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The manca (plural: mancae) is the post-larval juvenile in some crustaceans. The manca stage is the defining characteristic of a clade called Mancoida which comprises all the member of the Peracarida except the Amphipoda. [1] Mancae closely resemble the adult form, but for the absence of the last pair of pereiopods. [1] In some isopods, specifically the family Gnathiidae, the manca stage is a parasite of fish, and is also known as the praniza. [2]

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  1. 1 2 Peter Ax (2000). "Peracarida". The Phylogenetic System of the Metazoa. Multicellular Animals. Vol. 2. Springer. pp. 174–178. ISBN   978-3-540-67406-1.
  2. Albert O. Bush (2001). "Crustacea". Parasitism: the Diversity and Ecology of Animal Parasites. Cambridge University Press. pp. 226–241. ISBN   978-0-521-66447-9.