Mapping space

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In mathematics, especially in algebraic topology, the mapping space between two spaces is the space of all the (continuous) maps between them.


Viewing the set of all the maps as a space is useful because that allows for topological considerations. For example, a curve in the mapping space is exactly a homotopy.


A mapping space can be equipped with several topologies. A common one is the compact-open topology. Typically, there is then the adjoint relation

and thus is an analog of the Hom functor. (For pathological spaces, this relation may fail.)

Smooth mappings

For manifolds , there is the subspace that consists of all the -smooth maps from to . It can be equipped with the weak or strong topology.

A basic approximation theorem says that is dense in for . [1]

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  1. and
  2. if and , then
  3. If and , then

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  1. Hirsch , Ch. 2., § 2., Theorem 2.6.