bourke Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Runnymede Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Goulburn Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Wangoom, New South Wales is a bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Medway Parish, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Mulgawarrina, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Brewarrina Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Mulgawarrina, New South Wales is a Bounded locality of Bogan Shire and a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Garfield Parish, New South Wales is a civil Parish of Cowper County, New South Wales, a cadasteral division of central New South Wales.
Yanda Parish, is a civil parish, of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Loftus Parish is a civil parish of Cowper County, New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales. located at 30°13'05.0"S 146°27'57.0"E between Byrock, New South Wales and Bourke, New South Wales.
Catombal Parish, New South Wales is a civil Parish, of the County of Delalah, a cadasteral division of New South Wales.
Kelly Parish is a remote rural locality on the Paroo River and a civil Parish, of the Thoulcanna County a cadasteral division of New South Wales.
Evelyn Parish, on the Paroo River, is a remote civil Parish, of Thoulcanna County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales.
Tantawanga Parish is a remote civil Parish, of the County of Barrona, a cadasteral division of New South Wales.