Magnetic dipole transition

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The interaction of an electromagnetic wave with an electron bound in an atom or molecule can be described by time-dependent perturbation theory. Magnetic dipole transitions describe the dominant effect of the coupling of the magnetic dipole moment of the electron to the magnetic part of the electromagnetic wave. They can be divided into two groups by the frequency at which they are observed: optical magnetic dipole transitions can occur at frequencies in the infrared, optical or ultraviolet between sublevels of two different electronic levels, while magnetic resonance transitions can occur at microwave or radio frequencies between angular momentum sublevels within a single electronic level. The latter are called Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) transitions if they are associated with the electronic angular momentum of the atom or molecule and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) transitions if they are associated with the nuclear angular momentum. [1]


Theoretical description

The Hamiltonian of a bare electron bound in an atom interacting with a time-dependent electromagnetic field is given by the Pauli equation (the theoretical description follows [2] ):

where and are the charge and mass of a bare electron, is the spin operator, is the vector potential of the wave and is the momentum operator. The Hamiltonian can be split into a time independent and a time dependent part:


the atomic Hamiltonian and the interaction with the electromagnetic wave (time-dependent):

Since the last term is quadratic in A it can be neglected for small fields. The time-dependent part can be Taylor expanded in terms belonging to electric transition dipole (from the first term), magnetic transition dipole (from the second term), and higher order terms, such as electric quadropole and so on. The term belonging to the magnetic transition dipole is:

Selection rules

The selection rules for allowed magnetic dipole transitions are:

1. (J: total angular momentum quantum number)

2. (: projection of the total angular momentum along a specified axis)

3. No parity change

Comparison to electric dipole transitions

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In quantum mechanics, magnetic resonance is a resonant effect that can appear when a magnetic dipole is exposed to a static magnetic field and perturbed with another, oscillating electromagnetic field. Due to the static field, the dipole can assume a number of discrete energy eigenstates, depending on the value of its angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number. The oscillating field can then make the dipole transit between its energy states with a certain probability and at a certain rate. The overall transition probability will depend on the field's frequency and the rate will depend on its amplitude. When the frequency of that field leads to the maximum possible transition probability between two states, a magnetic resonance has been achieved. In that case, the energy of the photons composing the oscillating field matches the energy difference between said states. If the dipole is tickled with a field oscillating far from resonance, it is unlikely to transition. That is analogous to other resonant effects, such as with the forced harmonic oscillator. The periodic transition between the different states is called Rabi cycle and the rate at which that happens is called Rabi frequency. The Rabi frequency should not be confused with the field's own frequency. Since many atomic nuclei species can behave as a magnetic dipole, this resonance technique is the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance, including nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

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  1. 1 2 C.Cohen Tannoudji; B.Diu; F.Laloe (1999). Quantum mechanics. Wiley. ISBN   978-0-471-56952-7.
  2. 1 2 A. E. Siegman (1986). LASERS . University Science Books. ISBN   0-935702-11-3.