Masked owl

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Masked owl or masked-owl refers to various owls in the genus Tyto , including:

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Barn-owl Family of birds

Barn-owls are one of the two families of owls, the other being the true owls or typical owls, Strigidae. They are medium to large owls with large heads and characteristic heart-shaped faces. They have long, strong legs with powerful talons. They also differ from the Strigidae in structural details relating in particular to the sternum and feet.

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The Taliabu masked owl, also known as the Taliabu owl or the Sula Islands barn owl, is an owl in the barn owl family, Tytonidae. This is one of the two groups of owls, the other being the typical owls, family Strigidae. It is endemic to Taliabu Island of Indonesia.

<i>Tyto</i> Genus of birds

Tyto is a genus of birds consisting of true barn owls, grass owls and masked owls that collectively make up all the species within the subfamily Tytoninae of the barn owl family, Tytonidae.

Australian masked owl Species of owl

The Australian masked owl is a barn owl of Southern New Guinea and the non-desert areas of Australia.

Powerful owl Species of owl

The powerful owl, a species of owl native to south-eastern and eastern Australia, is the largest owl on the continent. It is found in coastal areas and in the Great Dividing Range, rarely more than 200 km (120 mi) inland. The IUCNRed List of Threatened Species also refers to this species as the powerful boobook. An apex predator in its narrow distribution, powerful owls are often opportunists, like most predators, but generally are dedicated to hunting arboreal mammals, in particular small to medium-sized marsupials. Such prey can comprise about three-quarters of their diet. Generally, this species lives in primary forests with tall, native trees, but can show some habitat flexibility when not nesting. The powerful owl is a typically territorial raptorial bird that maintains a large home range and has long intervals between egg-laying and hatching of clutches. Also, like many types of raptorial birds, they must survive a long stretch to independence in young owls after fledging. Unlike most raptorial birds, however, male powerful owls are larger and stronger than females, so the male takes the dominant position in the mating pair, which extends to food distribution.

Lesser sooty owl Species of owl

The lesser sooty owl is an owl that lives in the wet tropics region of Australia. It is sometimes considered conspecific with the greater sooty owl, Tyto tenebricosa, by some authors. The birds are then together commonly referred to as sooty owl. Like other birds of prey, the female is bigger than the male. The lesser sooty owl is part of the masked group of owls: an important part of the environment because they are efficient predators that keep down rodent populations.

The Manus masked owl is a barn owl endemic to Manus Island in the Admiralty Islands. Some authors consider it a subspecies of Australian masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae).

The golden masked owl is a barn owl endemic to the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. It is also known as New Britain barn owl, New Britain masked owl, Bismarck owl and Bismarck masked owl.

Minahasa masked owl Species of owl

The Minahasa masked owl, also known as the Minahasa barn owl, Sulawesi owl or Sulawesi golden owl, is a barn owl endemic to the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The name is derived from the Minahassa Peninsula, where it was first described as a breeding bird; however, it is also known to live in north-central Sulawesi.

Eastern grass owl Species of owl

The eastern grass owl, also known as Chinese grass owl or Australian grass owl, is a species of owl in the family Tytonidae. They feed predominantly on small rodents.

Sulawesi masked owl Species of owl

The Sulawesi masked owl is a species of owl in the family Tytonidae. It is endemic to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Sangihe and Peleng. It is listed by the IUCN as being of least concern.

The Moluccan masked owl, also known as the lesser masked owl, is a species of owl in the barn owl family. It is endemic to the south Moluccas of Indonesia. Some taxonomists consider this species to be conspecific with the Australian masked owl.

Grass owl may refer to:

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Tasmanian masked owl Subspecies of bird

The Tasmanian masked owl is a bird in the barn owl family Tytonidae that is endemic to the island state of Tasmania, Australia. It is the largest subspecies of the Australian masked owl, the largest Tyto owl in the world, and is sometimes considered a full species. The subspecific name castanops, meaning "chestnut-faced", comes from the colouring of the facial disc. It was first described by John Gould, who wrote about it in his Handbook to the Birds of Australia as:

"…a species distinguished from all the other members of its genus by its great size and powerful form. Probably few of the Raptorial birds, with the exception of the Eagles, are more formidable or more sanguinary in disposition."

"Forests of large but thinly scattered trees, skirting plains and open districts, constitute its natural habitat. Strictly nocturnal in its habits, as night approaches it sallies forth from the hollows of the large gum-trees, and flaps slowly and noiselessly over the plains and swamps in search of its prey, which consists of rats and small quadrupeds generally."

Andaman masked owl Species of owl

The Andaman masked owl is a barn owl endemic to the southern Andaman Islands, an archipelago between India and Myanmar, in the Bay of Bengal. Regarded by some authors as a subspecies of the common barn owl, it is recognized by others as a species in its own right.

The Seram masked owl is an owl species in the family Tytonidae endemic to Seram Island in Indonesia. After being first brought to the attention of the world from a photograph taken during an expedition by Rudi Badil and Sukianto Lusli in the Manusela National Park in Seram in 1987 the holotype was mist-netted on 10 February 2012 and this species was formally described in 2013. The species' epithet commemorates Alma Jønsson, the daughter of Knud Andreas Jønsson, one of the describers of the Seram masked owl.

Northern masked owl Subspecies of bird

The northern masked owl is a large forest owl in the family Tytonidae. The northern kimberli subspecies was identified as a novel race of the Australian masked owl by the Australian ornithologist Gregory Macalister Mathews in his 1912 reference list of Australian birds. The northern masked owl occurs in forest and woodland habitats in northern Australia, ranging from the northern Kimberley region to the northern mainland area of the Northern Territory and the western Gulf of Carpentaria. While the Australian masked owl is recognized as the largest species in the family Tytonidae, the northern masked owl is one of the smallest of the Australian masked owl subspecies.

Bangadilly National Park is a national park located around 20 km west of Bowral in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Established in 2001, it is made up of three separate, similarly sized areas of land totalling 2,141 hectares in area. It consists of sandstone plateaus and gorges bordering the Wingecarribee River.