Marc Depaepe

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Marc Depaepe (born 3 February 1953) is a professor of pedagogy science at the KU Leuven [1] and was from 2013 until 2017 vice- and campus rector [2] [3] of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.



He followed the lower secondary education at Sint-Amandschool (South) in Kortrijk and higher secondary education at the Sint-Jozefsinstituut in Torhout. At the University of Leuven, he graduated from the Master of Science (1977) and Doctor (1982) in Educational Sciences, with a special doctorate (1989) in this field. He became a researcher at the National Research Fund.

In 1996, he became a professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the KU Leuven and from 2004 at the Kulak.

His research focused on the following themes:

As for the speciality of 'historical pedagogy', he taught 'Modern Educational Systems' in Leuven and' 'History of Behavioral Sciences' and 'History of Education, Education and Training' 'in Kortrijk.

From 1 August 2013 until 31 July 2017 he was vice-rector of the KU Leuven, campus rector of the Kulak and academic manager of KU Leuven for the campuses of Bruges and Ostend.

He was active in numerous scientific organisations, among others





Depaepe is married. Together they have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren.


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  1. "KU Leuven who's who - Marc Depaepe". Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  2. "Marc Depaepe nieuwe campusrector Kulak" (in Dutch). Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  3. vkk,ktb. "Marc Depaepe nieuwe rector Kulak". Het Nieuwsblad (in Flemish). Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  4. Depaepe, Marc (1993). Zum Wohl des Kindes?: Pädologie, pädagogische Psychologie und experimentelle Pädagogik in Europa und den USA, 1890-1940 (in German). Leuven University Press. ISBN   9783892714385 . Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  5. Marc, Depaepe (2000-01-01). "De pedagogisering achterna. Aanzet tot een genealogie van de pedagogische mentaliteit in de voorbije 250 jaar (3e ed.)" (in Dutch). Retrieved 2017-07-09.