Map segmentation

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In mathematics, the map segmentation problem is a kind of optimization problem. It involves a certain geographic region that has to be partitioned into smaller sub-regions in order to achieve a certain goal. Typical optimization objectives include: [1]

Mathematics Field of study concerning quantity, patterns and change

Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure, space, and change.

In mathematics and computer science, an optimization problem is the problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. Optimization problems can be divided into two categories depending on whether the variables are continuous or discrete. An optimization problem with discrete variables is known as a discrete optimization. In a discrete optimization problem, we are looking for an object such as an integer, permutation or graph from a countable set. Problems with continuous variables include constrained problems and multimodal problems.


Fair cake-cutting

Fair cake-cutting is a kind of fair division problem. The problem involves a heterogeneous resource, such as a cake with different toppings, that is assumed to be divisible – it is possible to cut arbitrarily small pieces of it without destroying their value. The resource has to be divided among several partners who have different preferences over different parts of the cake, i.e., some people prefer the chocolate toppings, some prefer the cherries, some just want as large a piece as possible. The division should be subjectively fair, in that each person should receive a piece that he or she believes to be a fair share.

Fair division of land has been an important issue since ancient times, e.g. in ancient Greece. [2]

Ancient Greece Civilization belonging to an early period of Greek history

Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of antiquity. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Roughly three centuries after the Late Bronze Age collapse of Mycenaean Greece, Greek urban poleis began to form in the 8th century BC, ushering in the Archaic period and colonization of the Mediterranean Basin. This was followed by the period of Classical Greece, an era that began with the Greco-Persian Wars, lasting from the 5th to 4th centuries BC. Due to the conquests by Alexander the Great of Macedon, Hellenistic civilization flourished from Central Asia to the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. The Hellenistic period came to an end with the conquests and annexations of the eastern Mediterranean world by the Roman Republic, which established the Roman province of Macedonia in Roman Greece, and later the province of Achaea during the Roman Empire.


There is a geographic region denoted by C ("cake").

A partition of C, denoted by X, is a list of disjoint subregions whose union is C:

There is a certain set of additional parameters (such as: obstacles, fixed points or probability density functions), denoted by P.

There is a real-valued function denoted by G ("goal") on the set of all partitions.

The map segmentation problem is to find:

where the minimization is on the set of all partitions of C.

Often, there are geometric shape constraints on the partitions, e.g., it may be required that each part be a convex set or a connected set or at least a measurable set.

Convex set In geometry, set that intersects every line into a line segment

In geometry, a convex set or a convex region is a subset of a Euclidean space, or more generally an affine space over the reals, that intersects every line into a line segment. Equivalently, this is a subset that is closed under convex combinations. For example, a solid cube is a convex set, but anything that is hollow or has an indent, for example, a crescent shape, is not convex.


1. Red-blue partitioning: there is a set of blue points and a set of red points. Divide the plane into regions such that each region contains approximately a fraction of the blue points and of the red points. Here:

It equals 0 if each region has exactly a fraction of the points of each color.
Voronoi diagram Type of plane partition

In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane. That set of points is specified beforehand, and for each seed there is a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. These regions are called Voronoi cells. The Voronoi diagram of a set of points is dual to its Delaunay triangulation.

The following variant of the fair cake-cutting problem was introduced by Ted Hill in 1983.

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In the theory of fair cake-cutting, the Radon–Nikodym set (RNS) is a geometric object that represents a cake, based on how different people evaluate the different parts of the cake.

In the fair cake-cutting problem, the partners often have different entitlements. For example, the resource may belong to two shareholders such that Alice holds 8/13 and George holds 5/13. This leads to the criterion of weighted proportionality (WPR): there are several weights that sum up to 1, and every partner should receive at least a fraction of the resource by their own valuation.


  1. Raghuveer Devulapalli (Advisor: John Gunnar Carlsson) (2014). Geometric Partitioning Algorithms for Fair Division of Geographic Resources. A Ph.D. thesis submitted to the faculty of university of Minnesota.
  2. Boyd, Thomas D.; Jameson, Michael H. (1981). "Urban and Rural Land Division in Ancient Greece". Hesperia. 50 (4): 327. doi:10.2307/147876. JSTOR   147876.